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Know Your Mojo Live – Guess The List To Win Merch!

hello and welcome to know your mojo my
name is Eric Cohen and joining me as
always as my main man Jim how you doing
buddy I’m good are you I’m good we’re
gonna give away some stuff this is your
chance to win yourself some sweet mojo
merch basically you just have to figure
out the answer to our skill testing quiz
I’m very excited we got we have some
music this time yeah yeah we dance we
get up on the on the desk and we have it
out so how does it work basically we’ve
got a live chat going on and gemma is
manning the controls over here and we’re
going to present you guys an upcoming
WatchMojo list we’re gonna we’re gonna
reverse engineer it so we’ll give you
the entries and we’ll squish all that
into a supercut which was put together
by none other than phoebe over there
whoa hey Phoebe
Phoebe’s gonna come out and sing for you
guys in a little bit and we’re putting
together the supercut we’re gonna show
it to you you have to guess what the
name of the list is based on those
entries and if you get it you plug it
into the chat and if you’re the first
person to guess the correct answer we’re
looking for the exact names as close as
we can get as close as we can get first
person to get as close as we can get
we’ll win that sweet mojo March yeah
so I know all the blah blah you guys
don’t care about that you just want the
merchants let’s get right to the
don’t tell me I’ll tell you me and my
oh yeah good enough you’re a baby we
were singing along to a lot of those
ones in fact Phoebe Phoebe sings a
little bit of Cher I want to invite
Phoebe over here to sing it if I could
turn back down yeah no come on come on
over here and sing we’re gonna try it
man he’s gonna try and get Phoebe out
here so she because she’s I mean she can
belt it come on come belt the song out
I’m not
out do we have any guesses so far yeah
yeah oh oh okay I guess it’s around here
comes baby you may know her from such
films and series is as the cinephiles
extended cut and also the men watch
so here’s Phoebe can you can you sing us
a little bit of Cher
okay wait after warmup okay here I’ll
back out which song should I sing the
one the
my favorite one okay do you believe
there we go
Thank You Phoebe ladies and gentlemen
Phoebe do you believe what that no I
can’t do it so uh you were talking about
some of the guesses we have I was ah
let’s see there was one I saw its top
ten songs your parents know top ten
songs your parents know yeah that’s I
think my parents know all of these songs
Andrew Queen Tana says top ten old
school rock songs mm-hmm
Andrew Purcell says most powerful songs
it says top 10 most used songs and
the case of Louie Armstrong that’s like
every commercial every movie ever made
true there is a random weirdo which is
their username and not what I’m calling
them yes there’s a top ten iconic songs
from movies and TV shows no that’s the
second one of that sort okay yeah top
ten performers after 20th century
Matthew Haddad okay you guys are you’re
on the right track I mean there’s a lot
of great singers in there a lot of great
performances but that’s the question is
it the performance is that the singers
that the song is that the album is it
the particular passage of a song really
hard to know I think we should play it
again and should I give a hint no let’s
see it again and then we’ll come back
don’t tell me I’ll tell you me and my
I love the fact that as we’re seeing the
number two entry there which is a Tiny
Tim Jim whispers of expenses is that
weird al of the two of the 26s why is
there no that was Tiny Tim in fact let’s
go through the answers I should let you
guys know by the way this is as we often
do at WatchMojo we have a list and
there’s so many entries that we have to
do another list and so this is another
and these are all you know the list that
we’re doing now and the upcoming one are
both lists that have not yet been
published on our site so they’re coming
out in the coming days or weeks but you
can’t necessarily know that there’s no
way of knowing but there’s a bit of a
sneak peak so let’s let’s have a look
this is another something something
something what is it another top ten
something here we go all right number
ten share yeah yeah no dispute in that
one number nine Louie Armstrong one of
my personal favorites of all time and
certainly know I was gonna say it let’s
just keep going
number eight Robert Plant let’s get the
Zep out get the letter and get the
second let out here’s a question for the
chat uh-huh favorite Zeppelin song yeah
you know because often you know the the
standard go to one is is stairway to
heaven but that’s not my favorite my
personal favorite it’s actually how many
– how many more times last song in the
first step
Zeppelin one alright number seven Nina
Simone one of the greatest artists of
all time certainly a huge presence in
the civil rights movement number six Axl
Rose not as important to the silver
rights movement but still a very iconic
performer number five as you might have
guessed by the way this is not about the
song this is about the performer number
five Elvis Presley
you ever been to Graceland I have not
man is that fun it’s it’s such a trip
even if you’re not a huge Elvis fan
I mean Memphis as a city shout out to
Memphis by the way such a cool place so
much good food so much good music not
only is the Graceland there but their
Stax Records and if I’m not mistaken
