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#1 Pronunciation Tip 👉 Modal Verb Contractions

well hey there I’m Emma from English so
I’ve been talking about modal verbs over
the last few weeks about all of their
different uses now don’t worry if you
missed out on them the links are right
here but one way to make sure that you
don’t miss out on any of my weekly
English lessons here is to subscribe
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down there you’ll get a message telling
you as soon as there’s a new lesson here
on the english channel so you can keep
studying with me and keep up to date
with all of the new lessons okay so
we’ve been talking about modal verbs a
lot and in this lesson I want to focus
on the way that they sound when they’re
spoken so this is a pronunciation lesson
that means you have to be ready to join
in say the words out loud with me you
must do this
well you must do it if you want to
improve your pronunciation and I’m
pretty sure that you do let’s get our
modal verbs up on the screen we’ve got
could should would may might can will
must and she’ll for the record I hardly
ever use shell and amongst all of my
native English speaking friends and
I hardly ever hear it it’s quite formal
and perhaps even a little old-fashioned
now it’s the kind of thing that I would
hear my English grandma say but not my
friends so I’m actually just going to
remove it from this lesson I’m gonna get
in trouble for that but I want to focus
this pronunciation lesson on
contractions and she’ll is very rarely
contracted anyway
and one final disclaimer
you are practicing with me and my
Australian accent here which is a
reasonably standard one but there are
differences between native
english-speaking accents okay enough of
that let’s just get started with these
words could should and would now the
first thing that you need to pay
attention to here is that the L in all
of these three words is silent
don’t try and pronounce that out it’s
actually easier than you think
what is pronounced just like would and
could and should are also the same could
should would so let’s look at all of the
possible contractions for these modal’s
now we learn in earlier lessons that any
of these modal verbs can be used to talk
about the past simply by adding have
followed by the past participle verb so
in spoken English have is often
contracted or shortened could have is
often said could’ve could’ve so the have
is shortened to just move now if you’re
listening to native English speakers you
might not even hear that you sound could
have can also sound like Cora Cora you
could have brought the dog you could
have you could have bought the dog and
their contracted pronunciation of have
is the same for all of the modal verbs
should have becomes should’ve should’ve
or shoulda we should have left earlier
we should have left earlier would have
becomes would’ve would’ve or woulda my
dad would have known what to do
my dad would have known what to do might
and have become might’ve – or my des she
might have taken the keys she might have
taken the keys May and has May of Mayors
or even mayor if you’re listening to a
native speaker I may have lost his
address I may a las diez address must
and have becomes must’ve must’ve or
muster we musta left our tickets in the
car we must have left our tickets in the
car remember it’s okay to use these
contractions in informal writing but in
formal writing exams reports and letters
use the full word have and if you are
ever unsure just write have it’s not too
formal okay so when we use these modal
verbs in a negative sentence not is
often contracted to the modal verb
they’re pushed together that’s what a
contraction is so could and not is
contracted and it sounds like couldn’t
shouldn’t wouldn’t so the not sounds
like and at the end of the modal verb
okay let’s go through this in a little
bit more detail we’ve got could and
couldn’t couldn’t I couldn’t believe it
it was such a surprise I couldn’t
should and shouldn’t shouldn’t shouldn’t
we wait for Sam shouldn’t we wait would
and wouldn’t wouldn’t they wouldn’t ask
you for money unless they really needed
it they wouldn’t ask you might and might
n’t or my didn’t depending on the accent
you might not believe me but I’m telling
mustn’t mustn’t mustn’t notice that the
middle T is not pronounced in the
negative form its mustn’t mustn’t not
mustn´t you mustn’t wear those shoes in
the house you mustn’t wear those shoes
now of course there are a few irregular
negatives which you already know will
not is won’t cannot is can’t shall not
is shunt and may doesn’t even contract
with knot you just need to say may not
okay so now are you ready for level 10
pronunciation training these
contractions get a little bit more
difficult when we start using negative
modal verbs to refer to the past with
have then we have a structure that looks
like this the subject with the modal
verb with not have and then the past
superb and yes all three words can be
contracted together in spoken English
okay get ready for this could not have
goodness could don’t is couldn’t if
couldn’t if although you’ll never see it
written like this in English but you
will hear it spoken like this all the
time by native English speakers
I couldn’t have done that I couldn’t
live I couldn’t have done that so should
not have becomes shouldn’t’ve shouldn’t
it should dentists shouldn’t if the kids
shouldn’t have been in the room the kids
shouldn’t have the kids shouldn’t have
been in the room would not have wouldn’t
if were dentists woodenness he wouldn’t
have approved this plan he wouldn’t have
might not have might’ve my turn tooth
might’ve she might have heard you say
that she might live she might have heard
must not have mustn’t earth mustn’t if
they mustn’t have brought their son they
mustn’t if they mustn’t have brought
their son
they mustn’t have brought their son that
one’s tricky so that’s it for this
pronunciation lesson it was a lot to
take in wasn’t it a lot of tongue
twisting but you really should go back
and watch this lessons a few times and
practice out loud with me practice with
me you can’t improve your pronunciation
just by listening can you you need to
imitate me you need to copy me as I say
all of the different contractions
through this lesson and all of the
example sentences in fact imitating a
native English speaker is a really great
way to practice and improve your
pronunciation it’s going to help you to
sound more natural as you speak English
because you can listen to the sounds
that you should be making and imitate
them straight after now if you want to
keep practicing like this by imitating
me then try one of my imitation lessons
right here or here that one’s good as
well thanks for watching and I’ll see
you next week for another lesson here on English bye for now
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