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Will tomorrow’s doctors be computer programmers? | Manoj Samanta | TEDxTeslaSTEMSchool

good afternoon everyone and thank you
for inviting me
I’m a cabinet
so I use computers to solve by the
and every summer I spend some amount of
time with very bright high school
students to show them how to use
computers close up earlier times now you
are probably wondering do computers and
biology mix together when I was a
theorist in high school I had no idea
they would go together in fact I had a
very big decision to make at that time
my parents were both doctors so they
encouraged me to be doctor but I did
really love math I went into Germany and
India being a part of India team in the
international match again so I followed
my passion and wanted to be for do math
and computer science and then later on
after a knock-back pact that in trade to
South America I somehow got convinced
that biology is interesting and that was
not adopted
I spent my PhD and everything else so
that’s how I got into biology but there
is good news for you today if you are
faced with a similar decision you can do
not have to choose back or wireless you
can choose both because of a
technological revolution the world of
computer science and God as he are
so the computer scientists of today I’m
finding their most inspiring problems in
biology whereas the doctors of today are
using more and more computer algorithms
to solve their problems rather than dr.
I should say medical researches and
that’s quite turning out to be quite
fascinating world but it the technology
at the core of this revolution is DNA
sequencing conceptually you can think of
a DNA sequencer as a microscope which
instead of giving your images gives a
GGG all these little characters let’s
say you take dirt from here of the floor
there must be some paving materials and
you get some eddy zzzzz and then you are
going to need a sandwich or a fast-food
joint in the sequencing machine and you
get another batch of a tzzz
now if your sandwich gives you this set
of letters be very careful that’s not of
the name that’s Ecoline so you better
advice and throw it at it now how did I
know that those letters are coming from
equal ion how do you know well I googled
them and you’re actually not Google but
we have our special software that Texas
king of a collection of letters and
tells you that this is where it comes
from and that’s where the
scientist feeding they take these
beggars that come out of these missions
and then convert into different animals
or living organisms and they pass the
information to the balances so there is
another way in the world of computer and
one of sequencing are coming together
the cost of both are falling you may or
may not have heard of Moore’s law that’s
the slope that’s showing how much the
computer cost of computer is calling but
you have seen its impact when I
graduated after my PhD moved to
California I but this huge piece of
furniture called the computer so there
are two big movers came with two boxes
one was computer one was the monitor I
had to get a quite stable table to get
them together five years later I got a
laptop my computer home to my bed
another five years we have this iPhone
computer moves to the pocket and in
terms of application you can see the
tiny eye or can do a lot of things it
can you can play music with it you can
call it cat you can see maps with text
friends and after all this if you have
batteries left maybe you can call your
grandma because it’s after all a phone
now what does the sequencing machine do
when the Christ browser here is the clue
it’s a kind of microscope so you can
take it anywhere and then figure out
what kind of materials are there what
kind of living organisms out there and
the living organism the kind of living
organisms you can try and solve the
problems are very very fast the living
world is being fast beautiful and full
of mysteries so you can use the
sequencing machine to either take on a
backpacking trip you know to take
conditioning but you can example from
your back packing tape or you can solve
problems in medicine you can go
underwater and you can do all kinds of
solve all kinds of problems I chose
about four or five examples to show how
versatile these technologies okay I
spent a number of puns in hospitals in
India because of a family lism and if
you ask me what’s the biggest medical
problem facing the world
it’s not cancer or heart disease or even
millennia it’s kind of bugs that are
growing in the hospitals in India so
what’s going on is the antibiotics have
become very cheap so the doctors there
see the cockles of chat Americans and in
the meanwhile we haven’t discovered too
many advantages over the last few years
but the bacteria’s have gone become much
smarter so they have learned to event
that divided and then now we have this
bacteria that cannot be killed with any
antibody I was reading a story in the
newspaper this is just listen from last
month lady in never going to the
hospital and none of the 26 antibiotics
the the hospital had guard maybe the
whole medical industry has worked on her
and I checked her history she went to
India she was hospitalized in India and
then came back so nothing work she does
and this antibody list and bacteria are
growing heavier in Indian hospitals and
they don’t get Lisa they cannot be
stopped by a wall
they’re coming clearance so if any
worried but one way to detect them is to
use this new sequencing machine because
think of it this bacteria have only a
small parts maybe four or five later
and just by changing those few layers in
their DNA they can even the ante values
so by using just the microscope the
regular microscope you cannot identify
that they look the same as the regular
bacteria this new technology will be
able to identify them and then comes the
other side we may be able to find new
antibodies because the antibiotics come
from another set of good bacteria so
there are lots of this is going on to
find this cluster of antibodies or
bitter pesticides find cluster of
antibodies from all the bacteria people
have sequence to know about potential
solution okay so let’s say you are not
that interested in spending your time in
hospitals you love traveling
now think of traveling why to each other
week I want to get stories they come
back and tell our friends how we saw
these exotic people or what not and you
become famous among friends the one of
the earliest European traveler who
became very famous was Marco Polo he’s
thrown such a good story even 1000ps our
800 years later we know his name
Marco Polo note that people the
different culture went to China
in India and about 200 or 300 years we
adjusted telling stories about people
then the travel has started to look at
the different animals and other things
so in 1750s Lena is for sweaty sports
scientists took it made a collection of
all the living big organisms that are on
the world here this whole group of
people going out there’s captain who
flew into Australia and how the
information so everything was collected
in his group by 1700 1800 we exhausted
all the big things and then the violence
