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Interview with Guillaume Latendresse of the Habs

welcome back to and your
whole stash and joining me is first-year
player unit on the rest of the montreal
canadiens so we’re going to talk a
little bit about some of the realities
and myths of being in your first year in
professional sports I’m view them first
year playing in any city in any sport is
pretty interesting how does it like
playing in Montreal where there’s a lot
of you know gentlemen’s clubs there’s a
lot of things going on lately I think
it’s a sure it’s a nice place to play
but I’m a guy who I come here so I know
the city before being here and I know
all the place to go and i know i know i
know some people on some fans so i think
it’s it’s amazing for me to get at my
first season here on the road what are
some of the best cities in terms of
Night Live you know entertainment
nothing too crazy but what are some of
the city’s you enjoy most being on the
road oh you know I just it’s my
precision so I didn’t go a lot of place
and maybe that first best place we went
last week is New York for sure a so New
York every went out at Nashville too so
we got a good senior writer when other
teams come into the city do you
sometimes run into them when you’re out
you know partying going to bars or is it
usually you each go to your different
spots and that’s it that’s all I’ve
never met a hundred team on the window
are coming year so are you like
musicians or you get sort of groupies
showing up at your hotel or does that
just not happen with professional
Oh No maybe for the other guy but for me
never happened so maybe later I don’t
know I know like there’s like the supper
where you guys end up taking out the
veterans and you end up paying how’s
that coming along that’s bonded sides
part of the game and I just we’re having
fun it’s my first season it’s a new
lifestyle and I’m just I’m just saying
doing everything and I try to take
everything that I can to get to be a
better player to be a better person and
try to be in the gang drive in the team
a good stuff we’ve been drawing like
unit on rest of the montreal canadiens
and you’re watching
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