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Cars: The 2007 NAIAS Car Show in Detroit part 1

hello everyone this is Chris here at
watchmojo calm we’re here the 2007 north
american international car show now this
is their 100th annual auto show so it’s
really a big deal a lot has gone on
we’ve seen some really interesting
entries from Ford even from Chevy so we
surprised you see a lot of the American
in North American car dealerships sort
of raising the bar and really trying to
sort of break into the global market so
what to do is I’m going to take you
around and show you guys some of the
sights and sounds that are to be had
here the 2007 Detroit Auto Show so
follow me
this is being w’s booth now one of the
most interesting things about this is
they’ve released a new hardtop
convertible and one of the ways they’ve
managed to really make this convertible
innovative is by giving the actual
hardtop a three component design that
way they can actually layer it over so
it doesn’t actually extend the length of
the trunk or extend the length of the
actual cabin you’re actually able to
keep the sort of BMW aesthetics it was
really innovative and that was an
exciting day yesterday when that was
unveiled we’re bringing along some more
things here
over here we have Volkswagens booth well
this year so far we haven’t seen
anything two incredibly different from
Volkswagen Volkswagen is really more or
less just showed us that they’re going
to keep making consistently strong and
reliable cars so let’s keep going
now over here we have Nissan’s booth
down each side I have some really
incredible concept cars their booth has
been pretty busy throughout the entire
show it relates their concept cars that
have gotten a lot of attention that’s
nothing new for these guys and if you
actually look over here you can see that
on the opposite side we actually has two
Zhu keys booth and Suzuki has what you’d
expect with the regular line the sort of
sport utility wagons and it sort of
trucks strong showing as always let’s
get going
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