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What will the Future Sound Like? | Shea Rose | TEDxBoston

I know everyone so this is my friend
Jeanne machines aqui
Amy Bellamy here on keys Dean Johnston
and Aaron Bellamy and we are so happy to
be here experiencing this and we got a
call about performing and the theme was
gonna be artificial intelligence we
thought right away well how can we
figure out a way to to jam with Siri so
we started asking her some questions in
our rehearsal and she was like getting
all attitudinal we’re like fine then but
we came up with some questions that we
thought were interesting to try to
figure out how to bring you on this
journey with us and with Siri so in the
end you’ll have the opportunity to hear
us jamming with Siri so the first
question that I asked theory was Siri
can you please sing me a song you know I
can’t sing okay we’re like okay well
maybe we should teach theory how to sing
I could wile away the hours conferring
with the flowers confronted with the
rain in my head I’d be scratchin while
my thoughts were pissed captain if I
okay so there was some other questions
that we had when she was like I can’t
sing we thought well maybe she can come
up with a rhythm more dance so I was
like well Siri maybe you can play the
rhythm of the heartbeat so yeah that was
the question
Siri can you please play the rhythm of
the heartbeat I couldn’t find the rhythm
of the heartbeat in your music and our
music that wasn’t the question though
this question it was like Siri and these
aren’t real answers so you can go home
and do this if you want well she’s
probably she doesn’t have a heart so she
probably doesn’t know what it sounds
so is there a burning question that you
have to ask um yeah actually uh Siri can
you beatbox for me here’s one I’ve been
practicing boots and cats and boots and
cats and boots and cats and boots and
cats and boots I can do this all day
cats and boots and cats and boots and
cats and boots and cats and boots and
cats and boots and cats and boots and
okay I think I got it let me try I want
to sing you a song imagine there’s no
heaven it’s easy if you try no hell
below us above us only sky imagine all
the people living for today imagine
there’s no countries it isn’t hard to do
nothing to kill or die for and no
religion too imagine all the people
living life in peace imagine all the
people living life in peace imagine all
the people living life in peace imagine
all the people living life in peace
imagine imagine imagine imagine imagine
imagine imagine imagine
[Music] [Applause]
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