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Health and Excercise Tips – How to do a proper Dumbbell…

welcome back what we’re going to be
doing right now is a dumbbell tricep
extension or as we guys like to call
sometime let’s call crusher ok so what
she’s going to do is grab the way just
going to be lying down perfect again we
want to keep a neutral spine so we want
to keep our legs on the ground as all
time and what she’s going to do is she’s
going to bring her elbows at shoulder
height and the same width of the
shoulders now you see she’s got a
perfect 90-degree angle this is perfect
now we’re really going to isolate those
triceps and get a really good tone now
she’s going to bring him down a little
bit and bring him up see she wants to
try to avoid locking your elbows if
basically you got hyper extensible
joints and she brings them down inhale
coming down exhale coming up now this is
perfect movement
very nice a lot of people will tend to
separate their shoulders they’re going
to bring it down but then they’re going
to separate their shoulders like you
must keep your elbows steady as all
times now we can put a little twist to
it just to make it fun she’s gonna bring
it down and as she brings it up while
she’s gonna turn him see so bring it
down and turn him that’s a problem so
what she’s doing right now is putting
even more emphasis on the tricep she’s
actually doing a 90-degree twist to it
which is actually unboring you see of
course she can do many different things
she could use a H bar she can use
elastics many different variations but
for now this was the dumbbell tricep
extension maybe with a quarter twist
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