Al Green is still a parishioner he still
presides over a church every Sunday you
can go and see Al Green just kind of
holding every Sunday I number for Barry
Gibb from the Bee Gees you know one of
the three brothers who had such an
incredible impact on disco and soul and
I mean they started off basically as a
Beatles Beatles offshoot number three
Janis Joplin nothing more to say on that
one number two was 20s Weird Al he’s
oh that’s right and number one Barry
very white I mean you know you know all
you basically has to have to do is put
on Barry White and some something’s
gonna happen
so I’m sure we still have more entries
coming in fast and furious maybe even
people talking Zeppelin
what are you seein right there on your
screen see okay clay downing also said
top ten performers from the 20th century
mm-hmm Sam hammer Sam hammer gets it
very very very wrong by saying yet
another top ten toxic gaming communities
hmm I mean do you want us to make that
list it doesn’t really work okay yeah
Barry Olson says top 10 groundbreaking
says top 10 freedom songs oh I don’t
know if Night Fever well sure why not
okay maybe tiptoe through the tulips
might not be a you know that much of a
rebel song but yeah YouTube video says
top down old singers singers yet that
they are all oldest yeah yeah works huh
Olivia Wiggins loves Graceland yes son
you should know this yeah
twisted hawk 16 top ten singers part of
some sort of counterculture I I like the
guessing uh-huh tangible Vaman to says
top 10 communist songs none of these
people are songs themselves no but it’s
okay he might have or she might have
been looking at the list and just I mean
that they are yeah okay that works but
but it’s not the right answer it’s
another top 10 or top 10 another top 10
something something do we have a winner
huh Wow earlier actually this see one go
me to read that out let’s let’s have one
more look at the list should we do you
guys want to see another list quicky
quicky all right it’s doing it’s fun
don’t tell me I’ll tell you me and my
oh yeah very great singer man me yeah no
I mean the snippets I’ve heard something
like like please I’m not a singer thank
you so let’s let’s just get right to it
let’s give away some merch it could be a
hat it could be a t-shirt it could be
very cool off our store but let’s let’s
hear who we go in the winner the winner
is ace skulls a skulls rightfully
guessed that this list was top 10 unique
voices rather another top two unique
voices yeah absolutely and that that it
was I mean these are all very very
unique and but like we were saying it’s
it’s another so the first list that we
had already released had joanna newsom
David Bowie Joe Cocker Ray Charles
Freddie Mercury Billy Corgan Bjork
Michael Jackson Bob Dylan Tom Waits you
know who I’m surprised is missing from
both these lists Oh Neil Young huh
where’s Neil Young probably in my
estimation one of the most unique voices
in music history and this is the you
know the whole thing is that most of
these people would not have done well
maybe on the voice but not on American
Idol the whole point of American Idol
was they were looking for a certain kind
of voice and I always said it’s it’s a
terrible thing for the music industry
because what we want is unique voices
you know soul for voices we didn’t want
perfection so I think what a lot of
these people have some of them were
perfect but some of them just had so
much solace if I remember correctly in
the comments of the first video a lot of
people were calling us by the fact that
we did not put Louis Armstrong in the
first one he was an honorable mention
though I think he he was I guess he was
but the fact that he wasn’t on the
actual list a lot of people were calling
us out on that and so that’s my guess
yeah kind of like a Maricopa situation
there we go so congratulations to ace
skulls a skulls how does a scream a
surprise well I’m glad Joe asks if you
go to slash WatchMojo and go
to our About tab you will see a little
chat icon there you click on it and then
you’ll be able to send us your email
address so send us your email address
and we will contact you with more
information on how you can get your
merch oh is that still working by the
way weren’t we saying that that I was
still working as of today as of
okay this is working – trust me and
today and if you’re already forgotten
what I’ve said the instructions are in
the copy in the description below
excellent thank you very much Jim any
any of those songs or singers that that
you prefer over anyone else ah I’m
always like Lee Armstrong but I’ve seen
Axl Rose live oh yeah and that’s not was
it the broken leg tour doesn’t eat it
doesn’t sound like what he sounds
Recordings anymore and I wouldn’t have
wanted to see ac/dc with him singing
that just maybe I can’t imagine it
anyways on to the next list because that
wasn’t the only chance to win any merch
and we have a lot of people who were
sitting here who were itching to get
their hands on some merch so let’s hit
let’s go this is this one might be a
little bit harder so prepare yourselves
Phoebe who made the super cut can you
sorry Porter it’s really beautiful about
you two kids pick me you didn’t have to
but you pick me it makes me want to kiss
you in guys know nature and truth are
the very enemies of play-acting I’ll
wager my fortune I thought you were here
because you had none I thought there
must have been a reason you want to see
me principal is a big job I just want to
