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Interview with Ville Valo of HIM

this Finnish love metal band is known
for its melancholic poetry hi I’m Maya
fear and welcome to and
today we’re speaking with villi from him
so tell us the origin story of him I’ll
tell you short version I grew up with
McGee our bass player and Linda our
guitar player with school friends so
I’ve known them since I’ve been 8 or 9
when we had the tough decision of
figuring out whether we want to study
something and become responsible adults
we thought that is our last chance to
form band when we were approximately 14
years old and that’s when Jim was four
so I know that you guys came out and
said that you hate when journalists ask
you what genre you are so you invented
love love metal
those are boring answer I think you know
because it’s one of the things you know
musicians always I think that to become
a musician you have to you have to say
that you hate John Rah’s and you hate
pigeonholing and you know it’s like
those classic answers so how would you
define love metal on this new realm
famila metal stood as the middle ground
between the cult and Depeche Mode so
it’s the more sentimental usually
considered the more feminine aspects
that is not considered to be part of
rock’n’roll rock’n’roll do you really
macho is really like balls to the walls
and kind of used to be chauvinistic and
as well we appreciate a mother’s so much
that we never wanted that to be part of
our vocabulary musical vocabulary so we
wanted to have rock and roll that
mothers could enjoy it’s intercepted um
Batman fora
do you think the band’s music has
evolved from album to album we grow
older and when you grow older you grow
more tired and when you grow more tired
you want to concentrate on the essential
because you know that you’re not gonna
have energy to do it all so you just
want to concentrate on the good things
so your new album screen works what was
your influence for this album I was a
suffering quietly and solitude while
started to work on the album and then I
kind of fell head-over-heels for
somebody while writing songs which
obviously poured into the tracks so
there’s a lot of hope and there’s a lot
of evolving in love on the island which
is nice
would you call yourself a huge romantic
romantic in the very original sense of
work I’m more of a romantic than asana
you know than a scientist I do believe
in emotions and the power of emotions
and read and just the binary code it’s
not just ones and zeros in magical
thinking yes but not like candlelit
dinners not bad waste space and time and
money so
so one striking thing about him is your
logo I’ve actually heard that the harder
gram is more well known than the music
itself so what does this symbolize to
it symbolizes all my experiences all
about bands experiences all of our
friends experiences he symbolizes my
life in general I think it’s a thing I
drew down on the day I turned 20 so 13
years ago that Margera is a big big fan
of our band and so he’s been using
symbol the place a lot of kids know it
from his TV series rather than knowing
our music it’s great it’s fabulous it’s
miraculous seated edge to some of his
skin and knowing that it’s just
something I doubled down ages ago
how would you say that staying sober has
affected your music well I was spending
more time working on it
and then you know my pronunciation was
bit better in studio we have a cut so
many slurring s is away but I do miss
the days of getting all my stuff
I miss it dearly but uh but the problem
is that you know we’re a touring rock
band and maybe back in the day it was
part of the deal to be as messed up as
possible but these days people expect to
place music and to play well so I can’t
multitask I can’t do both maybe they
could be a tour of just getting messed
up so I come see him drink on stage
something like that that that’d be great
so on that note we will end it there and
it was a pleasure to talk to you
that weirdly distorted but yet ominously
beautiful note yes we can hear thank you
thank you
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