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7 Things You Should Know About Mass Effect 2

welcome to and today we’ll
be taking a look at the 7 things you
should know about Mass Effect 2
number one the plot Mass Effect 2 is the
darker mid portion of an ongoing trilogy
it picks up shortly after the events of
the original game in the year 2183
this time Commander Shepard has been
revived and upgraded following a deadly
attack on his ship so he can help
recruit a fighting force to take on a
new threat to the galaxy an alien race
called the collectors which have begun
abducting entire human colonies they
don’t expect us to survive but that
never stopped me before
number 2 gameplay Mass Effect 2 features
several improvements to the gameplay
mechanics of the previous entry this
time there is a regenerating health bar
which eliminates the need to tediously
collect meta gel in addition there are
many new biotic tech and combat
abilities which will strongly appeal to
the RPG fans these include the ability
to create shockwaves and attack your
enemy with an adrenaline rush number 3
weapons and armor there are now 19
distinct weapon types a steep increase
from the previous four these include a
larger variety of weapon classes such as
submachine guns shotguns and heavy
Plus Slayers will now strategically have
to collect and use universally
interchangeable through clips to keep
their weapons cool and functioning
properly we’re low on thermal clips but
I’m a biotic just give the order when
you want me to hit them with the good
number four characters and dialogue
interrupts your success in Mass Effect
two greatly depends on your ability to
gain the loyalty of those that you
recruit on your travels an element that
you can monitor by means of a point
system ever read Machiavelli he believed
it’s better to be feared than loved at
the start of the game you will interact
with several companions before meeting
new allies and reuniting with old
friends from the previous game this time
you will be able to take a more active
part in the path that conversations take
with a new feature called dialogue
interrupts this means if an
interrogation is not going your way you
can use physical force number five
vehicles due to the heavy criticism over
the m35 Makos weak gameplay sections in
the first game a new vehicle will be
introduced to provide a much easier off
road handling experience driving levels
have also been tweaked to be much more
versatile this time around rather than
simply acting as filler to the overall
story number six graphics and loading
times along with providing gamers with a
larger and more detailed galaxy to
explore the in-game cinematics and
character animations have been vastly
improved as such the old static
conversation camera is gone and you are
free to move around and examine the
scene additionally each character will
now feature over 200 separate animations
rather than the previous 20 this will
provide a much more fluid and engaging
experience especially when coupled with
the fact that loading screens will be
dramatically shorter this time around
without taking the form of never-ending
elevator rides number seven save files
and character death as a major
innovation in gaming Mass Effect 2
allows you to import your custom
character and saves from the previous
game entry as such all of your earlier
decisions will be carried over to
provide a continuous chain of events
this will greatly affect the current
storyline in terms of impacting your
friendships and the narrative structure
however your previous stats and
will not be carried forward despite this
option the game will be fully accessible
to gamers that are new to the franchise
tell me how good are those odds and
finally in an interesting and equally
innovative move that will now be
possible for your character and his team
to die at the conclusion of the game
this will not prevent you from winning
but this possible outcome will prevent
you from playing your existing character
and companions in the future third entry
in the series
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