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Canadian Weather

living up to its most popular stereotype
yes Canada can be very cold and there’s
nothing Canadians love more than to
complain about the weather it is our
passion the weather when we talk about
it more than next to our health I think
we talk about weather more than any of
the subject and we’ve been considered to
be a boring country because you know all
the blowing we do about the weather
doesn’t stop that storm from coming hi
I’m Rebecca Brayton and welcome to and today we’re speaking
with climatologist David Phillips about
the phenomenon that is the Canadian
climate so you’re considered a weather
guru what what does this mean what is
what do you study exactly explain this
to us I like to call myself a weather
I’m not sure I’m that but I I know I’m
fascinated by the weather and I’ve just
discovered this fascination that
Canadians have for the weather
I mean we’re weather obsessed in this
country we’re so allready disgusted by
our weather but secretly proud of the
same weather and we talk about it more
than any other people in the world and
so what I do is just try to keep those
conversations humming in Canada to give
little stories a little tidbits little
did you know that for example the
average sneeze is about the same force
as a category-2 hurricane and then they
kind of sign didn’t know that and then
they’re willing to listen to you for
some of the hard core messages that you
might have about the safety of weather
and how we can prepare ourselves and
what the future will be you mentioned
preparation and safety what we do what
do you have some tips we get lots of
weather and it helps us to prepare for
it I mean we buy more clothes than any
other people in the world and not
because we’re fashion conscious we just
have a lot of weather and you know it
doesn’t matter how stupid we look when
we dress up for the weather I often
think that our GQ magazine is the
Canadian Tire catalog we dress up for
these things and we’re great outdoors
people people like to go out and enjoy
the snow whether it be snowmobiling a
cross-country skiing so I think that
every activity we pursue there’s a risk
to it every year tragically there are at
least two or three children that die
from snow forts that cave in or
snowplows will come by and will very
kids playing in that so this year’s
calendar I talked about that you know
when kids play in snow forts they should
have parental guidance or is tornadoes
it’s hurricanes or it’s lightning
strikes you know the fact that a dozen
people encounter to die every year from
lightning there’s no safe haven from
weather I mean you could hide under your
bed maybe and protected but if you
venture out there is a certain risk and
so it’s always a matter of
minimizing the risk so you don’t want to
become a statistic from the weather
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