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Basic Yoga Poses for Beginners

welcome to I am your host
Tiffany Carey Kappas today I will share
the joys of practicing yoga so what is
yoga well first and foremost yoga
targets your physical spiritual and
mental well-being
follow me through some of these basic
moves that will work your endurance
muscles and especially your flexibility
the most basic move in yoga is a
Mountain Pose your two feet hip-width
apart slowly bend your knees slightly
also bring your shoulders back and down
one of my favorite positions is the tree
start off in the Mountain Pose shift
your weight on one leg and slowly start
raising to your other leg start sliding
it up a little bit more you need to stop
once you feel comfortable in the
movement and especially when you feel
stable in the movement the second
position is the Eagle position slowly
start bring your left arm
fold it in front center of your body
start raising your right arm and cross
it in front as much as possible try to
glue your palms together moving along
now to our standing camel pose bring
your hands to the back slowly try to
glue your shoulder blades together and
slowly raise your chin up once you’re
looking up stay in this position for
five breaths as for the cat position
start off on all fours on the ground
bring your chin to your chest round out
your back inhale and slowly as you
exhale raise your chin up and slowly
bring your gluts outside – and finally
for the Child’s Pose
being on all fours bring your bum
towards your heels in the back and rest
your forehead on the ground and remember
when practicing yoga proper breathing is
essential so breathe deeply and enjoy
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