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Interview with Chantal Chamandy

today with the pleasure and just sit down and chat
with Chantel Sherman d with her new CD
love needs you and her hit single feels
like love it’s such a pleasure today to
sit down with Chantal and find out about
her exciting ventures that made her an
internationally acclaimed music
superstar and your city pretty much
signifies love and what what inspired
you to come out with this album
signifies love romance your true being
to yourself you know what that’s a very
actually very good question because I
don’t think that there is a day that we
can call valentines just being one day I
think Valentine’s Day should be every
day for women just as much as them as
men because love should be enjoyed every
day and it should be celebrated so I
think that you know we have love in our
lives every day whether it’s with our
children our husbands our friends and I
think it should be talked about and it
should be in motion more often when did
you start singing I know you speak five
languages you’ve got Lebanese Greek
background it kind of that Egyptian you
you know I think you’ve said before that
if you could sing in all five languages
and once or if you could sum up your
music style it’s pretty much a piece of
every part of the world put together
that’s exactly it i think that like I
said you know love has no languages and
no boundaries and I decided to write
this bringing in all my roots and you
know I am happy for Greek Egyptian I’m
Lebanese my grandparents lived in Italy
for you know 50 years and and I think I
decided to bring a little bit of all the
things that I’ve that I’ve enjoyed in my
life and the people that I’ve met and
brought them all together and decided to
create an album that I think has a
little bit for everybody I think it’s
like a good menu in a restaurant so
where do you see her career taking you
at and in terms from now with launching
this new CD which is amazing i was
listening to it on my laptop the other
day and i kept replaying and were you
playing and replaying and it kind of put
me in this transient ambience of love
and romance and i thought where is my
partner i don’t have one yet what about
you who’s the love of your life no I’ve
been very lucky i married my soul mate
and we’ve been together for you know
quite a while and it’s like to me it’s
it’s it’s like I said before you know I
try to make it exciting and enjoyable
and peaceful I think that’s really what
I would decline is love is there’s a
certain serenity bit loving somebody
about having to be on all the time
that’s how I I am so in the production
of your CD I know that you you are like
the control that’s violent and you took
it all on you pretty much should produce
this web of yourself you wrote produced
you worked in the studios and critique
the music to be exactly your style so it
comes from your heart and it really
signifies you it really doesn’t you know
it’s very easy to say that you know I
did this and this and this and and I
know granted I did it’s my career and I
want to be completely in control of it
but I surround myself with great people
and people who have the same vision as
me and people who you know really
believe in what I believe in because I
think that’s the the real essence of
being an artist is to do what you really
truly believe in and if you can gather
open to people who believe in what you
do then then you have an amazing team so
if you had to talk to young kids because
I know you’re really a mentor to a lot
of young girls how did you become who
you are today and what steps did you
take to set your goals to accomplish all
of your achievements right now in your
life well number one never give up on
the dream never let anybody tell you
that that you can’t do it and
remember not to compromise what you’ve
always believed in and I think that
that’s what happens is that you know
when you’re really really young and
you’re starting in this business I think
you get lost in the shuffle and unless
you have an amazing person behind you as
you know as you know as most really very
big artists did whether it’s the people
that they married or people that have
worked with him their whole lives those
are the people who really really want
you to succeed and that’s really the
bottom line because a lot of people want
a piece of you and they all wanted you
know they all want to say I was part of
it and then when it doesn’t work out
everybody walks away so think they stay
true to their music and no matter what
no matter what people tell them stay
true to your music and keep doing what
you love and don’t compromise yourself I
think that you’re you know you have a
pretty good chance and do you love I do I love what I totally
do it and the side by side what was such
a pleasure today said what what thanks
so much join I’m with
Chantal sham and IAM Calvin Simms thank
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