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Moishes Steakhouse: History and Steak Tips from the Experts

founded in 1938 this place no stick and
is a fixture on the Montreal restaurant
scene hi I’m Rebecca Braden and welcome
to and today we’ll be
learning more about Moises Steakhouse if
we could start by having you introduce
yourself my name is Lenny later
I am motion steakhouse an operator my
father was moisha
I’m his son second generation and we’ve
been here 72 years
how does Moises prepare steak
differently than other steak houses we
cook on live charcoal my opinion in
parts you know a more natural
interesting flavor most other steak
houses these days use guys and we think
having the charcoal gives us an extra
edge another thing I’d like to add is is
because we’ve been here 72 years our
grills are old a lot of the seasoning a
lot of the history a lot of the flavor
is actually in the grills itself fat and
grease drops onto the stones the the
fire brick they come back up and favors
for steaks
tell us about the meat that you use we
source one product from one place only
and we use us beef in the United States
they they finish their their cattle on
corn and we feel that imparts a richer
flavor and Canadian beef which uses
usually raw or barley now when looking
for the perfect steak what are you
looking for we look for marbling which
at the end of the day is fat in the meat
and that’s that’s where the the flavor
and tenderness comes from we age our
meat so we have certain specifications
in terms of how long we want to keep it
before we cut and serve it here it’s
typically five to six weeks we season it
we use just a little bit of salt you
know that’s the only thing we use a lot
of people use you know different types
of mixes
and spices but we keep it simple we cut
daily our butcher comes in every day and
we cut what we need open we anticipate
our needs are on a down on a daily basis
so even though the meat is aged it’s
it’s it’s cut fresh thank you very much
my pleasure
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