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The quick start guide to creativity | Shelley Carson | TEDxYale

we are all of us in possession of a

powerful and transcendent creativity

machine our amazing human brains

creativity is defined as the ability to

combine diverse elements into novel and

original ideas or products that are in

some way useful or adaptive creativity

is not a single process but a set of

complex stages and cognitive mechanisms

and our brains are built for this task

think about it all of the marvels of

human ingenuity from Transcontinental

railway systems to rockets to the moon

to life-saving medicines to the

uplifting strains of Beethoven’s Ode to

Joy to fashion magazines and referring

back to James talk even the recipe for

bacon-wrapped cheese sandwiches all of

these work began as a seed of an idea in

a human brain just like ours I study

creativity and our amazing neural

machines 20 years of research has

convinced me that we all have a

remarkable creativity potential but

there’s a gap between the potential and

our reality many I’m afraid have bought

into the idea that there are creative

people and uncreated people and for one

reason or another they’ve put themselves

in the second category and simply left

all creative endeavor to others one of

my goals as a researcher and also a

world-class appreciator of that vast

cornucopia of human creativity products

is to narrow that gap and to broaden the


of those who have blocked their innate

creative ability to that end two

different advances recent have shaped my

research first no imaging techniques

have allowed us to peek inside the

brains of highly creative individuals

what we see is barring serious brain

injury we all have similar brain


it’s the activation of those structures

and the networks they form that

distinguish high creative individuals

from those who are less so now granted

there are some genetic influences but

second research in the fields of

cognitive rehabilitation cognitive

behavioral therapy and neurofeedback

have shown us that we can alter and

influence our behavior brain activation

systems we can change our brains and

alter our brain activation patterns this

is really a great time in history to

have a brain

now combining those two areas of

research brings me to what I want to

talk about today one highly creative

people activate their brains in certain

patterns when they’re engaged in

creative work and second if we can learn

to imitate those brain activation

patterns of highly creative people we

can enhance our own creativity and by

doing so we can enrich our lives and the

lives of those around us I talked about

brain activation patterns as brain sets

because brain sets are really the

biological equivalent of different mind

sets just as different mind sets affect

the way you see the world different

brain sets affect your perception the

memories you call to mind and even the

way you solve problems so what brain

sets of highly creative people might

influence our creative process let’s

look briefly at a set of seven brain

sets that I feel embody the most salient

mental aspects of human creativity and I

call this the creates brain set model

it’s based on your science research from

our lab and from labs around the world

as well as my interviews with over 400

creative achievers and biographical

information from creative luminaries

both past and present so you can think

of this brain sets model as sort of a

QuickStart guide to your own creativity


and we’ll start by looking at the brain

set that I call the reason brain set

certainly a state that is very important

to us as human thinkers it’s a state of

focused attention in which we are

processing consciously information in

our working memory in order to solve

problems to make decisions and to set

goals all goals that are very important

in the creative

this state is characterized by

activation of what’s called the

executive control network in the brain

where lateral aspects of the prefrontal

cortex are highly active these are the

control these are called the executive

centers of the brain using much of the

same circuitry the evaluate brain set is

an even more focused state of attention

here creative ideas that we’ve generated

can be judged and screened for relevance

and appropriateness there’s certainly a

place for evaluation in the creative

process but be warned that judgmental

states of brain are poisonous to

creative idea generation and what we

found is that highly creative people

tend not to spend very much time in the

evaluate brain set instead they prefer a

set of brain activation states that are

characterized by the activation of

what’s called the default mode network

at the brain now you can see in this in

this graphic that this is characterized

by activation of center line structures

in the brain and the volume on the

executive control areas on the sided

brain are turned down brain sets that

are associated with creative idea

generation are also characterized by a

state called cognitive dissonance in

cognitive dissonance

you are aware of information that is

ordinarily screened out of conscious

awareness by a set of automatic

filtering mechanisms these filtering

mechanisms are important and necessary

to keep us from being overwhelmed by the

vast amount of stimuli that our brains

process at any given instant

but research in our lab and in other

labs indicates that highly creative

people prefer states of cognitive

dissonance and also that their filters

these filtering mechanisms are somewhat

looser and more porous the loose filters

of cognitive dissonance allow more

information into conscious awareness

that can provide content for novel and

original ideas so three brain sets are

associated with the generation of

creative ideas and let’s look at them

individually the first is the absorb

brain set which is a state of D focused

attention and cognitive dissonance in

which your mind is open to new

experiences and ideas imaging research

suggests that this is the gateway to

those aha moments those moments a

cognitive inspiration that may feel like

they come out of the blue or even that

they are coming from somewhere outside

of ourselves William Blake the visionary

poet believed that his ideas came to him

from visiting spirits that were jostling

him to get his attention a subject in