started to look for small things is the
same idea come and tell or the stories
about what kind of people you saw in an
exotic place somehow the way we travel
and tell stories and the way violence is
think that what we use to call the
naturalism and there’s a lot of
similarity so the necessaries naturalist
collected is brittle and darling was one
of them
mother bleep beetle collector so by
making 19th century we collected all the
beetles and bugs then time violence
started to look for thanks through the
microscope but that they can find
observing things now we are in the neck
20th and 21st century is it too late to
find anything new the answer is no there
was a scientist in around Dianetics
1980s he looked around the to scientist
Katya Illinois are going to champagne
they look around all the microorganisms
using this new microscope that I
colleague that he was sequencing and
computer algorithm and found that there
is an entire class of organisms that we
never knew about so think about the way
we think of this microscopic was there
these asked which are big and there are
these jumps your mama often tells your I
mean maybe not here but in India are
boxes always boil your water because
that’s how the germs died now that’s the
big ones – UK and the small ones are hot
bacteria and then this guys found out
that there is an entire class who really
love boiling water
that’s the archaea they’re giving these
hot strains in Yellowstone and all of
the NASA’s maximal national parts so if
you really like traveling maybe to
Yellowstone National Park looking for
archaea could be a
possibly and as I said they are first
found I found out by using this new
technology of sequencing now you are
thinking that oh I care so his LIF that
only fits for viola discarding
previously listen but that’s not true
there was a glucoside matenda in big and
the source of new discovery a
revolutionary new discovery on which the
two big universes are now fighting for
it’s called CRISPR and it all started
because a scientist named Francisco
Mojica he was in Spain and started
looking into the genomes of bacteria the
to the anisa presenter , and he found
out a very strange pattern there was a
part of the genome of bacteria it meant
a virus is factory and virus are always
fighting each other but there is no
reason you’ll find the pattern from
that is kind of like going to Japan and
opening up 15th century text and finding
out Shakespeare’s writing they are so
part of it there is no reason to find
unique similar but he found them and
then he spent 10 years and this is the
end the lesson was to find out that this
bacteria which if I part here with with
heart are very rarely done and actually
quite smart they have this adaptive game
system just like us and using that
component of the email system now
violence and your diseases improvement
so what happened it’s kind of irony that
think that this balance the archaea
bacteria infected now two scientists
from Berkeley and broadly speaking
Harvard are fighting about the patent
time so it’s invented by the bacteria
archaea we are trying to find out
humans are falling inventors to use it
as medicine this is one of my one
project with a large group of
collaborators when Darwin was living he
did not know about art here but that
doesn’t mean he did not have anything
complex to work on in his book he wrote
that this is Hellenic fish they live in
Emerson and they give me little shocked
few tasks that we know that this fish
give special difficulty to his theory of
evolution then this is one of the few
cases that can prove
wrong but after 100 years of Darwin died
there is a group of scientists who work
for the Olympic fish and found out that
they use their electric signal to
communicate so this is like a sixth
sense in apart from the five senses that
I have they can communicate and then it
took another 50 years before we after at
that point when we as a big
collaboration started to look into the
obscene ohm of the electric fish and the
same thing with our use the new
sequencing technology and computer
programs to figure out how this whole
electric organ and liquid passing
electricity once we found out you have
not only found out we are still working
on it we found out these chemicals the
proteins and genes inside the body of
energy fish which are helpful in living
special property so that’s not an
example and this example is quite
personal to me because when my son was
born that was in California my before my
son was born we went to the hospital for
a bedroom in genetic test and the doctor
said oh there is something wrong with
the test result you should come and we
went to keep the genetic counselor maybe
the case I say that you can have
bouncing with a good face for it and the
doctor said you need to do another test
called and your sentence is to find out
about it’s invasive case so I sat down
with the results and also the Opera
thing I could find out how that is
I found them the not the chances of the
first days getting wrong was more than
the damage that can be done done by the
second place so I decided no I don’t
want to have this mu asceticism which
was in basic taste and had to spend next
six months being or and what will happen
to my son he came out to be okay but
today the scientists have come up with
is non-invasive it’s it’s the same
across it but what happens is the blood
from the day next into the the blood and
DNA samples from the daily fix into
mom’s blood so the doctors can take
mom’s blood and sequence it and find out
what the DNA of the Cape will look like
it’s completely non-invasive there is no
risk involved and this is one of the
this is going on in Universal Washington
and I saw another paper just recently
where it says if they can find within
five Queens what the baby is going to be
like Connecticut will see so that’s
another quite exciting weather so I am
covered a lot of things are it’s only a
small subset of the different
applications the balance that thinking
of using this new technology so you can
see that with this new technology the
future of biology and medicine are
maybe but nothing of future is the
future is not complete with the people
who are going to be there thus the young
generation so what happened was I
thought about the way the college truest
high-school students are learning by the
devices what’s going on in the college
in the advanced business and everything
is changing so fast that the path the
college stood at the high school
students were not catching up so I
started is coding for medicine program
where we spent time with the high school
students and teach them about these
different applications and this whole
new technology that is coming up and
even if you’re not creative whether you
are part of this program or otherwise
the good news is that all of this data
are out in the public
most of these genetic data from all
organisms are publicly available all the
programs are publicly whether the
software programs so you can even do the
same self learning and learn about this
red neon future that the tentative
so with that thank you very much
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