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Men With Mojo Video Profile on Bill Clinton: # 46

who other with best personify political
mojo and former US president bill
clinton born august nineteen nineteen
forty six he became the 42nd president
of the united states serving two
consecutive terms 1993 to 2001 now while
many people might remember for certain
actions which took place behind the
closed doors of the oval office in this
service country proud during his Tanner
on the domestic front his efforts
include creating a universal health care
system improving education improving
race relations restricting the sales of
handguns and protecting workers during
pregnancy or medical emergencies in the
international world his efforts included
trying to reduce trade barriers
preventing nuclear creation and
mitigation of peace process and to top
it all off at the end of his two terms
he finished with a sixty-five percent
approval rating highest of any president
in the post Eisenhower era
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