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Top-10 soft skills, и почему их стоит в себе развивать? | Anastasia Rylova | TEDxGorkyLibrary

today we will talk about soft skills and
why is it important to develop them?
listen to give questions we will start on
I really do not like lectures, that’s why
issue may periodically ask
there be an audience honors not
who were there excellent at school or
university still this way quietly
forget about speech when hesitate
I’m fine, I’m also on the housekeeper I
with it I struggle all life and from serious
In fact, an excellent student is a diagnosis that
very much interferes in your life in our
Career and in general in all that we do
because we are very much time
we pay to our professional qualities
we want to be the best in all we want
Ideal then then you just need
the minimum viable product of people
us as a person and an employee and to
Unfortunately, we have a biased focus before
plan that we develop specifically
our professional qualities that
are needed in our specific industries
in this case we
inevitably face a cruel
but I have a reality for a strong year for
head because unfortunately our
Professional quality is not all that
we need in order to be successful
especially given that this world we are now
with you we live we live in peace
which is characterized by four
English letters busy book which do
instability is not specific complexity
ambiguity we as excellent
have become accustomed to the fact that we all have certain
We are all stable and we always know
answers to all questions in our new world
we do not know these answers
moreover, and in fact for
study of about 65 percent in
of today’s first-timers
moments of job search will work
brand new items completely
new branches of which for today
There is no moment and being very
It is difficult to understand which of our
professional qualities we need
to invest our time I not only
reigning teacher
a little bit and worked with different
students as a major
not so and people who get a second
third fourth higher education
pistols are and in fact
Watching people in the audience realizing
and observing five such career
trajectory I see that always those guys
which shows very cool
knowledge in a professional subject
I add real success in
A career and not only do we have colleagues
we put interestingly what generally notes
Here these are the successful guys and at the very
business distinguishes them what I have
a fairly wide range of so-called
soft skills
namely from professional competences
which they grow throughout the entire
their lives because they are forced to
they do not so professionally know their
and they need to do something about it
further at us while at researchers also
there was a question well
Which of these soft skills
generally exist can be more acute and
more in demand among employers and employers
why is it so important
at the beginning we are as always like real
researchers from the fact that in general such
soft skills & hard skills that kind of
such strange strange words
if with the definition of hard skills all
it is more or less clear yes this it is ours
professional skills that help
We have a career in certain
branches in a particular profession
then as for soft skills & paint
a black hole is almost in fact there
A huge amount of the definition of what
it is over and over professional
skills and flexible skills someone calls
Someone’s communication skills
calls not centuries of interaction with
people in general, a lot of
The definition says that they are
return ananka which help us
to make a career and be successful ok
then we went to see what then what
all these are some tired sohatskie
that is, in the treatment that we can
take a look here in our market
it turned out that again very different
who so soft skills include
exceptional communication skills
the ability to interact with people who have something
applies only skills related to
our with our knowledge capabilities
some are here just skills
associated with creativity critical
thinking and so on and so on.
looked a lot of works to us more
just liked the work that was
done here the economy of forms does not know and
unreadable slide
Sorry, but unfortunately I had this
To include presentations, they made a report on the
future labor market profession and said
that there are 35 flexible skills
which is conditionally divided into abilities
basic skills and cross functional
skills so the abilities are divided into
cognitive and physical basic skills
share our content skills and process
skills a quality example it can be on
content skills active learning in
nym process skills and critical
thinking though there is a lot of them and
cross functional skills is divided into
social skills of solving complex problems
system skills management skills
and the technical sciences here I am and cool
list is there is a question a
russia participated in this study
did not participate as always all of us us
so it became interesting to us well what
all hands on the most popular from
employers of the Perm region that we took
went to the owners a
we went three different ways
firstly, we conducted a survey among
companies that are in any way
presented in the Perm region in the not
regional companies including
federal which are represented in
Perm Krai
We had about 387 respondents and
they are not just employees of these companies but
is the person making the decision to hire
employees, respectively, this level
any employees of any
leaders today the level of linear
managers or top management again
We also took part in the
this issue
the second way in which came to
employers it was the enemy from the ground and
The third way is in- depth interviews for
to understand more what we are in
finally got what results so
then so 10 of skills world Perm
Coincidentally I have about six skills
topo surprisingly in russia Perm region
in the first place was
customer focus
Considering that most companies in the
principle do not think about what they have
customers it was very surprising but
at least at least such a request is
also the ability to solve complex
complex task critical thinking
when dark is the stickiness to native
flexibility is cognitive flexibility
decision making and
intellect life even knows it again
Our company is great and that
interesting among almost all
We did not even include respondents in
top there was such skill as
sensitivity problems when we
further conducted in-depth interviews with us
it was necessary to understand in general why like
sensitivity of the problem is specific
very skill it turned out that the company and
waiting for people who will be globally
Change their business and see the problems in that
What do not see the company today when
are engaged in operating activities and
this is especially important because the company
they do not talk about it somehow thoughtfully
what was farther we thought
good Perm edge
survey of 387 respondents a lot of questions on
Let’s do the research methods
something more interesting, let’s
Let’s see what p10 of skills will be
relevant for the whole of Russia
how do we do it we are in Perm
a lot of companies that we do not have
Presented how we can reach
It seems that decision-makers in these
companies need to use some kind of
other methodology and here we have come to
help our hardcore skills with
hard viscous and our team members
who know how to parse data
we use
one of the key head hunter resources and
looked where there is a mention in general
these 35 skills that are listed in the
international accounting has turned out
a remarkable sample of 205 thousand
observations and then there it turned out
a lot of top-10 soft skills
here we have 5 skills with the world
rating and thus in the first place the
there is active training which is very
important skill and talk about it very much.
