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Interview With Mosh Ben-Ari

maash ben-ari
is a true source of eclectic inspiration
welcome to
I’m your host Leila today we go behind
the scenes with this Israeli musician so
this is your first North American tour
as a solo artist
but you’ve played major world festivals
with Shiva how has your experience
touring Solo been a departure from what
you were previously used to when I do it
with Chavez this band that everybody
have you know we need to decide all of
us together so it’s more difficult but
you can be most Moorehead sometime you
know I can just write back you know in
the hotel and just feel like somebody’s
gonna do the job but let me go up solo
it wasn’t gonna happen it must be
tighten it so what about your band
members now how did you guys come
together first of all the musician to
play with me all of them there must be
friend of mine in the beginning because
we’re going up to the stage and from
this stage is one of the most intimate
thing in the world you can go inside the
bed with somebody you don’t like you
know the mass is the same in music so
it’s nice to be somebody that is close
to you and wins like he’s your friend
and then this can be one of the musician
with the Shiva you released four albums
and now solo you’ve released three
albums right has releasing solo albums
brought any different opportunities when
you come with the band and whichever was
speaking about peace and big stuff that
is never retouching the the anemic issue
they were already able himself I’m more
touching in my show that’s and also this
issue the first of all star from us we
can have peace if you don’t have peace
with ourselves in what way was
traditional Jewish music and ethnic
chants part of your everyday life when
you were younger
I know she’s careful Russia my
grandfather came from Yemen and this is
the side of my mom and I decided my
father is all of it come from Iraq so my
kitchen is quite you know quite a big
mix of festival from all the world you
know and what I really tried to bring on
my sound by the way more all the kind of
music that I was to listen when I was 16
isn’t Jimi Hendrix Led Zeppelin the
purple you know and
somehow I come back to my roots mo and
Jen Indian mix it and your music has
been described as groove and spirit with
a mix of rock reggae soul and world
music how would you describe your own
sound if you look on my band you’re
gonna see all the color all the kind of
people and everybody have different
backwaters classic people here do is
walk style and like you know it was in
New York for years and just you know
walk with big band or look just all over
we don’t really have some style attacks
if you ever looks tired well thank you
very much for your time
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