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Vitamins in the Air | Jamie Koh | TEDxYishun

great health is important so important

that we wanted not just for a while but

for the rest of our lives so in turn we

wanted not just ourselves but for our

entire family a great film is not easy

to come by in 2012 the Ministry of helps

has released statistics that in

Singapore every 5 hours there is one

youth diabetes patients so at the end of

the event today there is one more and

this is not in this is not surprising

news surrogates ratio May and in 2012

and US release results showing that by

the age of 69 one in 3 Singaporeans wear

diabetes in a UN in 2014 has predicted

that in 2030 the cancer rates will rise

from 24 20 million to 21 million you

will actually rise by half by at the

moment in many developed countries

already the cancer rate is going towards

1 entry so look at the person next to

you and say it’s either you or me well

but you know that sounds like very bad

and breaking news but what I’m here to

stand for my talk today I’m here to get

everyone to think about health

differently and just look beyond the

surface beyond one is usually in this

conversation so we’re gonna start by

considering and please join please

participate let’s start by considering

what do most people think about when

told to take better care of their health

what do you think it takes to have

better health and vitality now I’m

guessing many of you are having images

such as these in your head right now you

might be thinking of this NGO activity

diet and you might also be thinking

mindfulness now all of these things are

very good but in today’s day and age if

we only rely on these for good health

then we are bound to be sorry

disappointed and I’m here to share with

you something even more significant then

all these things have on our health and

come on be honest do we do all of these

things no I’m sure always other very

clear honest with ourselves but not only

can people who do people not do all

these things but there’s something more

important so maybe this is this change

that we need to make today so come to

consider this this is the coefficient

now whatever it does whether it is

moving around eating or swimming or

sleeping it’s always in the same

environment of water you can’t take the

goldfish out of its environment and if

it has to leave if you want to bring

your pet don’t fish your best friend’s

house you need a bag and you need to

fill your water and put a goldfish

inside now we are actually the same as

the goldfish

we cannot leave our environment the air

and so that is why when astronauts go to

outer space they need to be one of these

things they need to be in a space suit

because outer space does not support

life and the space suit needs to provide

that life-giving environment but the

fact that we need air is not the only

reason why is important not consider air

and compare it with the other things we

take in every single day we might drink

two liters of water and we might eat two

kilograms of food depending on not

whether your little faith right but

these two liters of water and two cages

of food how does it clip here when we

look at air so do you want to guess how

much air we consume every single day so

let’s take a deep breath now okay shall

we let’s do this together let’s all take

a deep breath and breathe out as if

you’re blowing into above one over back

and one more time in and out now if you

do this for one minute you will have


two liters of air that makes in a day

11,500 liters of air in one year this

more than formally and in our entire

lifetime of 85 years

then we’ll make 357 liters of air and

this is way way more significant than

that where our food that we’ve always

been caring about most of us do not know

that our skin actually interacts with

the air around us so we don’t leave this

environment as filled with air and all

skin actually interacts with it and the

amount of air we interact with is so

much more and dependent on where we go

so think about this you know everything

that we do for health what what we eat

what we drink and what we do does it

happen in air but yet we pay so little

attention to it so here’s what I have to

share with us every you know for for

today’s key point it is every something

more important than whatever effort we

put into health a lot of us have there

is an image where we talk about a toxic

air and polluted air so yeah we know

this is bad for our health but today

that the images I have about air look

more like these these are places we span

out everyday life and they look nice on

day you know we actually spend time

decorating our home our office and put a

lot of money into it too you know

today’s talk I won’t be focusing on the

harmful substances that exist in these

environments I’m here to talk about that

our body doesn’t just mean an absence of

banned substances in the air a body

actually needs nature just get a read

out the bad stuff we need the good stuff

and when we think about nature we’re

meant to be in it we’re designed to be

in nature but look at where we are today

look at where we are seated right now we

do not have nature do we this is where

we live in there were small nature now

the thing about nature

is this there is something in nature

that is very important and vital to our

body and scientists have found out about

them a long time ago at the indignant

they need me this invisible substance

vitamins in the air now they are biting

into me and precisely because they are

so essential deeply essential in our

lives and for our health and we cannot

do without it so you know but you know

let’s make this a little more fun I

don’t just want to give you the answer

right so we don’t say okay but guessing

in the common game what am I so I will

play the character of this vitamins and

you will guess what it is okay so here

goes I am naturally occurring I am found

most abundantly in forests and

waterfalls you absorb me directly from

the air 15% read reading at 85 percent

who your largest organ the skin and that

means I get directly into your

bloodstream and when I get into your

bloodstream I help you by purifying your

blood by improving cell metabolism by

raising and enhancing your email system

and balancing your autonomic nervous

system bringing about a multitude of

physical benefits what am i some people

get oxygen we definitely oxygen but

there’s something more important than 90

minutes in the air that’s it’s actually

called anions or simply put negative

ions know to cut away at the complicated

science okay I’m actually not do that

sighs I like waiting okay but I’m gonna

make this really simple

basically atoms and molecules can lose

or gain electrons and when they do that

they become ions if alcohol ions and

when we our next charge electrical

charge is negative

they’re called negative ions and when I

met charge is positive they are called


and research has shown that positive

ions directly damage our bodies at the

cellular level but on the other hand

negative ions are extremely important

for body functions now research for

negative ions began a long long long

time ago and most notably by fillit

Leonard and there’s a letter in fact

named after him and that’s because he

found out that at waterfalls or

fountains where water fall from a great

height and hit I don’t wanna droplets or

a wet surface it actually produced

negative electric charge in that

environment and it’s found that

