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Fashion for Your 4 Legged Friend

so many times I’m watch vodacom I have
discovered the best trends for people
but today we’re going to discover trends
for the dog let’s talk with Patricia
marcotte right now i can ask where let’s
go inside and have a look so i’m joined
today with Charlie Billy and Patricia
here with canis we’re doggy designer
I’ve noticed throughout your collection
it’s more humor than seriousness you
know touch of personality which brings
fun and joy that’s basically why I’ve
designed this collection it’s because
when i first got Charlie the first
winter I got to the point where he was
cold and I had to dress him up but I
personally find it funny to dress up a
dog so I was like I might as well put
some jokes on the back so everybody
could laugh about it doggy outfits is it
more to keep a dog warm or is it a
fashion statement its a mix of boat but
Tamar and more what we notice is that
when you walk in the street and your dog
is wearing a t-shirt people tend to use
high-pitched voice and they’re all so
cute is so cute so dogs are calmer so
the contact is easier and also people
are less scared of the dogs some of my
friends have pit bulls and you know
everybody’s scared of pit bulls but when
they were their little t-shirts people
aren’t scared anymore to approach them
so what materials do you use and the
inspirations of your collections it’s
pretty basic it’s mainly t-shirts and
hoodies but I always try to design it
for the dogs you’ll see on the hoodies
there’s holes to let go the ears always
stretch material with spandex because I
want the dog to be comfortable Raincoast
material is not stretchy at all so i
added stretch panels on the side so the
dog can move properly so my favorite
pics here canis we’re the ones laid out
right in front of us right now Patricia
is gonna go over the features of each
piece and the inspiration of why she
chose to be so silly with these
collections I like the I poop you scoop
because I think so many people forget
well this is gonna remind you to clean
up that off the street exactly you have
this one which is another very popular
one warning cute and aware i got this
request a lot of guys would like to wear
t-shirts good
you have this one which is another
reminder that dogs sometimes put their
nose we’re not supposed to and then they
come give you a kiss there’s
approximately 18 different prints you
can see them all if you go through my
website for more information on canus
where you can visit triple-double ucan
is where calm and I’m definitely going
to be hitting it up right after filming
this segment I’m I’m
Calvin Simms
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