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Body Worlds Exposition: Part 1

whether you’re looking to gain the
appreciation of the elegance and
complexity of the human body or you
still think that glute asst maximus is
the hero from gladiator this
introduction to plastination should
health my name is new bill and the host
of and here we are with
the director body worlds to mr.
Sebastian de Belge so what exactly is
plastination or the plastination process
is a process that was patented in 1977
by dr. von Hagens dr. von Hagens is
probably the most revolutionary
anatomist of our time when he was
studying anatomy he looked at the organs
and specimens in formaldehyde and he
said to himself how can I impregnate
formaldehyde inside the organs so that
we can actually preserve them just after
death or as they were at the time of
death we extract fats and fluids
basically items that accelerate
decomposition of the body replace them
with polymers or elastomers through
impregnation and gas in the heat so that
the the actual specimens remain eternal
it’s basically plastic how long does it
take to prepare a specimen a full-body
specimen takes anywhere between 5 to 12
months it takes a long long time it’s
not necessarily dissection is to make
sure that the body is basically
extracted aldi the fats and fluids but
also ensuring that all the items are
exactly as they work for example for
this specimen which was very different
than the other Placidus the cut was very
very difficult to make and ensuring that
we don’t lose any parts what are some of
the advantages of this technique what
were you were told by most people is
that if they are looking at a plastic
model a copy of a plastinated specimen
they don’t feel that they actually see
what it’s really like so seeing a real
specimen makes a real difference for the
average visitor what are some of its
limitations most of the blessings have
copied eyes or plastic made eyes that’s
the only island that that doctor
recommended von Hagens has not been able
to question so far our plastinated
bodies being used in other ways besides
this exposition the original intent was
not for exhibit the original intent was
actually to e to use the specimens to
teach students in anatomy and in medical
schools all over the world
yes they are being sent to Anatomy
schools and medical schools in over 400
colleges and universities all over the
world who will benefit the most from
this technique humanity the human body
at the time of death has always been
reserved two people in laboratories to
the medical profession and specialists
who actually had access to autopsies and
and pathologist dr. von Hagens has said
that it’s the democratization of the
human body
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