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Women in STEM | Krystine Hill | TEDxStevensonU

hi guys I’m super excited to talk to you
today as Luke said my name is Christine
Hill so let’s start off with a question
how many of you were ever told that you
couldn’t do something yeah
whether it be you physically couldn’t do
something or you weren’t allowed to do
something and it sucks right so when I
was growing up my mom and my dad always
raised me with the mentality that
obstacles were not really a problem an
obstacle only meant that you had to work
harder to accomplish whatever you’re
trying to accomplish and if you wanted a
spot at the top you had to work your
butt off to get to the top and I didn’t
realize until I came to college that
that was going to mean something
different to me as a woman but also as a
woman in the science field so my purpose
here today is to encourage you women to
recognize the blockades that are
established to limit you whether it be
socially emotionally or mentally and
thus overcome them by recognizing them
but also to encourage them men in the
room to realize and recognize the their
women peers and to encourage them as
leaders so I wasn’t always crazy and I
didn’t always want to be a chemistry
major but when I was growing up through
elementary school I middle school in
high school I was always really into the
arts so I spent 15 years in my life
dancing if anyone were to ask me what I
wanted to be it was always an artist or
a teacher and at the end of my high
school career I wanted to be a doctor or
a medical examiner and I had the
opportunity to shadow a crime-scene
investigator in Baltimore and I fell in
with forensic science and the one that I
was shadowing instructed me to to major
in chemistry and not forensic science
because if I were to change my mind
later on forensic science would really
limit where I could go as an alternative
career option so I was like I went home
to my mom I said mom I don’t even like
chemistry I don’t like science like I
don’t know what to do but I was very
indecisive and I still AM so I was happy
to accept the decision that someone else
made so I said sure I’ll go to college
and I’ll major in chemistry I when
people um I would tell people they would
look at me like I was nuts like people
still do and they would tell me oh my
gosh it’s going to be super hard but
it’s a very type A personality school
sort of came easy to me and I never
really struggled with it so I said this
will be fine it’ll be whatever so it
wasn’t until I was one to two years into
the major that I realized oh my gosh
this is actually going to be hard yes or
go halfway through P chem it sucks but
it became a very proud moment for me
because still when I bring it up that I
am a chemistry major people look at me
like I’m crazy but now that it’s
presented as a challenge to me I have to
conquer it and I have to accomplish my
goals so being a chemistry major is not
only challenging to me intellectually
but also socially because a career in
the stem field so science technology
engineering or math is the complete
opposite of what a woman is supposed to
go into as a career so when women were
starting to be allowed to have jobs in
the 18th and 19th century the careers
that they had were often just extensions
of the
Deas in the home they are very nurturing
jobs they were nurses they were teachers
they were not working in a lab by
themselves all day doing experiments or
on the side of a road at a crime scene
wait police officers analyzing blood
spatter with a dead body in front of
them that’s not all what women were
expected to do so as a woman in science
I need to recognize the prejudices that
will be against me and adjust my work
ethic accordingly hey I never really
noticed the prejudices against women
until I came to college
and I realize now three years in that I
was very very naive coming into college
as a freshman but really that’s what
college is about it’s about keeping an
open mind and realizing the capacity for
improvement in the world around one of
these one of the things that I watched
that really sparked you know the
feminist fire in my heart was a TED talk
by Sheryl Sandberg and she’s the chief
operating officer of Facebook and a
founder of a website called Nena org and
when I watched this TED talk and made me
realize how subtle but present the
inferior our teas are for women in
success in general so one thing that she
says in her talk is that women
systematically underestimate their own
abilities think about that so when a
woman accomplishes something she doesn’t
wave it around she doesn’t brag about it
and that scene is mom
this and women are applauded for being
modest but I think that women should be
more vocal about what they accomplished
because they worked hard to accomplish
another thing that sheryl sandberg says
in her TED talk is that men will
attribute their success to themselves
well women will attribute their success
to external factors no offense guys I
think you’re great too but if you ask a
man why they accomplished what they
accomplished they’ll say well because
I’m awesome but if you ask a woman why
she accomplished what she accomplished
she’ll say well I worked really hard I
had a lot of other help so once I watch
this I began to pick up on those subtle
