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Men With Mojo Video Profile on Humphrey Bogart: #21

when Humphrey Bogart’s career beyond in
1921 he had no formal acting training
whatsoever and it showed the reviews of
his first production they were at least
polite but they were less than favorable
what really set Bogart apart from the
rest of his ilk is that he despised
pretentious fakes and phonies in fact we
spoke out against them all the time
disgusted by the inferior movies that he
himself was a part of he developed the
complex of a soured idealist who was
cursed to live out his days in New York
instead of Hollywood amongst inferiors
having to live off his wig and his drink
you constantly cursed out second-rate
actors and to the delight of the
Hollywood press always spoke out against
by productions and by producers the
visions of his soured idealism came
through in 1999 when the American Film
Institute elected him as the greatest
male lead of all time so this is only
one reason why Humphrey Bogart has so
much mojo but look at the list it’s
impressive first of all he had integrity
he spoke his mind but it went beyond
that is integrity he lived out his own
complex and he lived out his own
rebellion and of course he party harder
than anyone else of his time and that’s
probably half of what made him the
greatest male lead
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