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Another Top 10 Cartoon Shows For Adults

of course cuz when you do kiss a girl to
make it official here’s got a beat on
major time you want to flick your tongue
around Ely you really want to get your
tongue underneath hers yeah yeah you
want to get in there like a claritin to
just dissolve yeah there were just too
many to fit onto one list hey guys it’s
Phoebe from watch mojo and today we’re
coming down another top-10 cartoon shows
for adults
before we begin we publish new content
every day so be sure to subscribe to our
Channel and ring the bell to get
notified about our latest videos today
we’re counting down even more cartoons
specifically for adults however shows
that are geared towards children but
that adults can still enjoy will not be
included so no gravity falls here if you
think we forgot something check out our
first list on the topic let’s check it
now who wants to put on some blindfolds
in get into my car yay wait what number
10 Duckman from the makers of Rugrats
this show is kind of the opposite of
that I’m doomed corn-fed doomed to live
an unnoticed life an anonymous drone
stepped over and unappreciated till the
day I die following the life of The
Namesake Eric Duckman an abrasive and
sarcastic duck Private Eye as well as
the lives of his family and friends
documen is a show filled to the brim
with dark and risque humor couched in a
colorful and occasionally unsettling
package if you’ve got the itch I’ve got
the scratch here’s a hundred and there’s
I won’t use my hands just my bill might
take 5-10 minutes but I’ll slip about
Deckman himself as an entertaining least
sleazy character and the supporting cast
is strong too it may be one of the older
shows on our list but Duckman is still
worth a look
good morning duck man are you all right
those doctors gave you electroshock good
for me you don’t mind having your brain
destroyed no their board certified
professionals they know it’s best oh boy
highway construction number nine blasts
dynamite all right gang you got until
3:00 Mississippi to spit if you want to
keep your asses intact
meet me at the getaway car just like we
planned it’s time to send fiendish dr.
Wu a message all that
changes in the world no match for a
couple of decent black folks working
together with a plan and some explosives
based on the live-action film of the
same name Black Dynamite continues its
cinematics forbearers focus on the title
character and over-the-top
blaxploitation hero as well as his
friends continuing their adventures
battling the men and other 1970s
inspired foes featuring lots of sex
violence mature language and racism
Black Dynamite is a hilarious parody of
the blaxploitation film genre with some
great fight scenes and many bizarre
celebrity cameos to boot I’m Michael I
know who Michael Jackson is and what he
is a bottom line if you crave adult
cartoon satisfaction then dig this funky
action the other thing I would do is
find a cause you’re passionate about
like saving the whales world peace the
children all my time thinking about the
children number 8 Harvey Birdman
attorney at law
dr. cuesta pleasure please call me
Benton and may I call you mr. Birdman
yes although other shows like Space
Ghost Coast to Coast and Sealab 2021
also took old hanna-barbera cartoons and
put a new spin on them Harvey Birdman
attorney at law may be the pinnacle of
the practice tell us a little about your
relationship well race and I met one
night with your boys Oh
after retiring from being a superhero
Harvey Birdman takes up law working with
some of his former friends and allies
representing other Hannah Barbara
characters in court cases and suffering
through the bizarre antics of everyone
around him you know how pathetic it is
to be solar powered all the other guys
got their strength from real stuff no
radiation chemical spill Cole who got
that power from Cole
man full of non sequiturs and rapid-fire
dialogue and jokes Harvey Birdman should
be a legally binding necessity for any
fan of adult animation so need something
notarized nah we came back to sue you
all for completely ruining the planet oh
well now I’m not so sure you can say
without a doubt that we’re actually
ruined what is that that’s what you get
when you genetically modified corn a
little too much I’ll take the case
number seven Metalocalypse if you ever
wondered what it would be like if a
dim-witted band ruled the world look no
further we are really really good bosses
yeah I know he cares about all of them
it’s like a plantations but the slaves
are friends Metalocalypse follows the
fictional slash real band dethklok whose
moronic members are as successful as
they are surrounded by death prone to
lowbrow humor and extreme violence the
series also has legitimately excellent
music and an engaging if downplayed plot
about dethklok’s connection to an
apocalyptic prophecy
whether you’re already a metalhead
or are interested in the genre and want
some laughs be sure to steal your
stomach and check a Metalocalypse out no
I feel slightly slightly better number
six Daria named for its protagonist
Daria follows the eponymous misanthropic
teenage girl and her life in high school
and at home with her family we were born
in this room we grew up in this room and
we thought we would die here alone but
now you’ve arrived and our lives can
truly begin she likes you although I’m
not as graphic or violent as many of our
other entries Daria manages to sharply
satirize suburban life usually by
presenting its heroine is the voice of
reason and showing how ridiculous the
people around her behave while adhering
to what’s normal mm you know Trent it
takes a lot of guts to go after a dream
especially when you know that failure
can mean spending the rest of your life
playing la woman in public still is
bitingly funny now as it was 20 years
Daria herself may not think you’re worth
her time but she and her shows
definitely are I’m in touch with the
teen within why don’t you get in touch
with a 30-something without your readers
aren’t gonna be teenagers forever unlike
you number 5 Robot Chicken what do you
guys want for lunch today subway
