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Cadillac Car Brand Profile

Cadillac a brief history Henry martin
leland played a key role in the Cadillac
creation his precision and engineering
abilities advanced the Henry Ford
company when Ford’s financial backers
called on Leland before closing shop at
the beginning of the 20th century in
1902 he convinced them to continue in
the industry using his proven one
cylinder engine the Henry Ford Company
reformed into the Cadillac automobile
company in that spirit they adopted the
title Cadillac after a great adventurer
who founded the region 200 years earlier
Cadillacs logo comes from the Cadillacs
family crest the emblem depicts a multi
coated shields around by a seven Pike
coronae and accompanied by a laurel
wreath the 1903 Cadillac completed its
first car and within the next decade it
won the British funded to where trophy
twice an award for the most important
advancement of the year in the
automobile industry its accomplishments
caught the attention of General Motors
and in 1909 General Motors prestige
division purchase Cadillac afterwards it
adopted a strong commercial approach and
produce institutional vehicles like
ambulances and limousines it created the
first gasoline internal combustion
engine and a 19-12 Cadillac earned
recognition for the first sophisticated
delco electrical system three years
later Cadillac unveiled the first
mass-produced v8 engine Cadillac define
advanced engineering luxury and style
early in automotive history
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