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Medieval Culture 101 – Accessories

hi welcome to today our
very own Vanessa Valera travels back to
the medieval times to look at some
source for the men and some fashion for
the ladies we have here our historical
swords like Excalibur like the Templars
source and the Viking sword and here we
have cone and sword they’re replicas
there are only decorative swords of
course can you show us a battle-ready
sword this is a real sword that you can
use for fighting it is carbonized steal
the sword goes all the way from here to
here and that’s why it is ready for
combat so it’s one whole piece of steel
so that gives it a great handle a great
grip do you use different materials for
the sorcerer is usually just steal these
are more of fantasy type of swords this
is steel but it is polished by hand this
is high-quality types of swords now
where every single girl likes grandes
can explain to us and show us some
pieces that are a medieval gothic
designer inspired everything here is a
maid mixing ancient style with modern
textures she has a more classic style
and she has a more gothic type of style
here with a corset what kind of
materials so you usually use oh she uses
a lot of lace she even does corsets and
letter it’s very sexy Oh Barry
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