and fury Arty’s in my everyday life so
one aspect that I really noticed this in
was in pop culture so I watch Netflix
it’s my number one procrastination tool
and one of the shows i watch is Sons of
Anarchy Edison
okay that’s cool yeah and in the show
one of the more prominent female
characters is not received well by my
peer group and even individuals in the
age group higher than me so she’s seen
as manipulative trolling and the people
that I talk to who happened to be men
but whatever are saying oh my gosh I
would not want her in my life at all
another strong female character in one
of those shows that I watched a suggest
day from new girl
that’s affection and she’s often seen as
obnoxious or annoying and unrealistic so
in real life I also noticed this knot I
get out more than just watching TV but
as supervisor I had the pleasure of
working under um she is the head of her
department she has a doctorate she’s
confident bollock publishing she’s nice
and she dresses really well and whenever
I’m around her around her I just feel
encouraged and I say to people oh my
gosh she is so awesome I want to be like
her and often the men Don around again
no offense um will say oh no you don’t
want to be like her she’s in a sort of
liquid here or wow she really stepped on
people’s toes to get where she is and I
think to myself did she actually do
something that you that offended you or
are you intimidated by her because she’s
successful in Anna power position of
power that’s higher than you so
basically what this comes down to is
that success is not going to get you
popularity and you’re not going to be
well-liked but if you are accomplishing
your goals and you are happy with your
accomplishments and you have a group of
people around you that are supporting
you and helping you grow you don’t need
to worry about the people that are going
to say negative things about so I’m
fortunate enough to have a solid group
of supporters that can remind me of my
goals and of my strong morals when I
seem to forget them one of the women
strong women in my life is of course my
mom you can’t do it without
I’m not your mom she’s always raised me
to not rely on anyone else that I don’t
need to tie myself to a man I don’t need
anyone to get to where I want to go I
can achieve that by myself also in my
friend group we have these little
mannerisms that will encourage each
other and really highlight the positives
of each day so it can be when we’re
together or when we’re by ourselves
but maybe one day we’re catching up over
dinner and one of my best calm friends
will say oh I had a presentation today
so we’ll say yes presentation awesome
or maybe you you’re wearing a fun new
outfit and you post on snapchat like I
did this morning and well comment on
each other’s toes and be like yes shoes
or yes hair and these kinds of things
just encourage each other and it reminds
us that you’re doing great at where you
are and you need to let everyone know
how great you’re actually doing another
strong female role model I had in my
life I met my freshman year of college
and she was an upperclassman chemistry
major and she purred took me under her
wing and I talked about it all the time
because she’s amazing and she’s recently
graduated and she’s on her way to a
applying a doctorate degree being a
medical examiner or even a trauma
surgeon and I just feel so blessed to be
able to be a part of her life and watch
her work through this as a woman trying
to a
both in the science field I think it’s
so amazing another thing that sheryl
sandberg says is that being confident
and believing in your own self-worth is
necessary to achieving your full
potential and sometimes you’ll forget
about your full potential and your
self-worth but it’s important to have
those people in your life that will
support you and remind you of that so
the point of all this it is not to
fashion because guys are great but to
really change your approach to how you
see your own challenges in your life but
also how you receive other women
Tomatoes so when a challenge arises or
is your first thought oh this is going
to be so hard I can’t do it or is your
first stock going to be oh my gosh this
is so hard this is going to suck because
I’m going to have to do so much work to
accomplish it I hope it’s a second also
personally I’m very prideful so if I
want to do something and someone comes
up to me and says you’re not going to be
able to do it I immediately I
immediately say actually I can and I’m
going to do it and you can watch me do
it without anyone’s help and finally
don’t tolerate being ignored
so my friends make fun of me all the
time because if I am talking and they
are not looking at me I will stop and I
will wait until they are making eye
contact with me so I can finish telling
my story and say something important but
other times I’m not
fine but in conclusion yes it said it
now for women than it’s ever been in the
United States before but that doesn’t
mean that we should remain complacent
and not push further you know push for
more progress and this includes
supporting our women leaders so women
executives and CEOs and women scientists
so to sort of close on this note I want
for everyone in this room and for myself
to shoot for the moon and not settle for
the Stars thank you
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