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Breakfast Dos and Don’ts: How to Eat a Balanced Meal

welcome to my name is Mike
Pellegrini president of Lake Kip trained
with Mike today we have our nutritionist
jasmine guru C with us today to talk
about breakfast foods the do’s and
don’ts of breakfast so my first question
jasmine is we always hear this breakfast
is the most important meal of the day is
there is there any truth to that
absolutely often I see clients who are
not eating an adequate breakfast are
having an unbalanced breakfast are
making poor choices when they’re in a
rush and they buy something when they’re
on the go or they’re skipping breakfast
altogether so why is it so important why
can’t we skip breakfast people who skip
breakfast often are going to have lower
energy levels throughout the day they’re
gonna suffer from hunger pangs food
cravings and that will lead to
overeating and binging later on in the
day and will actually promote a weight
gain which is something most people
don’t want to have also if you look at
the word breakfast and break it down
it’s made up of two words break fast
you’re breaking your fast you want to
break your fast as quickly as possible
when you wake up so within 30 to 60
minutes of waking up you should eat
something if you’re gonna skip your
breakfast and essentially put yourself
in starvation mode for a longer amount
of time throughout the day your
metabolism is going to be slower
therefore you’re going to be storing
your caloric intake more as fat and you
won’t be as efficient in burning your
your your caloric intake now that we
know that breakfast is important what
makes up a good breakfast
a breakfast should be made of a bunch of
different components you want to make
sure that there is a whole grain you
want to make sure that there is a fruit
or vegetable there should be a healthy
protein some healthy fats and if
possible a source of calcium a breakfast
should have between three and five
hundred calories I don’t want it to see
like one slice a toast with butter on it
it’s it’s not enough you have to make
sure that your breakfast is substantial
again to prevent the binge eating later
on and to keep your energy levels stable
what are some of the most common
mistakes people make when choosing
breakfast foods besides skipping
breakfast altogether common mistakes
that I see are people who just don’t eat
adequate big enough breakfast other
mistakes I see are certain breakfast
foods that you would not want to have
breakfast foods that are made of
processed or refined flours or that have
a lot of added sugars to them for
instance a breakfast cereal like this is
not very good it’s not gonna give you
the energy that you need for the day
full of added sugars amongst other
ingredients that you don’t want to put
into your body things like white bread
not a good choice again not high in
fiber has a very high glycemic index not
gonna keep you full for very long
another example would be pop-tarts and
cereal bars and things like that I’ll
often have clients who are eating things
like this not a good way to start your
day full of added sugars made with a lot
of processed flour and starches
essentially you’re just eating a piece
of cake for breakfast another issue that
I often see our people who drink their
breakfast which doesn’t necessarily have
to be a bad thing but often there’s not
the right components inside a smoothie
or a shake if you’re making a smoothie
and it just has juice and different
fruits in it basically what you’re
essentially drinking is a cup of sugar
it’s not enough to keep you going it’s
not high enough in fiber or protein or
healthy fats so you have to make sure
that you’re having the right components
in your breakfast so a lot of people you
know don’t have time to make breakfast
at home they’re on the go
they so they don’t have time to make
breakfast they’re eating the car they’re
eating at the office they’re picking up
something to eat what are some of the
things that may need to watch out for
one of the problems there that’s a very
good question
people who eat out we’re on in a
rational on-the-go when picking up
breakfasts at restaurants have a very
big challenge ahead of them a lot of
these foods are super-sized
very big portions very high in calories
not the right calories very high in fat
a lot of saturated fat and sodium
they’re not the balanced breakfast like
I was talking about before for example a
muffin such as this one could pack in
anywhere from 3 to 500 calories a lot of
the baked goods out there the scones the
muffins the doughnuts the banana breads
and things like that they can even go up
to 700 calories
they have a lot of added sugar to them
up to ten teaspoons of added sugar ten
to fifteen grams of fat
most of them being saturated fat to
artery-clogging fat another typical
breakfast that I see the bagel and cream
cheese we have to be careful with this
bagels out there are huge they’re
they could be equivalent to three four
slices of bread and the cream cheese
unfortunately is not like having regular
cheese there’s no it’s not a good source
of calcium or protein which a lot of
people do think it is so you have to be
careful with the cream cheese and again
it’s giving you another 100 to 200
calories depending on how thick the
cream cheese is another food that
breakfast food that people go get when
they’re on the go at fast-food
restaurants would be those breakfast
wraps or breakfast sandwiches you really
have to be careful with those because
again they tend to be very high in
calories they could be high in sodium
and fats and saturated fat they’re
filled with a lot of high fat cheese’s
different meats that are very high in
sodium processed meats and the bread
typically is not 100% whole grain even
if it is you have to be careful what the
other components are in the sandwich so
now we know the essentials breakfast is
important don’t skip breakfast eat a
balanced meal and eat enough for
breakfast so for more information on
breakfast foods and everything about
nutrition and training visit us at rain
with mike dot CA
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