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Fashion Tips – How to be Sexy yet Subtle

welcome to today’s fashion
tip is how to be sexy yet subtle at the
same time you don’t have to bare it all
to have sex appeal so just to give you
an example as I’m wearing right here I
have an off the shoulder shirt it still
has a sleep what is giving me a nice
long sexy collar without having to
actually wear a tank top as well if you
want to spice things up you can add a
nice little shimmery scarf right around
the neck and it’ll give a little bit of
appeal to the outfit as well if you were
really into glimmer because that is the
style of the season there’s a belt as
such all you to do is add a little
sparkle around the waist and voila and
if you’re going for more of that sexy
glamorous look you can wear something
with a bit of color and sparkle which
will do the trick and something that’s
loose fitting that isn’t going to show
off your it’ll show off your silhouette
but it’s not going to give it away which
will leave something up to the
imagination and lastly if you really
want to give that sexy set of look you
can wear a stiletto heel and with a
pointy toe that will give you a longer
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