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Owlet vs. Hawk Moth | National Geographic

it’s dinnertime here in this rainforest
in the Democratic Republic of Congo this
pearl spotted outlet has captured a
tasty snack
oh mom Wow nearby a tiny primate
called a bush baby finds a praying
mantis finger lickin good okay time for
this outlet to tie on the feedbag but
what the heck turns out the hawk moth is
protected by a dense layer of
microscopic scales the force of the
owlet grabbing them off dislodges its
making it one slippery meal to hold on
to what the hawk moth didn’t plan for is
the hunger and tenacity of the outlet
burst of dusty scales or not this is
dinner the bush baby’s fair isn’t so
problematic that’s alright the olitz
ceremoniously stuffs the molting moth in
its mouth and takes off leaving behind
an afterglow of moon dust for the
forests other diners
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