one of our studies a prominent

songwriter believed that the song she

composed were actually written by the

Angels when she received them by

sticking up some sort of antenna and her

brain to pull them in now the reason

these creative inspirations feel so

foreign is because they’re being

developed below the level of conscious

awareness and only feed-forward into

consciousness during moments of

cognitive dissonance if you don’t spend

much time in the absorb brain set it’s

likely that many potential ideas would

simply fade away without ever having

reached the threshold that would push

them into conscious thought so how can

we get into this absorb brain state

there are several evidence-based ways

one is to

practice openness meditation as you

practice openness allowing your thoughts

your emotions and your sensations into

awareness and observe them

non-judgmentally it increases your

ability to enter this brain set for

instance right now take a deep breath

and become aware of where your feet are

touching the floor become aware of all

the places where your body is touching

the seat and become aware of all the

places where your clothing is touching

your body and now become aware of what

you can hear other than my voice as we

open up to sensations we’re loosening

those cognitive filters another way to

enter the absorb brain state is by

walking in places of natural beauty many

creative insights have occurred as

people walk in nature as you walk in

nature you are surrounded you’re

bombarded by sensory stimuli on all

sides and this D focus is the attention

and dis inhibits cognition and by the

way when you’re in the shower you’re

also being bombarded by stimuli on all

sides which is why I believe that we

come up with so many good ideas there

another state that allows you to

generate creative ideas that’s what I

call the connect brain segment and this

is a state of divergent thinking where

you’re able to generate multiple

solutions to a problem by making

connections between remotely associated

bits of information this is a great

one way that research indicates we can

reliably enter this state is through

elevating our mood as your mood becomes

more positive your attention broadens

and it becomes easier to think

divergently and creatively and generate

more ideas so to this end I recommend

that you make a list of things that

reliably elevate your mood and brighten

your day like shopping now if buying

that new pair of shoes or that new Golf

Club happens to be an item on this list

remember that you can just tell your

partner hey I’m buying it to enhance my



the final grains that that’s associated

with creative idea generation is the

envision brain set a state that’s

devoted to mental imagery this also by

the way activates much of the mental

circuitry that’s associated with actual

vision the ability to see in the mind’s

eye what does not yet exist is a

hallmark of creative thought as

Michelangelo and Einstein have both

attested vivid mental imagery is a skill

that can be enhanced through practice

and one of my favorite exercises for

practicing it is this take yourself

mentally to a place where you’ve

experienced serenity in the past this

could be a quiet forest or perhaps a

beach and see hear feel and smell all

that is around you

do this for several minutes each day

adding more and more detail to the

experience and this will not only

enhance your ability

to visualize it will also give you a

mini mental vacation the transform brain

set is a state of inner focus where you

transform negative emotions into

creative output many creative people

have produced excellent and moving work

when you’re in a low mood you can

express this through writing putting

paint to canvas through music or other

creative medium for instance Duke

Ellington said I merely used the energy

creative expression activates the reward

centers of the brain and you don’t need

to be the victim of your low moods but

you can use them for creative ends

finally we look at the stream brain set

and this is a state where ideas and

motor performance seem to flow in a

smooth stream without conscious willful

control it’s a state that we see in

improvisation in jazz and in comedy to

state associated with flow or being in

the zone some research indicates that we

can get closer to this state this very

desirable state by practicing

mindfulness being in the moment so for

instance if you’re preparing a meal just

savor each ingredient as you savor it’s

the way it looks the way it smells and

its texture so these are the seven brain

sets but I think our most salient to

creative to human creativity

now research indicates that not only do

highly creative people prefer to be in

brain sets associated with cognitive

dissonance that they also move more

flexibly among the brain sets than those

who exhibit lower creativity and that’s

important because it allows them to take

the novel and original material

generated and disinhibited states and

process it and organize it in the reason

and evaluate brain sets to make it more

useful and adaptive we can learn to move

back and forth between brain sets as

well we can practice this and one of my

favorite exercises to practice it

although this is not scientific is to

alternate in 5-minute blocks between

solving a crossword puzzle which

activates the reason brain set and using

words from the crossword puzzle to write

a mystery story which activates the

connect and the envision brain sets so

in summary what we’ve seen from highly

creative people is that they generate

more creative ideas by matching their

brain set to the stage of the creative

process at hand and moving flexibly

amongst the different brain sets with

practice we can do this too and then we

can narrow the gap between ordinary

performance and creative possibility

our brains are powerful creative

machines and each of us within that

machine has a unique repository of

experiences memories knowledge and

skills that no one else on the planet

has that means that you can come up with

new ideas that no one else in the world

can possibly do I challenge each of you

to expand your palette of brain sets to

explore to invent to express in short to

take advantage of the unique and

precious resources that dwell within

you [Music]

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