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Mark Cuban Profile: Men with Mojo Series

Mark Cuban born July thirty-first 1958
in Pittsburgh Philadelphia USA how do we
know him now while we know him as the
outspoken billionaire for the NBA
basketball team that Dallas Mavericks he
earned his way through college by giving
dance lessons now it’s not not what you
think and not those type of dance
lessons are nothing even corny and
cheesy but it was disco dancing lessons
now you freed at the time he was going
to school this school was the ish right
so he earned his way that that’s hot
that’s hot anyway after college he moved
to Dallas Texas and he began to work for
IBM he was a software dealer but no what
was Mark Cuban doing he was on the phone
with high-level clients making sales and
because of that dude got fired that’s
how be the best thing IBM did because
what did he do after that he started his
own company f that I’m gonna do my own
thing he started micro solution and from
there things just took off he and was
smart about him is that he took his
clients from IBM over to micro solutions
with him and these are clients with
money right so he kept on me kept his
clients he started his own business
start his own company you know started
his own accounts on his own and started
making that money the money started
rolling in and just the rest of the
progression is just he broke for some of
the biggest biggest names in technology
today we have novell we have three calm
apple and sun microsystems so in working
with these companies she decided oh okay
I’m done I’m over it I’m gonna sell this
company and he sold it for six million
dollars but him and his former former
roommate at Indiana University had a
Wagner they still follow the NBA team i
should say for dallas and he decided you
know what why don’t we broadcast games
over the internet or the basketball
games online pioneers right we’re
talking about pioneers people who
started things first so this is back in
90 95 they started audio net together
which then he started working with
broadcast calm and they achieved success
they were they were successful of course
he made his money broadcast calm turned
into a company with 300 employees now
he’s head CEO of his own company he’s
employing people
next thing you know they have revenues
of close to a hundred million dollars
and then he was able to sell the company
off to yahoo later on billions we’re
talking billions of dollars in stock
okay so once that was all done he
decided to buy the Mavericks for 285
million dollars the sale was completed
in February of two thousand and voila
and there you have it and supposedly if
he’s one of the most controversial
owners what I understand and that’s how
we know about them right so keep thing
Mark Cuban
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