many companies when we did
focus groups and in-depth interviews and we
understood that the company say we are cooking
all teach the main thing so that a person could
learn second place coordination against
me to negotiate also
customer-oriented and problem-solving skills
A difficult task is what we have
The second in coordination is, in fact,
know how to coordinate their actions and
The other members of the team
collective in which you are and so
and when soft and soft skills you say
but if I do not want to work some
company if you ever want to practice
my business or I have absolutely
another trajectory is nothing like ours
research took part and
corporations and small medium-sized businesses and
owners of businesses and 100 tables
respectively, if we talk about
corporations do not pay serious attention to
Only to what you come to them well
and how you grow inside the company and how
you develop those skills that you have
there is more often than not this
technical chord skills, namely
software startup opener team understand
probably the version before that it’s people who
interchangeable and the team in which
very important and communication is people
who must be able to think critically
while being creative in general is
such a person orchestra
to appropriately uniquely well its
business tell a blog if I own
Why do I need all this as
minimum emotional intelligence
client-oriented Astana
and so on then I would still need and
so that you can thrive like
develop a difficult question because yes
if I
hard skills this story about
training training teaching practice
learning the soft skills is
only about what you get
experience and you analyze and again
therefore, that awareness of
Unfortunately, I conduct such a course that
is called except the puzzle
this is a story about what to understand at all
where to go in which direction
career and
and this is not only for students
who are just beginning this career this
including for people who I
continue and here is a story about
I see very rarely this awareness
a very complicated story because in fact
business to understand what to me
something is missing before you need to sit down and
honest with you to talk or run into
on some kind of error of life which
really it will give us this
understanding of the right to error
I adore the error story because
only errors are the most important
life experience and the only
note here that not only the right to
error but it is not important to analyze
why this happened only then as for
it becomes clear again that I
did something wrong and like them and I can get to
the result I want
so correctly set goal is all
know the principle of smart lock
he knows how to set goals and that’s fair
mister etc.
not adults and children are not welcome kids
are best able to set goals because
that the usual goal I want
develop emotional intelligence
why in what period as you will it
do not understand the goal accordingly
should be maximally yes you have
measured time course and so on
so all I ‘ll see buy skelaxin
russian translate as roughly speaking
Action because if you will
go for classroom training that
you will be told that you are developing
any of your soft skills are all nonsense
I think that you should apply this to
your daily practice in your work
In your life if it is necessary for your
Life, for example, I will give an example
I’m actually a very modest person
for the whole life
I struggle with a certain
problems of public speaking today
I am also acting to this
so overcome the problem
ten thousand hours principle
no one canceled if you want
to acquire some skill in his development
you need to spend at least 10,000
hours for you to be in
in some form or another, and at the same time
we need to understand that
flexible or over professional skills
these are things that can be developed within
there is no limit to the time
accordingly you have a principle
of michael elen when you study in
throughout your experience and
flexible skills I almost all of you
probably thought
maybe one of you will think and I’m the same
not excellent for me it does not
applies and only then they have such
I have absolutely no problem with it.
Unfortunately, if you think that you
enough one hordes nods for that
To succeed in a career and in
life unfortunately is not present and if you want
be competitive tomorrow at
labor market and the day after tomorrow and it is desirable
in 5 years through ten, probably
it is worth thinking about how to start
of today to develop their own and software
skills and be successful
Thank you
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