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Complete Guide to Composting

hi I’m Veronica and today
we are going to find out how we can joy
the environmentally friendly world of
composting be here that composting is
one of the ways to help the environment
but what exactly does that mean
composting is the breakdown of organic
material so fruit and vegetables and
they biodegrade like recycling them into
earth you mentioned fruits and
vegetables is that all that can be put
into your compost pile fruits and
vegetables are the best things to put in
your composter we can also take
eggshells materials from your garden
like dry grass dry leaves no meat and no
dairy products in a composter if we put
our food from our table into the
composter and then some dry material
this is some straw but you could also
use leaves then that will stop the smell
it will create air in the composter once
a week we can fix the bin it can be as
often as you wish maybe once a week or
it can be once a month it depends on how
how often you want to activate your
compost or how quickly you want to have
compost so I’m looking down here and I
see some dirt some newspapers what
exactly is this this is actually a ver
me composter vermicomposting is when you
take worms normally red wigglers and you
put them in a box like this and they
break down your food so if you start off
with a half a pound of red wigglers you
can put a quarter pound of food every
day which is really amazing for the
transformation so this looks like
something that you made at home how do
you start that when this kind of been
what you want to make sure is that you
have aeration for your worms they are
living creatures and you want to make
sure they’re breathing so you would have
some aeration holes on the top of the
composter normally when fruits and
vegetables decompose there’s a lot of
water produced so often you put a bunch
of holes in the bottom of the
vermicompost err you lay a screen
probably just like a mosquito spray that
you would have for your window and then
the worms can’t go through the holes and
it’s quite amazing how fast they
multiply within a month you may have
probably two-thirds more worms and you
had before so little by little they
reproduce and then you can put
one more food which is really great if
your family expands or if you have more
quantity that you need to get rid of for
someone like myself who lives an
apartment doesn’t have a backyard what
options are available you can join a
community center which has a community
composts I cut up my food scraps my egg
shells my vegetable peelings I put it in
the freezer after I have enough I walk
it to my community compost site and dump
it in and I nature does the rest if you
contribute to this compost bin are you
able to keep some of the compost
afterwards yes that’s the big benefit
the community will give us back the rich
hummus to put in our house plants or to
add to our gardens or my friends gardens
how long until it decomposes and you can
take the compost home it can take six
months to a year I belong to a community
center which has high-tech composting
mills which turn continuously so it can
take as little as a few months thank you
very much my pleasure thank you
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