say though it’s just till June and if
you can’t work out my winter passion for
me the least I require is respecting
allegiance the circle is nothing when I
left you I was but I learn now I am the
a census taker once tried to test me I
ate his liver with some fava beans and a
nice Chianti there you go that’s that
we’ve even seen that scene before in
this show so you’re just telling me that
we have a special request yeah Wow
once you have to do the Rogen laughs the
Rogen I wonder why someone is asking me
to do anything Seth Rogen related yes
okay fine I’ve been told I looked like
him from time to time I happen to only
look like other celebrities to I don’t
know if we want to get into this oh no
no maybe not maybe the comments section
on YouTube is not the best place to go
with that so the Seth Rogen laughs yeah
no no that’s what is the Seth Rogen I
don’t know what if only if only we could
get Noah over here no if you’re watching
come and do your Seth Rogen laughs I
can’t I can do the look but I can’t do
the oh no it’s nothing ever all right do
we have any guesses so far oh yeah
hallux mixture mek Church says top 10
iconic lines iconic lines okay let me
share four six for top 10 memorable
scenes mm-hmm
Robert Drinkwater top-10 villain
confrontations there’s a lot of villains
there absolutely yeah random weirdo
again and top ten movies that you will
always remember yeah iconic movies
movies that you’ll always remember you
guys I mean there’s definitely some huge
movies on here yeah yeah reactions and
stuff six six six says top ten catch
phrases but phrases is spelled like Fez
in French a strawberry yeah
Matthew hunter says top 10 greatest
fantasy movie villains mmm so a lot of
people talking about villains and a lot
of people talking about particular
scenes that we’ve chosen scenes that are
very particular okay that’s interesting
it’s certainly not wrong no it’s not the
right track that we want to be going
down let’s get another chance at seeing
the entrance yeah let’s have another
look at the supercut and I’ll continue
it’s all about this you two kids pick me
you didn’t have to put your pick minutes
it makes me want to kiss you in guys
know nature and truth are the very
enemies of play-acting I’ll wager my
fortune I thought you were here because
you had none I thought there must have
been a reason you want to see me
principals a big job
I just want to say though it’s just till
June and if you can’t wake up my winter
passion for me the least I require is
respect allegiance the circle is nothing
when I left you I was but alone
now I am the most but that voice is
a census taker once tried to test me I
ate his liver with some fava beans and a
nice Chianti see I could do that I could
uh-uh there we go no still nothing
no I Manny can you do it baby
all right hey you know what I can’t do
it I could admit defeat I anyway so yeah
so do we have some guesses we might need
to give some hints say we probably are
gonna need to give some hints all right
well is this wintry subscriptions
account top ten most emotional movies
okay I’m gonna you know what is it the
movie is that the character is that this
character it is a character that might
help you it is the particular character
and how that character plays into yeah
the movie and it’s a character not the
actor so top 10 British actors Flores
vit say is not the correct answer no but
you know a lot of those are here let’s
go through let’s do the actors are okay
not just the sr who the characters are
so number 10 was the Wicked Witch of the
West from The Wizard of Oz number nine
Bell Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry
Potter franchise played by Helena Bonham
in fact Wicked Witch of the West by the
way played by Margaret Hamilton just for
your knowledge okay number eight
Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty who
was voiced by Mary Costa she was an
opera singer in the 50s and 60s lastly
there you go yeah next we have
Beetlejuice from Beetlejuice as played
by Michael Keaton one more time okay no
I don’t say exactly a fantastic
performance by Michael Keaton did the
movie win an Academy Award I think not
sure I think yeah yeah yeah an Academy
award-winning film next one key word
Elizabeth the first of England from
Shakespeare in Love and that was played
by Judi Dench
yes also won an Academy Award she won
for Best Supporting Actress nice okay
number five mrs. Miller from doubt
played by Viola Davis again nominated
for Best Supporting Actress number four
Louis Schumacher from Network great
movie if you haven’t seen that that’s
probably the least known well maybe
doubt also but that’s a great movie
Network Louis Schumacher
any award after well you know what she
nope that would be too much of a hit but
she want an Academy Award for that but
if you know a little bit about that
hey there’s Noah all right we’re gonna
get know in for a little bit
number three Darth Vader Star Wars
Episode four a new hope
think about Darth Vader in that party
because he was in a lot of the movies
but think about him in that particular
one that might give a little bit more
vengeance yeah played by David Prowse
my Ponte
no go with the French pronunciation CH
that was what’s-her-name and Hathaway
yes again an Oscar winner for this is is
that a red herring all these Oscars yes
great performances oscar-winning
performances but not necessarily the key
to our answer but kind of and number one
dr. Hannibal Lecter The Silence of the
Lambs I would like to invite now mr.
