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The Story of a Wildlife Conservation Photographer | Balan Madhavan | TEDxThiruvananthapuram

I started photography in 1987

that’s almost this is my 30th year so

when I started photography there were

just four people in Kerala doing relay

photography and none of these four we’re

professionals in fact I was the first

professional photograph I shoot

endangered wildlife flora for our wild

speeches but if you ask me the most

endangered species in India is a

professional wildlife photographer and I

should hotels

I shoot hospitals I shoot for Kella

tourism in fact all the pictures that

Kerala Tourism used during the first ten

years from 1992 onwards through the 2002

which brought millions of tourists to

Kerala were shot by me but that was the


I was the in fact destroying nature with

my pictures I’m a crazy guy you know

like I shoot nature and and sell it to

tourism and these tourists come and

destroy our land so this is a reality

I’m talking about but before that let’s

just just to understand things what is

nature photography what is wildlife

photography if you look at the textbook

it says that it is a visual

documentation of the endangered or

otherwise flora fauna or animals living

in their natural habitat right but if

you asked me uni real skills you have to

be really fast because in nature

photograph you cannot say excuse me

eagle can you just hold on it doesn’t

happen so you need real fast reflexes

but if asked me really I would tell

nature photography is the training in

the art of disappointment because you go

to the that beautiful landscape the

elephants are there you wait for the

moment they turn the other side and walk

away it happens all the time but in

between nature will give you these

beautiful pictures so these are the

moments that the whole work

but my whole life it gives this

beautiful moments it’s a spiritual

experience for me so that is the way I

consider a trade nature photograph in

fact I can happily go to the forest

spend one we can come back without any

pictures I don’t have any complaints but

2000 changed everything digital came now

everyone in this audience I know you are

all photographers because you all have a

camera on your mobile phone right every

one is a photograph for now so it change

the whole lot of things even in wildlife

photography so what happened to us

hundreds and thousands of people have

now taken a photographic they are

hobbies but very good hobbies with very

good equipment and beautiful skill they

make amazing pictures but let me tell

you one thing the most important talent

that a photograph or requires it is not

equipment it doesn’t mean whether you

have this 600 mm bazooka or a Stinney

camera what is most important is that

your ability to see the image your

ability to dream about the image that is

the most important thing if we can

really dream about the image then you

can achieve those images I’ll give you

just two examples I was taking a small

group of people to Masai Mara and on the

fourth day we haven’t seen a cheetah at

the driver suddenly some cheetahs are

there let’s go and within five minutes

he stopped the car in such a take the

picture of the sheet I said where are

the cheetah where of the cheetah so look

down sir

so when he looked down three feet away

from the tire of the vehicle this

cheetah was lying down I said this is

not my teacher I want to shoot the

cheetah in its beautiful landscape but

the cheetah was lying here but since I

knew the behavior of the cheetah I

looked around then I saw a big acacia

tree which was falling down

lying there I said take our vehicle day

so we took our vehicle and I said let us

wait within two minutes the cheetah got

up walk towards the tree and climbed on

top of the top of the tree now you see

so this is what I say the power to dream

you must be able to dream and everywhere

you go you need to find those pictures

the pictures are around you all over all

around you but you have to isolate and

locate and make the picture this is what

we saw in Lake Nakuru it’s a place where

you have a million flamingos but why it

is my picture then we search for them

such among these million birds and you

have to find the frame that is what I

did with my next picture this is what we

got the way I’m drilling isn’t I am for

me this talk is basically for the future

generation of nature photographers I

want them to dream don’t fall for the

equipment don’t ever fall for the you

but just dream and make pictures in your

mind all the time

now let’s come to this digital era no

there are hundreds thousands of people

who are shooting and they are all

traveling in beautiful Safari vans you

go into company you go to other places

and and they are shooting see this is

what happening now you go to company you

go to bundle good then we have named out

the Tigers there so why does muchly so

much alesse that side okay this is only

Shere Khan so and people are just just

madly madly following Tigers and the

Tigers also have got hooked now if you

go to Cal Khanna or company and unless

you take out your own DX smart tool and

a 600 more fitted onto it the tiger is

gone look at you look at you it’s a

reality so when they’re all these things

happen one day something different

happened I was sitting with the tribal

chief inside period I guru self who

knows me very well and after you know

that inside the forest by 7:30

everything is over is pitch dark

so this tribe of old chief asked me

balancer I know you I knew a dad also

you have been coming here for a long

time you are making lot of pitches which

got you a lot of awards Fame everything

but let me ask you one thing

for all these greatness that nature has

given you what have you given back to

nature when you take from nature

and when you take again from nature we

thought getting anything in return

isn’t that visual that moment changed my

life up to that moment I was just madly

trying to achieve things it was just

about me my fame my success why I’m

telling is that the new generation of

photographers you are making great

pictures but you are posting it on

Facebook and you are getting this

million likes oh my geez vows out of the

world what is that doing to nature what

is it giving back to nature nothing so

when I was going through this

confrontation and pain one fine morning

one lady knocked on my door and

introduced at Milan my name is Christina

meter Mia I am the executive director of

the International League of Conservation

photograph was I would like to welcome

you to join our organization that was

the biggest honor I ever got in my life

let me just so what is IMCP

planet earth is changing vital

in an unprecedented move the world’s

leading conservation photographers have

like a visual army their images are

fighting the Battle of our threatened

bringing their passion influence and

talents the frontlines together we can

inspire change together we can make a

the International League of Conservation

photographers is a group of 60 people 60


except for me every other one is a

National Geographic photographer but

they took me into that Lee what we do is

very simple the world is changing and we

don’t have time and there are so many

people working for working to protect

our planet Earth and photography plays a

major role James Balog the great

photographer who was chasing ice for his

whole life told once a photographer in

the field is the first witness to change

so we are the people in the field when

you’re walking we see the change we see

the climate change we see what’s

happening to our rivers what’s happening

to our our oceans we see and we don’t

have time so in sort of one photograph

were working on a detail long project

let us all come together and we focus

our multiple talents there are

underwater photograph was there an

aerial photograph was so all of us come

together and work on a specific target

and we produce the result across the

world now conservation agencies

conservation organizations are calling

us to translate their research document

into a visual movie I’ll just give an

example we all have problems on the

Western guards imagine tomorrow the

other eppela karate place is going to

come up what will happen lot of forest

area will be destroyed so some results

scholar will be doing a detailed

documentary and finally he’ll bring out

this 800 page research report and give

it to our chief minister sir please read

this this has got all the information do

you think he’s going to read it okay

I’ll read it oh isn’t it but if we can’t

do that we can translate that 800 page

documentary document into a ten minute

multimedia presentation and we can show

it to the world this is what going to

happen so the end of the day my purpose

is very simple use images for a purpose

that is the only difference between

wildlife photography and conservation


you can just translate images and you

can make people believe when you shoot

this you also shoot this this is very

important because when you shoot that

only show the beauty of nature we have

forget forgetting other side when you

show this one you show the other side also thank you

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