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How to Choose A Drinking Companion

we’re just trying to find out what it
takes to be a good drinking companion
for st. Patrick’s Day do you have a do
you have a number one tip of what it
takes to be a good drinking companion I
think it takes a very pretty lady next
to okay with you they’re getting drunk
alone is just plain sad but drinking
with a friend always promises for a good
time hi I’m Veronica and
today we’re learning how to be a good
drinking companion from none other than
Irish man himself Steve Patterson so
Steve what’s your favorite drinking
holiday Easter when they bring up the
the wine at the end and they’re like
this is my blood I’m like that’s pretty
good and what about when it comes to
drinking beer say patrick’s day is a
good one too yeah i love st. Patrick’s
Day because it’s a chance for everyone
to be Irish what’s your name dear
Roxanne that’s exotic too what’s your
what’s your background uh Ukrainian
Norwegian Ukrainian Norwegian but you’re
here at Hurley’s irish pub are you going
to be Irish on st. Patrick’s Day
everyone’s Irish on st. Patrick’s Day
it’s only holiday where everyone decides
to be one nationality you know for
whatever reason no one pretends to be
you know Americans don’t pretend to be
Canadian on cam today now one of the
important things very night of drinking
is to have a drinking companion but if
you don’t already have one what are some
qualities to look for it before you
recruit someone you should always find a
drinking companion that drinks at
approximately the same pace as you for
instance if I’m gonna drink this the
perfect amount of gulps to drink a
guinness in is 723 by the way three sip
is that you know the 87 so if I was
actually your drinking companion I would
be doing a bad job right now since i
don’t have a drink yes your may be the
worst drinking companion I’ve ever had I
don’t know what part of the term is
confusing you but you’re a drinking
companion must drink with the person we
should get you a pint for I am here with
what’s your name sir Rafi Rafi awesome
name good name Irish know Armenian okay
close a lot of a lot of the same
initials in there so what do you think
it takes two to be a good drinking
companion to somebody I think it should
be a family member a family that you
don’t drink with non family know if
that’s that’s best are you related to
Rafi yes he’s my first cousin do you
want to leave us with any words of
advice for those drinking on st.
Patrick’s Day
oh I did a little small on that one so
now I’m gonna have to make up for it
seems simple but don’t forget to eat I
don’t know if you know this but when
alcohol goes directly to the brain
unfettered by some sort of breading
putting a french fry or boxty then um
you get a disoriented a lot quicker so
don’t forget to eat okay so here we go
for number six yeah absolutely there’s
two sips left in this drink vodka and
the last one
yeah your dad seven perfect so
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