Noah from Junior mojo he’s going to come
in he does in fact they do a really cool
show on junior mojo which is impressions
Noah is a fantastic impressionist and
I’ve heard him do Seth Rogen and so Noah
come on in here come on in and we’ll get
you to do your Seth Rogen laughs and
maybe we’ll even do it such that I’ll
pretend I’m laughing and we’ll just hear
your voice so come and don’t even stet
here he’s gonna stand beside Manny don’t
go to his frame I’ll bring him in after
but let’s just see if we can do this so
domenico step aside Jim that was where
they can kill me okay I don’t know we
saw him anyways okay well Mike behind
the desk I’ll just be over here okay so
one two three left let’s go hang out
James Franco Noah with a fantastic
rendition of a Seth Rogen laughs thank
you very much Noah let us know what you
think and tune into jr. mojo cuz they
got lots of cool stuff all right do we
have any good guesses now cuz we’ve
given some good hints ah there is there
are a few ones they’re still talking
about the oscar-winning characters yeah
but it’s not like sadly it’s not those
ones so which one is this P true merry
top ten actors actresses who were
nominated for the most Academy Awards
for the rules is not know sadly stay
away from the Academy Awards that was
just that that was information but it’s
not the key to the I will I will find a
way okay here you guys want a good hint
that has to do with the Academy Awards
tell us but this is this is gonna give
it away oh I think what was this number
for Louise Schumacher she did win an
Academy Award for the should I say it I
don’t know okay one more time let’s say
it one more time one more time give you
one more chance but again think what is
the context of this character within
that film why what stands out about all
these characters and how they fit into
the larger whole of these films let’s
sorry but it’s really awful about this
you two kids pick me you didn’t have to
but you pick me it makes me want to kiss
you in guys know nature and truth are
the very enemies of play-acting I’ll
wager my fortune I thought you were here
and you want to see me principal is a
big job I just want to say though it’s
just till June no damn it and if you
can’t work out my winter passion for me
the least I require is respecting
now I am the master but that voice is
just under a census taker once tried to
test me I ate his liver with some fava
I just took something all areas imagine
if we
laughs when he does that so I hate his
liver with the fava beans and a nice
Chianti that would be pretty awesome so
maybe someone could even say you know
put that together and send it to us so
this was the hint I was gonna give ya it
is that Louis Schumacher won an Academy
Award she holds the record for the
shortest performance to win an Oscar
that would have 100% given it away yeah
so when I do have a winner we do have a
winner yeah exactly and it’s pretty
exciting actually because because it’s
it’s it’s a friend from last week yeah
it was someone who won in in weeks past
in a weak spots so you know someone
who’s playing playing along every week
and who’s working hard and getting
themselves submerged so before I
revealed the winner I want to mention
one person who got very close yeah but
didn’t quite make the cut and that’s
Johnny Emma’s m-z who said top-10 Oscar
nominees with the least amount of screen
time so so close but not quite it’s kind
of not all Oscar know exactly yeah
because the winner is zombie killer
Yamato with top 10 iconic characters
that had little screen time yep and and
the the name in the list is top major
top 10 major characters that had little
screen time so I think not relations to
again the name I love the name
zombie zombie killer Yamato yes killer
Yamato whoo I think it was last week one
as well so you’re you’re doing something
right zombie killer killing those
zombies zombies and guessing that
getting those answers for the merch so
I’m glad I’m glad we got some winners
thank you very much
yeah man I loved playing along with you
guys happy you guys were all there I
don’t mind zombie killer how to win as
much let’s just in case yeah so you go
to slash WatchMojo and then
you go to our about tab and there you’ll
see a little chat icon if you click on
that and send us your email address and
we’ll send you instructions on how you
can get your merch and if you’ve already
forgotten that it’s in the description
below what I love is that we had some
laughter in the control room because
we’re also impressed with how
Jim is able to multitask because he’s
basically controlling the screen and
looking at the chat and talking to you
all at the same time so kudos to Jim big
shout outs to many who’s Manning the
boards and to Phoebe for singing that
wonderful rendition of Cher and big
thanks to Noah you’re coming in and
laughing it up well yes this week yeah
this is fun we should do that more often
I know
so remember Thursday’s 3 p.m. we’re here
to give you away submerge so tune in
next week and thanks for being there on
behalf of gemin myself and everybody else yeah see you next time bye
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