environment is actually very very

attractive and very very good for

physiological benefit so animals can be

found near waterfalls and after this

discovery loves more thousands more

paper has been done and many books have

been written on the physiological

benefits of negative ions so it’s not

something available already it’s really

established now let’s take a quick look

and see what the effects are I would

like to ask all of us have you ever

consider your body how it works or do we

just most of us we just open our eyes

and we wake up we jump any along so and

we just take our body wherever we want

it to go actually a lot of things has to

happen for our body to work our blood

has to be clean because our blood has to

bring nutrients and water and oxygen to

every single part of our body and remove

the waste from there any can we do this

one is clean our entire bodies made of

cells and negative ions is required for

the cell membrane to be more permeable

and we will appreciate our body more

when we realize how many cells there are

in the body scientists have done the

hard work of actually calculating on the

average we have 37 points

trillion cells in our body that’s three

seven two and eleven zeros okay I

memorize echoes I coming over how many

serves in a trillion but that’s exactly

how many yes that’s so many cells in our

body all need to work properly in order

for us we have this thing called health

and of course our immune system is you

know I don’t need it doesn’t need

further collaboration it’s all number

one hands first defense against anything

that could harm us and our autonomic

nervous system you might not have heard

of it very much but it does everything

that you don’t do whatever you mean by

you don’t do I mean you take care of I

know by exercising and brushing your

teeth things like that these are things

we do but all anomic nervous system

takes care of everything that we don’t

consciously think of from your digestive

system from your other are from your

endocrine system from our immune system

even so it’s something that runs on its

own and when it works well we’re healthy

and when it doesn’t yeah you really can

give us that help insomnia pain and

digestive issues

so please and these systems they all

work individually on their own our body

has a huge inter huge collection of

interrelated systems when there’s a

problem in one usually there’s a domino

effect and it affects other systems as

well can you begin to see why scientists

nickname negative ions vitamins in the

air do they sound vital to you there are

actually scientific conditions to

fulfill for negative ions to take effect

in our body so first of all we actually

need to have it in high densities you

need a large amount large concentration

of it second of all we have to have it

all the time thirdly it this large

concentration must be very close to our

skin do you remember how many percent is

absorbed through our skin eighty-five

problem is though the problem is where

we are living right now and has no

nature the environment does not support

any of these conditions let’s take a

look at some statistics to see what the

real picture is so these are from

medical journals or research they found

out the physiological effects of an ions

so what at what density creates one and

what effects on our body

and we find it when there’s a lock I got

CA means 100,000 and 500,000 I don’t

want he has natural self-healing ability

and then you know about 5000 it’s

important for our body and minimally we

need 1000 for our body to maintain is

healthy metabolism for this thing for

this machine to work mini Andes 1000 and

the critical thing is less than 50 it

induces physiological disorders so this

is quite critical so let’s see where we

are in and where we can find negative

ions so as you can see in nature and bow

at waterfalls multiple sites you can

have more than 5,000 to 50,000 90 files

but as we move closer and closer and

closer to the city as we get more and

more urbanized there’s less and less of

it and if you look at the cracker

Orencia you realize that in Singapore in

any urban city we don’t get a thousand

but what is the crux of the problem this

is this we add less than 15 users

physical disorders but this is where we

spend I would say 90% of all time we are

in some way off some side if you’re not

know how physical not in school you are

at a shopping mall you’re at a movie

theater or you’re at home so it is in

this environment that we are living in

right now so when you consider when we

consider three things first of all the

important functions that

bioethanol Bobby second of all how much

air we breathe in every day and third of

all how much more air religion

can we see why there’s a gross lack of

health in our current situation and the

statistics is amounting to a health

tsunami but for the biggest part of my

life I never knew this for 30 years I

had been searching for health I was in

deep need of health ever since I was

young before the age of four I had

contracted many you know multiple

respiratory illnesses and I had immune

system problems that led to debilitating

eczema and psoriasis and you know you

unless you’ve had it before

you cannot imagine a life that is filled

with pain every single moment that at

any time a flare-up can lead to a skin

breaking and cracking imagine having a

fall and scraping yummy and it doesn’t

heal for five years in fact one gets

bigger and many girls carry cosmetic

colleges in their bag I carry of the

safe key and there was a period of time

in my life for more than six months I

had no skin on either of my hands they

were covered with rashes and they flat

out all the time and I had to cover them

with bandages all every single day as I

went to work and the smell of undressing

them Eddy and on today was unbearable

it was depressing and I’d like to say

that you know I like to think that 30

years is a long time long enough for me

to find out you know all the different

ways of all the different ways to

improve my health but I realize that no

matter what I do I finally understand


in work because everything fell within

this category whatever I did or wherever

I went now consider what I like what you

know what if I told you that this

solution comes in a form of clothing

that illness a high-tech fiber invented

by the Japanese in the 1955 in 1955 and

it’s engineered to continually generate

high levels of negative ions power only

by static electricity and by putting all

this clothing the body is in the

environment of a forest on their natural

environment in fact I’m wearing them

right now

so you know today today right in my

short talk I’m just here to share with

everyone that we need to look beyond

what we usually look at many people look

at their diet and their physical

activity but he may forget about the

environment around us just like how the

outer space doesn’t support life our

modern city living does not support

healthy life so we need to start asking

ourselves new questions we need to ask

ourselves what kind of environment are

we interacting with what kind of

clothing do we wear where are we from

and how are they made

what do you apply spray wash and wipe

yourself with every single day but

detergent you use to wash your clothing

with what upholstery and burning do you

use and what furniture exists in your

home because this is one critical factor

might change everything we know about health thank you very much

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