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Antidote to suburbia | Epiphany Stransham-Ford | TEDxYouth@CapeTown

I’m going to my father’s and with great

difficulty am I got Heather yet now I do

not repent me of all the trouble I have

been at to arrive where I am my sword I

give to him that Chelsea seed me in my

pilgrimage and my courage and skill to

him they can get it I recited that quote

from John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress at

my father’s funeral last year from his

deathbed he taught me something profound

he taught me to stand with conviction

for what you believe in I’m standing

here today asking you to join me in

committing one small act to save our

oceans all life on Earth depends upon

healthy oceans oceans regulate earthly

temperatures and climate produced more

than half of the world’s oxygen and

recycle large amounts of co2 and most of

the world’s water my love for the ocean

has developed over the past two years

when i began diving in the kelp forests

and exploring along the intertidal zones

of k point i’ve always had a deep

connection to nature but I wasn’t so

sure about the creatures that lived

under the sea apart from finding the

ocean freezing cold it was intimidating

daunting formidable somewhat like my

father could sometimes appear to be so

when he encouraged me to go diving I was

reluctant nervous even scared however

I was soon persuaded and as I cautiously

peered under the surface of the water I

was met by the googly eyes of an

inquisitive clip vez staring straight

back at me that’s when I realized I

might not be the only one who was afraid

after all I must have looked pretty

scary myself in my monster goggles I

fell in love with that little fish and

so began my adventure into an alien

world beneath the waves I discovered

that the kelp forests created a

protected safe haven that I could

explore and at the sea magnificent and

powerful could be calm beneath the waves

somewhat like my formidable father who

is kind-hearted and generous benitez

crusty outer shell as I began to learn

more about the biology of the marine

environment it became more interesting

and engaging first I learned the names

of the different types of limpets these

pair limpets grow red algae gardens and

defecate which is the fancy word for poo

at low tide to fertilize their gardens

who would have believed that such a

simple looking creature was evolved

enough to be a gardener the many ants

starfish have recently become quite

abundant in false Bay most starfish are

known for their ability to lose limbs to

predators and easily grow back more

however this particular species of

starfish splits in order to replicate it

actually divides in half and then grows

an additional body and additional arms

so this is a crazy form of reproduction

one of my favorite and what I believe to

be by far the wackiest creatures I’ve

encountered other sea has she has

release a thick dark ink into the water

when they feel threatened so as to allow

them time to escape from

predators as I was exploring this

foreign new world my father was ailing

he had been diagnosed with stage 4

terminal cancer and had come home to die

he didn’t want to die in hospital he

wanted to die at home surrounded by

those he loved and cherished so he

nursed and took care of him in the last

month’s of his life my father did not

want to deteriorate slowly losing all

his faculties and becoming weaker and

more dependent he did not want to die

the death of a thousand cuts he wanted

to die with dignity so he brought an

application to court to allow him an

assisted suicide my father wanted to

relieve end of life suffering not just

his own but that of all terminal

patients so frail and weak and in pain

he fought to change the law in this

country while my father was confined to

bed I received a call telling me that

there were large sevengill cow sharks in

relatively shallow waters these sharks

grow to 2 to 3 meters in length and they

hunt seals and dolphins and being the

size of a rather large seal naturally I

was a bit afraid with butterflies in my

tummy I dawned on my goggles and fins

and full of apprehension at the start I

relaxed as soon as I was in the water

sheltered by the kelp I watched in awe

as these magnificent serene creatures

glided by as I recalled Mike dive with

the cow sharks it struck me that sharks

are the guardians of death in the oceans

you see sharks take out the weak sick

and injured so they don’t endure a long

protracted painful death

sharks mercifully put an end to

suffering and I began to draw an analogy

between the Sharks role in the ocean and

my father’s cause and yet a hundred

million of these magnificent creatures

are killed every year a hundred million

it’s hard to even imagine such a huge

number many sharks are killed merely for

their fins for shark fin soup once

defend in the ultimate act of human

cruelty these sharks are thrown back

into the sea finless we’re

heartbreakingly they sink and drown this

is just one of the many horrific acts of

humanity that are systematically

destroying our oceans yes there is a

pervasive cancer that is killing our

marine life and we humans are the source

of that cancer we’re polluting our

oceans at a terrifying rate in fact it’s

estimated that by 2050 they’ll be more

plastic in the ocean than fish borough

of fishing we fished out ninety percent

of the big fish in our ocean that’s

right only ten percent remain when I

learned this I decided I must do

something one small act so I decided to

stop eating fish and then persuaded my

mum to do the same which proved quite a

challenge as she loves sushi I’m not

saying that everyone must stop eating

fish but if you do eat fish twice a week

cut back to say once a week one small

act but collectively powerful we all

need to realize

that all life on earth is dependent upon

healthy oceans as our oceans produce

more than half of the world’s oxygen and

recycle most of our water with every

breath you take with every drop of water

you drink you are connected to the ocean

no matter where on earth you live the

however he didn’t benefit from this

victory as he died only hours before the

ruling this wouldn’t have mattered to my

dad as this has set a new precedent from

which all terminally ill patients will

now benefit my father taught me that the

acts of one person can make a difference

can change the law I’m going to my

father’s and with great difficulty oh my

god Heather yet now I do not repent me

of all the trouble I have been at to

arrive where I am my sword I give to him

that shall succeed me in my pilgrimage

and my courage and skill to him they can

get it it was too late for my dad but

it’s not too late for our oceans thank [Applause]

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