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Laser Hair Removal Method

one accessory women never want is body
hair that’s why we here at
are looking into a method that will
remove hair for good hi I’m Veronica and
today we’re speaking with an expert for
all the facts on the laser hair removal
method sullen is laser hair removal
laser hair removal is essentially
removing hair permanently with laser
energy the hair only needs tubes or the
laser energy wants for it to be removed
permanently the hair follicle needs to
be in the growth phase and there’s never
you never know what percentage of hairs
are in the right face so when it is in
the right face and it absorbs that
energy it is damaged and doesn’t go back
so how long until you’re permanently
hair free the industry generally says
that you need six to eight treatments
for approximately eighty five two
ninety-two percent permanent hair
reduction can this be done on any area
of the body any part on the exterior
from your forehead to your toes can be
treated I know first you have to have a
consultation so does this work on any
type of skin there’s no laser in the
world that works on hair without pigment
so some people are not a good candidate
and that’s why we need to evaluate the
color of their hair everyone can get a
hold of the laser but not everyone is
certified how do you make sure you’re at
a safe facility essentially it’s
important to know that a doctor has seen
you before your treatments begin has
looked over your medical history charges
to make sure there aren’t any you know
illnesses or conditions or medications
that somebody is on that could cause
side effects so it’s really important to
know that there is medical staff there
let’s say someone decided that they want
to start the laser hair removal process
what can they expect at their very first
appointment you enter the room with the
laser hair removal technician and she
makes sure that all the areas that are
going to be treated have been thoroughly
shaved there’s always some touching up
to do and then you know we start one
area at a time
and make sure that everything is done
thoroughly we take our time we don’t
like to rush through it we can you know
get feedback from the person who’s
having the treatment done as far as is
it painful how do you feel is it very
hot is there anything you need to avoid
after your appointment no you can go
back to work back to school back to
wherever it is the important things are
that you don’t expose your body to
really hot water or a Jacuzzi or a sauna
or that type of thing so there are
certain and post-treatment instructions
that we give to everybody just to make
sure you know for example the Sun
avoiding this on and so on just to make
sure that everything is is done well
well thank you very much not at all
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