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Become an Environmental Activist

having the planet isn’t as hot as you
may think hi I’m Veronica
and today we’re going to show you some
tips on how can you tell us about the
clean the street praise that you helped
organize a group of youth called the
organization where I work for it and
they said what can we do to help the
environment and then we decided to
highlight two activities one was using
reusable bags and then the second
activity we chose to highlight with
auntie I link so stopping one’s car when
they’re parked how are these two ways
that you can help the environment if we
carry our own bags we’re really doing an
important gesture for for the
environment we know that marine life
often die through ingesting plastic and
plastic bags cities across the world are
starting their anti anti plastic bag
campaigns and they’re banning them in
their cities so that’s happening in some
cities our bands and other cities are
just trying to highlight the use of
reusable bags kind of encouraging people
to do it I think the global statistic is
500 billion bags a year that we use on
our planet so if we can use less that
would be great and what about the
anti-idling we know we have a huge
problem with smog two thousand people
dying prematurely because of respiratory
problems associated with air pollution
simply turning your car off can greatly
reduce the particulate matter in the air
that we breathe and we die from
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