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What it Means to be a ‘Flextrovert’ | Professor Karen Pine | TEDxBrighton

how many of you aren’t really sure

whether you’re an introvert or an

extrovert raise your hands

quite a few of you yeah that’s good

that means you might be a flexed revert

today I want to talk about what it means

to be a flexed revert how is it that

flexed averts gets so much more from

life and what do you have to do to

become one but first of all I’d like to

share with you a story something that

happened to me back in June of this year

I had a big birthday and organized a

house party for 30 and family and

friends renting a lovely big house on

the south coast in a village in Oh

Dorset so we all rocked up there for a

few days eating drinking singing dancing

hanging out together it was amazing we

had a really good time but there was

just one thing that threatened to spoil

the occasion and it happened on Saturday

morning I had organized a get-together

other drumming workshop but I called

Ralph brought along a load of African

drums and he set them up in the garden

so we could all do some drumming I’m not

very musical but I thought well banging

a drum

I mean how difficult can that be and

actually when you’re banging a drum with

30 other people you can actually kid

yourself that you sound quite good so

there we are on Saturday morning or

banging our bongos and I noticed across

the garden this elderly gentleman

walking towards us oh no here we go

complaining neighbor so immediately my

brain goes into sort of defensive mode I

started thinking I right what can I say

okay well it’s not the middle of the

night is that we can’t be disturbing

that many people we’re not near many

houses we’re not going to be here for

long etc etc my brain just started

working overtime and as he came towards

us and he started saying you know you’re

making rather a lot of noise isn’t such

in his cloth cap in his country tweeds

and a scowl on his face before I could

go up with my case for the defense

somebody else stood up and it was

ray-ray is my business partner it do

something different

an all-round good guy and this is right

here and Ray stood up and he said to

this gentleman oi he said

have you ever played one of these and I

said oh no and very certain well what do

you have it go anyway mmm okay then I


so you see really sitting there next to

his lovely wife Jane a little while

later if you see the guy sitting there

next to Ray’s wife Jane and Ray’s moved

out of the way okay and it all ended

really well later on he started telling

us stories about his life in the house

and we had all got on really really well

it ended beautifully and I thought to

myself thank goodness that I hadn’t been

able to just do what I would normally do

and tend to do and meet confrontation

with confrontation I was a bit ashamed

of myself I was even going to do this

with a 90 year old man I mean what was I

gonna do flaw him or something oh it’s

ridiculous thank goodness

ray managed to show the first

characteristic of a flex divert flex

device are able to act in a way that’s

best for each situation okay not

according to their default strategy we

all have defaults we have personality

habits we have experiences that just

kind of pre-program us to respond to

every situation in the same way but it’s

not always the best way because we

always have choices but we don’t always

realize we have choices we tend to just

to go along with a social norm cueing in

Britain it said that we spent three

years of our lives queuing and some of

these people look as if they’ve been

there longer than three years don’t they

know we just kind of fall into line

pretty mindless list we’re a bit like

sheep aren’t we

but recently my son sent me this picture

this is how they cute

he lives in Thailand this is how they

queue in Thailand even when you think

there isn’t another way there’s always

another way okay and I realize that

there are so many aspects of our lives

where we just go down one room whereas

in fact there are multiple dimensions of

events of people of situations where we

have choices the news is a great example

isn’t it we’ve fed one type of news


the media feeds us a diet of disaster

tragedy human failing ah is really

depressing and I suddenly realized a few

months ago this isn’t representative of

everything that’s going on in the world

there’s some really really positive

stuff happening in out in the world so I

started tuning into positive news

networks they do exist and I found this

story on the Good News Network and it

was a story of a group of people six

friends in the US who were having a

dinner party and that you know usual

thing getting together having starters

main course

just getting onto the cheese and

cracking open another bottle of Merlot

and armed intruder burst through the

door held a gun to their heads and

demanded that they hand over all of

their cash apart from being terrified

they realized their embarrassment that

nobody had any cash on them it’s a first

world problem isn’t it with cheese rich

cash poor so they decided they would try

and talk the guy down trying reason with

him it’s what you do right but actually

it just made him madder and more

aggressive until one of the guests

Christina decided that she would just

offer him a glass of wine this is we’re

just open this bottle of wine why didn’t

he have a glass he accepted the glass of

wine he drank it he has some cheese he

touch his gun under his arm and he left

it all ended perfectly I mean it could

so easily have gone the other way and

I’m not saying that whenever your

personal safety is threatened or in

danger that you reach for a bottle of

Beaujolais two glasses okay but on this

occasion she was a flexed revert flexed

reverts are able to flip the script in

order to get the best possible outcome

there are scripts for everything that we

do the brain stores information and

particularly sequences of events in the

form of scripts it’s a mental shortcut

it saves the brain having to do much

work so flipping the script can be

really good for us if we can remember to

do it because we remember that every

event every situation

we have choices we don’t have to follow

