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How to Remove Red Wine Stains At Home

a glass of red wine is said to be good
for your health
but it continues to be awful for your
linen hi I’m Veronica and
today we’re going to show you there’s no
need to cry over spilled wine the secret
to getting rid of a red wine stain is to
act quickly and with a plan the good
news to drinking at home is that you’ll
have everything you’ll need to get rid
of that stain one great way to remove
that stain without disrupting your
guests is with milk milk isn’t only
great for your bones it’s a great way to
attack those wine stains blot up the
excess wine with a paper towel then pour
or blot the stain with the milk as soon
as possible
let as much milk as you can soak into
the stain the stain should be completely
removed in an hour or less this next
technique may not be the most convenient
but if you’re not entertaining is the
quickest and easiest way to get the
stain out right away put on a kettle and
while it boils spread out the fabric
across the sink then with your boiling
water in hand stand on the chair over
the sink and pour over the stain
flushing the stain from the fabric from
three to four feet above pour the hot
water over the stain this next technique
is a great way to stay prepared the
following recipe will have your linen
clean in no time mix equal parts of
hydrogen peroxide with a dishwashing
soap that does not contain bleach or any
alkalis dawn seems to work best blot red
wine out of the fabric using clean cloth
or paper towels making sure not to rub
for this concoction on the stain and let
it sit as a pre soaked you will actually
see the wine disappear as you drizzle
the mixture on the stain this easy
recipe can even remove old stains just
make sure that the soap and peroxide
mixture is fresh one thing to be aware
of is that the hydrogen peroxide is a
bleaching agent so you do not want to
use this concoction on colored fabrics
no matter which method you chose to use
wash the linen as soon as you can now
you can enjoy a glass of red wine
anywhere and anytime
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