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Flamenco Guitarist Interview

today we have the chance to interview a
professional flamenco guitar player from
Montreal Dominic sula Dominic tell me
how many years you’ve been playing the
guitar I’ve been playing flamenco guitar
for 10 years but I’ve played all sorts
of different styles before that like
over the last 20 years I guess even more
why do you choose the flamenco guitar
because it’s very physical it’s a very
intense music and it’s the best way I
found myself to express myself is there
a difference between the flamenco guitar
and the classic guitar plumbing co
guitar is very more intense more a bit
more violent aggressive has a lots of
it’s much more there’s a lot of dynamic
strong soft lots of rhythm guitar lots
of free playing so it’s very different
yes do you need to know how to read
music no you don’t for any kind of music
you don’t need to read music now and but
flamenco is an oral tradition so I
learned by the traditional way is by
copying the person in front of you they
show it something to you and you try to
copy it they have a special exercise
that you have to do every day
flamenco thumb goes
you rest on the string below so it’s
very typical for from the flamenco
guitar to do this kind of sound I’m
compared to this so I practice that
these are Li Gatos from the left hand
before breakfast I do that how many
different styles of reedham exists the
flamenco’s they like to say there’s 80
different styles but actually there’s
five or six and all the other ones are
derived from these five or six basic
rhythms do you have a special treatment
for your nails so I put crazy glue to
harden the nails and also some Kleenex
that gives it a thicker texture so my
nails do not break because I play very
hard with the dancing like this all the
time so my natural nails would not
actually survive this kind of treatment
what qualities do you need to become a
flamenco guitar player first of all you
need to be a bit obsessive or a very
passionate about it that’s the first
thing and after that if you need rhythm
lots of rhythm to be open you need to be
able to learn really fast and memorize
very fast because also the dancing we
learn the dance as we go on we don’t
write we don’t choreograph on paper or
whatever we just we invent and we
memorize all the time so you need good
memory we know that that we saw that
answer before but the musicians also
know how to dance so no no no no that’s
no no dancing ok so you as cheetah for
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