brazenness my brains a stop-motion
animated series Robot Chicken depicts a
variety of short sketches on various
subjects almost always related to
popular culture and frequently targeting
nostalgic cartoons toys or films while
the lack of testes was making me testy
but this boring avenges took a sperm for
the better
this chick is giving me said I you know
what it’s too easy I joke with draw and
everyone joke with her on the show often
takes child-friendly or beloved
properties and puts a darker spin on
them introducing sex ultraviolence or
mature themes or else exaggerating those
things already present in them which
makes for effective and rather hilarious
parody so long as you don’t take the
things you love during your childhood –
seriously well could you at least tell
me if Lea’s my sister I kind of have a
lot riding on it
number four the Venture Brothers if we
were ranking our entries based on the
intricacy of their lore this would
easily be number one I don’t know but
judging from these goggles it’s the
guild seems like you made it to the big
league what’d you do nothing I was just
sitting here watching the worst porno
ever is that a head primarily centered
around the title brothers their field
scientists father and several bodyguards
and their conflicts with villains
creatures and their own failings The
Venture Brothers features a massive
expanded cast and a dozen ongoing
subplots any minute now stuffs gonna
start blowing up guys will be throwing
each other another guy’s yeah probably
you know when you’re not the one in the
middle of it all for once it’s actually
totally completely obvious so taking
cues from everything from comic books to
Jonny Quest The Venture Brothers
beautifully sends up many of their
tropes while also celebrating pop
culture and exploring themes of family
and failure often intertwining them you
broke my heart
you broke my heart you know I bet this
guy would pay 10 million for Hank what
do you say double or nothing number 3
Bob’s Burgers so we have to sell some
burgers every year this weekend makes or
breaks us who’s farting its genes sound
effects thing I thought that made you
sound like a robot it does Rob Laser
sound aid fart noise oh god an animated
adult sitcom about the Belcher family
who run the titular restaurant Bob’s
Burgers bears some similarity to other
adult cartoon sitcoms but distinguishes
itself by having more of an emphasis on
character based comedy the characters
are often quirky yet also relatable and
they remain relatively consistent in
their characterization unlike some other
shows we could mention so that isn’t to
say that the show doesn’t get crazy or
outlandish because it certainly delves
into strange and risque territory fuck
up gene it’s like I scream into my
pillow every time I don’t get a horse on
my birthday there’s always good deer
overall though Bob’s Burgers serves up a
belly full of laughs while also
occasionally tugging at your
Bobby you’ve been practicing yeah went
online got some tips kissing tips online
yeah I learned a few moves check this
one out
this one is your anniversary gift number
two Rick and Morty great adventure buddy
Rick and Morty go to giant prison you
know if somebody drops the soap it’s
gonna land on our heads and crush our
spines Morty you know it’ll be really
easy to rape us after that one of the
darkest and most outlandish comedies in
recent years Rick and Morty depicts the
adventures of a brilliant if amoral
scientist and his nervous grandson and
the rest of their family across
dimensions in space the for you my goofy
brother Steve he’s been living here
almost a year now are you losing your
mind hey someone’s been spending too
the series bleak and bizarre humor
combined with its inventive sci-fi
concepts which are often mashups of
existing properties as well as its
unexpectedly heart-wrenching emotional
moments have made it a runaway hit in
recent years we need to kill everyone
that we can only remember fondly who’s
got a bad memory about mrs. refrigerator
we never know quite what to expect with
this show which is what makes it so fun
to watch I turned myself into a pickle
Morty boom big reveal I’m a pickle what
do you think about that I turned myself
into a pickle before we unveil our top
pick here are some honorable mentions
it’s moments like this when I know I
wouldn’t trade what I have right now if
I swallow you’re a good guy Gary all
right Jesus rapture me take off your
clothes oh I thought they came off
magically you’re not really Jesus are
you number one Bojack horseman oh do you
think what you do is so hard oh I’m a
writer I go to coffee shops with my
laptop and my notebook and my dumb
glasses that I have to wear because I’m
so important I need to see clearly this
adult cartoon dramedy follows the title
character a washed-up horse actor who
attempts to make his comeback while
fighting his own self-destructive
tendencies as well as his fellow
anthropomorphic and human friends and
acquaintances in hollywoo see saralyn
we’re not doomed in the great grand
scheme of things
we’re just tiny specks that will one day
be forgotten so it doesn’t matter what
we did in the past or how we’ll be
the only thing that matters is right now
this moment this one spectacular moment
jerilyn along with having a dark cynical
humor throughout the show does an
excellent job satirizing show business
politics and other current events Bojack
horseman also delivers some surprisingly
effecting dramatic moments – and doesn’t
shy away from its protagonists
addictions and depression so Bret buddy
near you sober no sober now come on
you’re drunk piece of shit be less drunk
this show will make you laugh cry and
think about life what more could you ask
for I need you to tell me that I’m a
good person I know that I can be selfish
narcissistic and self-destructive but
underneath all that deep down I’m a good
person and I need you to tell me that
I’m good Diane tell me please Diane tell
me that I’m good so what do you guys
think did we get it right don’t forget
to check out our first list on the topic and check out these videos
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