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Black History Month – Part 1

hi this is Eileen quashy for today we will be
discussing Black History Month Black
History Month which lasts throughout the
month of februari is a yearly
celebration of black men and women who
have made significant contributions to
society most of us are familiar with
revolutionary figures such as Martin
Luther King jr. Malcolm X and Harriet
Tubman so in honor of Black History
Month I decided to find out about a few
other people whose notable achievements
are not often discussed but who should
also be celebrated the first person is
renowned artist semi Knox in 2004 Knox
became the first african-american artist
to paint the official portrait of a US
president that of President Bill Clinton
believing that the human face is the
most interesting and challenging to
paint Knox specializes in portraiture
his work has included portraits of
Muhammad Ali Bill Cosby and his family
and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
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