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deep divers this is me take me or leave
me I’m gonna do me and you can do you I
peace infinite waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are here
I hope your day is going good sending
you tons of acceptance energy take that
take that take that
we’re just whoa breathing in that good
Oz prana baby now deep divers do you
accept yourself or do you sometimes
stare yourself in the mirror thinking
that you’re not good enough are you the
one who’s always trying to fit in with
everyone else cuz you just can’t accept
well alas deep divers after this video
you will really know how to accept
yourself how to accept yourself now and
forever and Wayne even had breakfast yet
can I get a Hello now wonderful deep
divers let me share with you what long
my journey accept myself 100% accept
myself now and forever if you have been
watching my videos for one year two
years three years four years you know
who Ralph smart is like I have I have
people who are really deep divers they
watch my videos every single day and I
guarantee you even if I wore even if I
wore a bin bag they would still accept
me the love is real I love you too right
you see deep divers to accept yourself
it starts with only surround yourself
with people who accept you 100%
and don’t care
who you are don’t care how you look
don’t care how much money you have
surround yourself with people who don’t
care how you look because it’s all about
the energy you share mmm
slow motion this side mmm deep divers
how to accept yourself now and forever
there was a time deep divers when I
didn’t accept myself I’m like growing up
I knew I came here to do big things I
knew I came here to help people I also
knew I was born different I’m not the
same as everyone else cuz I realized
wait a minute
planet Earth is a bit strange most of us
are living in a matrix a conveyor belt
lifestyle and no one’s asking questions
well from a young age I was asking
questions what is this place
and I realized that I was the only one
doing this around me oh no right but
over time I learned that my uniqueness
was my power let me repeat that my
uniqueness was my power that is what
gave me the edge in life that is what
gives me the edge in life every single
day nobody is you and that is your power
that’s how to accept yourself now and
forever I had to learn to play my
position I Know Who I am born on March
3rd 33 I’m a master teacher know thyself
I know who I am
that’s why I can accept myself because
deep divers I am immortal I’m gonna be
here forever that’s right even the cat
down the road knows that ok how to
accept yourself now and forever
play your position you see not everybody
came to Planet Earth to do the same
thing not everybody is here for the same
reason we live in a flash of light
therefore there is no time to waste
pretending to be someone else mmm
we have to keep real with ourselves
that’s how to accept yourself now and
forever ask yourself every single day
Who am I really doing this for am i
doing this for likes am i doing this for
attention or am i doing this because
this is what sets my soul on fire deep
divers whoa
that’s how to accept yourself now and
you see a lot of us we like to think of
ourselves as Saints and so righteous
when in reality we also have the dark
side and the dark side is very powerful
just like the light side in our darkest
moments we become illuminated and was
helped me beat divers to accept myself
now and forever is to embrace the dark
side my shadow side and also my light
side because both are necessary
authenticity comprises of negativity and
positivity ultimately it’s about balance
if you can find the balance within
yourself to say actually sometimes I can
be a right also and that’s okay I accept
that part of myself that is still
growing I accept that part of myself
which is still evolving you didn’t come
here to be perfect you came here to be
real and that’s how to accept yourself
we accept ourselves when we accept our
perfect imperfections when we begin to
love our flaws
that’s how to accept yourself beat
divers never apologize for being
yourself never ever apologize for being
yourself and that’s what I’ve learned
along my journey I love myself I accept
myself 100% because this is who I am
and by me being me I empower other
people to be them never apologize for
how you were born never apologize for
how you think that is your gift once
again your uniqueness seven day vegan
challenge let’s talk about it shout out
to everybody who’s stuffing a whole
bunch of grapes in their mouth right now
you are really accepting yourself I had
to accept myself I’m a vegan I love
animals I had to accept that part of
now I’m proud of what I represent that’s
how to accept yourself 100% now and
forever be proud of what you represent
especially when it comes to food if you
are vegetarian if you if you have
stopped eating meat be proud of that
that is what will inspire other people
don’t be ashamed of it
Who am I to be great and loved animals
no who are you not to be that is
phenomenal that you care about animals
that is to be honored right that’s how
you accept yourself stop praising
yourself for everything you are deep
divers because my oh my you are pretty
awesome deep divers how to accept
yourself now and forever
you see I realize along my early journey
guess what deep divers what Ralph people
are gonna judge you regardless it
doesn’t matter if you are the most
perfect person in the world you please
everyone they will find one thing that
they’re annoyed about with you write
your card please everyone
you didn’t come here to please everyone
that’s how to accept yourself 100% stop
being truthful to who you are and
realize people will judge you regardless
you might as well be yourself deep
divers how to accept yourself now and
forever you see what’s helped me along
my journey deep divers is to stop
comparing myself with other people
because I don’t know what they came here
to do I’m planet Earth you see the
ancients knew that there’s a word arabic
word Maktub which means it was written
so therefore it is pointless to compare
yourself to someone else’s life to
compare your life to theirs because both
of you came here for different reasons
and you have to focus on your own path
and stop competing with everyone around
you and start living for yourself start
being happy with who you are stop trying
to impress people on Instagram because
my oh my that’s the waste of your time
and energy it’s all about living
unapologetically being yourself 100% and
once you do that deep divers you will
stop comparing yourself to other people
you will now learn that the only way you
can accept yourself is to go at your own
pace because so long as you are
comparing yourself with other people
you’ll always feel like you’re being
left behind go at your own pace follow
your own natural biorhythm and that’s
how to accept yourself once again nobody
is you and that is your power your
uniqueness is your power embrace it
today and you will accept yourself and
then just say so get to be a live baby
can I get a hello
hey don’t apologize for being the
awesome being you know you are deep
divers less just whoa breathing in that
good oz prana baby shout out to
everybody who’s been getting the
wonderful good oz prana shirts at Ralph
smart calm slash clothes get more
inspiration in the book feel alive by
Ralph smart on Amazon follow me on
instagram at infinite waters deep divers
accept yourself now and forever have a
beautiful day infinite waters diving
deep once again stay well stay healthy
peace you
[Applause] [Music]

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