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Interview with Jarvis Church

hi welcome to i’m your
host leila today reggae artist jarvis
church tells us about his many
involvement in the music industry and
his album the long way your two thousand
two albums shake it off leads the
listener through an integration of R&B
pop hip-hop and soul how does your album
the long way home integrate the same
sounds I sort of want my first solo out
my kind of hinted on the sort of the
reggae vibe in the rail routes like
groups like you’re saying but yeah with
this new album the long way home I
definitely went a lot deeper into the
reggae influences and stuff like that
how has touring been important to your
career you know I do a lot of different
things in my career but it’s definitely
the thing that is to highlight for me I
sort of start with the idea of myself as
an entertainer first and foremost then
kind of work backwards from there but so
many people scared even as producer
performer and songwriter you’re involved
in many facets of the music industry
what makes what you do a dream job or
not well it’s I guess the dream job part
of it is that I get to do both I get to
be an artist and be a producer I think
at this point Mike in my life doing just
one with leaving a little bit you know
unfulfilled being a producer I love
being able to work with other artists
and be a part of their musical vision
and you know do stuff that normally you
couldn’t do how did your great success
with nelly furtado making whoa Nelly
give you confidence to pursue other
things afterwards we wanted to make
something that you know we thought was
the freshest coolest you know most
interesting thing and I was it just gave
me the confidence that like you know wow
other people get what I get you know and
and that is a huge thing as a songwriter
because it lets you know that your
tastes are in
line with with the tastes of your
audience the philosopher Kings panned
over a hundred songs for superstar
artists like Ricky Martin and Tina
Turner any criteria for writing lyrics
for another artist that’s actually you
know that’s a really liberating thing to
write songs for other artists especially
lyrically because it allows you to go to
places you wouldn’t normally feel
comfortable going you know I have a song
actually on this new album called lovers
kiss that i wrote years ago and Tina
Turner actually covered it and I have to
change some of the lyrics just sort of
to fit her a little bit better but that
was a thrill to have her you know sing
this song that I wrote about myself
actually what is your involvement with
the philosopher Kings today I will
hopefully keep on making philosopher
king records as long as people want to
hear them for years ago I did my first
solo solo record and then two years ago
I did another philosopher king album
called castles and then so here I’m back
on my own album so you know maybe next
to floss freaking out I don’t know but I
definitely love doing it and will
hopefully keep on doing it thank you so
much for your time thank you very much
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