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Interview with Katharine McPhee

welcome to I’m your host
Rachelle and we are about to meet one
very hot singer who’s already made it to
the top of the charts American Isles
very own singer katharine McPhee
okay so Kathryn first of all how come
you decided to make it out to the
dynamic dynamism it well I first always
invited and anytime I get invited for
you know things that are for a good
cause and especially cancer and you know
I’ve lost I think most of everybody can
say they’ve lost somebody to cancer so
it was just important for me to be here
you have a performance background but
did you ever think that being you know
the American I was runner-up that would
ever happen I mean I always dreamed
about it I mean some of my biggest idols
were like Celine Dion and Mariah Carey
and Whitney Houston and I always always
dreamed about it I always wanted to to
do that and before me was always
something I knew was gonna be in my life
forever but I just didn’t know that I
was gonna it was gonna come through
through American Idol I didn’t think
that but it was you know I can’t
complain American Idol has changed my
life in such amazing ways and I’m very
grateful to everyone in the producers
everybody there who you know given me
the opportunity so you are the only
American Idol runner that had to hit
singles in one week okay you can give
him I deserve to be runner-up I you know
I don’t even think of it like that I
don’t I don’t like identify myself I
know magazines always say like you know
American Idol runner-up captain McFee
but I always just think of myself as
yeah I was on American Idol my name is
captain McFee
I don’t like focus on the fact that I
was the runner-up and I really never got
that hard on myself or was really that
upset that I didn’t win
you know I think Chris would say the
same thing chris daughtry I think since
he came from American Idol and he didn’t
win didn’t even come you know second or
third and he’s doing really great so
it’s I think it’s those kind of things
that it’s like why complain when you
bought it great so speaking of great
your new CD but if your very first CD is
amazing okay I loved it
okay it was amazing so what song touch
you on that CD um I mean different songs
have do different things so but I think
we’ve collected as far as being touched
is the song that really kind of touched
me and when I listen to it you know it
takes a little bit of time to like
really get what the song is about was
trying to make you feel but for me I
co-wrote on it so it definitely means
something to me so there’s a song that
you change the lyrics to something like
open tones like how did it go and then
you change it’s like it was really it
wasn’t really me let’s just say it was
um it’s like my country boy like their
mules the city boy like them t-straps
and whatever I win that caused a lot of
trouble they’re both people on in a
nightcap and I was like what does that
mean and then it came in my pedicure
thanks don’t make no sense but I just
changed it around and made it a little
bit more girly and fun you know I’ve
been eating that drug that I can end up
unhappy dad so it’s a little bit more
but you know a little bit no so it makes
a little bit more sense to me is there
anybody you’d like to collaborate with
in the future
yeah I’d love to collaborate with tons
of people I’m at a Celine Dion I let her
work some more with babyface I work with
him a little bit I’d love to work with
Justin Timberlake and I like stato and
when sacani birdie I mean everybody
that’s off the record you’re no longer
on America and I’ll what would you like
to tell Simon Cowell for real
I’ve seen him since then so I don’t
remember you can’t tell I like Simon
you’re a good guy Simon that’s what I
would say and lastly it’s just tell us
something about Kathryn it’d be is there
any you know something special about you
that nobody really knows or you don’t
really tell people or just something you
want us to know the question that
everyone asks
I don’t like to step on cracks I’m not
like OCD I just don’t like to step on
cracks and I will step on a crack but
when I’m walking I like to just skip
them no weird hey what’s up thanks for watching I’m
captain McFee and I hope you enjoy
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