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Fun Facts with The Mission District

their 80s influences shined through but
they’ll be the first to tell you about
their favorite modern bands as well hi
I’m Rebecca Braden and welcome to and today we’re
challenging dave and rob from the
Mission District to a lightning round
strangest request from a fan to sign
their shoes when I don’t get is when
people buy our shirts and then they we
get them they get us to sign the shirts
and it’s just like i’m gonna wear that
is gonna be marker
but I think the strangest thing with
someone’s ass is and we have some heads
in the UK that bring us ducks not wive
ducks but like rubber rubber plastic
rubber ducks into the lab they throw
them at us
who in the world would you least like to
wake up next to God I don’t know the
first thing that popped into my head is
Margaret Thatcher okay I’m gonna go with
that let’s say you’re drunk and you’re
walking around the street and you’re
singing what are you singing right now
would be probably singing don’t trust me
by 3oh 3 Dave and I are obsessed said
that sounds kind of a guilty pleasure it
stayed stuck in my head right now we
were just listening to it about five
minutes before this interview who in the
band is worst to sit next to you on a
plane i would say Mike because he smells
really bad it likes a bit smelly which
is you know its various a drummer and
he’s still sweaty all the time as he’s
drumming but you know still it’s just
still my pleasant
the first concert you ever attended I
think it was like either still in deal
or like new kids on the block or
something like that when I was like four
I think it was Sloane actually so you’re
the coin yeah thinking about that edge
what’s the coolest thing
I just
so if you could have any one guest on
like a tour with you guys who would it
be I would say maybe Jimmy world they
just opened for paramore on there to her
and I thought it would be so cool to be
them to have this like sort of legendary
been supporting you
we go what’s up like I’ve always wanted
to always want to play with on something
yes at least they got back together
let’s go Yahweh stupidest thing you’ve
ever done on stage uh-huh that’s an easy
answer for me when we were in Scotland I
said we’re really enjoying touring
England but we weren’t in England we
were in Scotland and via to go over very
well we were booed pretty a pretty
vigorously it was really awkward
as far as me personally I don’t can’t
think of any specific thing this I could
pick of the week right we were we were
playing luck you’re so fast that I God
we’re playing live on much music and
he’s saying horribly out of key ah
that’s pretty bad yeah I said that’s
what I learned playing on TV not the
easiest thing to do
all right well let’s leave it at that
thank you very much guys thanks rabbit
thank you
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