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Interview Tips – Part 1

hi my name is Paula Cardenas welcome to I will be talking to you
today about how to prepare for a job
interview first I will walk you through
the visual aspects then i will talk to
you how to prepare before during and how
to follow up after the interview so
you’ve been invited for an interview
which is a really good thing which means
that you can impress with your cv and
now they’re curious and what you
actually have to say as you know first
impressions are very important it is the
way people form an opinion on yourself
and research actually shows that whether
your interview last 30 minutes or more
people will make an opinion on yourself
within the first four minutes and this
is done in the following way fifty-five
percent is actually on your visual
impact which is your facial expressions
your body language and the way you carry
yourself thirty-eight percent is
actually on the tone of voice and seven
percent is actually what you have to say
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