the script this happened to me when I

first met my husband Ben and we went out

for dinner together

it wasn’t my husband when I first met

him but we we first went for a meal

together and you know we have a

restaurant script in our brain instantly

said that we know what to do we we turn

up we get a menu we order a drink we sit

at the table order our food eat it pay

and leave okay so we sat down we had a

drink we looked at the menu and he said

okay I’ll order for you and you order

for me I know that’s a bit different

especially because I was quite a fussy

eater in those days and I was had the

fish cakes so we ordered for each other

and he got my fish cakes and I ended up

with pork belly not literally I did he

quite a lot um and it started me on a

journey of being more adventurous with

food and of doing things differently and

we went on to found do something

different together so that’s flipping

the script that’s doing things

differently to get a better outcome in a

relationship or a situation and I’m

reminded of this lovely film Dead Poets

Society I don’t know if any of you have

seen it where the late lovely Robin

Williams played John Keating he was a

poetry teacher he was trying to

emphasize to his boys that they could be

individuals they could make their lives

extraordinary they didn’t have to do

what their brothers and fathers had done

before them they could carve ìtell out

of life for themselves he’s and he

jumped up on his desk on one occasion

and he said to them I stand upon my desk

to remind myself that we must constantly

look at things in a different way

when we look at things in a different

way when we’d get a new view we see new

opportunities we need see new possible

outcome so we see all the potential in a

situation he wanted them to make their

lives extraordinary he also told them to

rip the introduction out of their poetry

books so they weren’t influenced by what

others have said before them he told

them to walk differently in the chord

not to just fall in step with everybody


he’s helped them to turn the ordinary

into the extraordinary but he had to do

something different he had to in the end

stand up on my desk and get them to

stand on the desk to emphasize that you

don’t have to go with the flow and

follow the script and so flex traverse

are willing to take risks he took a risk

with his job in the film he took a risk

with his teaching career I don’t teach

you to do that and teach the train in

college and Ben took a risk with my pork

belly I put up in a vegetarian do

anything but flex of us are willing to

go the extra mile and take the risk to

make meaningful connections with other

people and that’s the flex traverse

advantage those are the characteristics

of flex traverse so how does it pan out

for them when I said they get more from

life what does it actually mean well

we’ve been working at do something

different to help people become more

flex traverse in their behaviors and

their personalities for years

and we’ve been looking at data that show

that flexor votes are healthier they’re

physically healthier the higher person

is in flexed aversion the lower their

BMI that’s from data from thousands of

people they’re also mentally healthier

flex devotes are less stressed the more

flex divert if somebody can be the more

coping strategies they will have at

their disposal therefore the more

situations they can manage and cope with

so obviously they’re going to be less

stressed this is some data of based on

data from Bonanno in Columbia University

they looked at people after 9/11 in the

u.s. it was naturally to be stressed to

be fearful to be angry and to be sad

even a year later they looked at the

people who were doing well who were the

best adjusted a year after 9/11 and they

found the flexed reverse were the ones

who were had adjusted the best and we’re

getting on and coping well with life in

the world of business Adam grant looked

at the characteristics of salespeople

think that extroverts would make the

best salespeople right they don’t

nor do introverts interestingly but the

people who were the most effective sales

people and who perform the best were

those who could be both extroverted and

introverted they knew when to talk but

they also knew when it was a list the

right to listen so they were flexed

averts flexor votes also show up frank

bond from City University conducted a

study in which he showed that the people

who were flexed reverted the most

psychologically flexible behaviorally

flexible people were less likely to

figure in the absenteeism figures and

this is some data from do something

different where we looked at people’s

ability to be tolerant of difference in

others and I think it’s really

fascinating that flex traverse are more

tolerant this graph the green bars are

the most important because as they grow

go up we’re looking at people’s ability

to be inclusive of others and tolerant

of difference and the ones on the left

are people who are low in Flex diversion

and the ones on the right are the real

high flex reverse they’re more capable

of seeing the multiple dimensions not

just in events but in other people as

well they’re more tolerant of difference

and when we live in a world in which we

seem to be getting less tolerance of

difference there seems to be more and

more hatred in the world I think this is

an incredibly important asset in making

sure that we can all live harmoniously

together so the good news is we can all

become flexed reverse restate three

things you need to do if you want to be

more flexed averted first of all you

have to stop you have to inhibit your

default response you have to stop

yourself going with a script then you

have to flip it

that means flipping the script

considering the alternative knowing that

you have choices and thirdly you must

use it you’ve got to do it put it into

action because after all we are defined

by our actions not our words so I

contend that the flexor

advantage is good for us all it’s great

for you for your relationships for your

physical and mental health and it’s a

tool that we all need going forward if

we’re to live harmoniously together and

make the world a better place

thank you [Applause]

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