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Test before you invest, use analogs | Dottie Metcalf-Lindenburger | TEDxSnoIsleLibraries

Translator: Ines Azabou Checker: Riyad Almubarak
How to try a new idea,
Especially expensive one, or will it require a lot of effort?
For exploration and planning we can use analog.
Comparisons are less expensive,
An easier understanding of creation,
It provides a realistic test environment for our ideas.
Are you considering launching a new business?
Or maybe you have a project you wish to try,
But have not you done it before?
You may need to consider analog.
Therefore, analogies are probably more familiar,
With the terms we use such as “Flight Simulator”.
As you know, if you want to be a pilot and lead a high performance aircraft,
You will not just jump behind the controls and take off.
Instead, a new pilot will sit in a high-resolution simulation
With a coach, maybe even a full crew,
Learn how to operate this aircraft,
Recognition of failure,
And then be able to do it themselves.
Of course, the agenda, the curriculum has been planned.
But they will have individual learning that will take them away
On the areas they need for improvement and success.
This is similar in our medical community,
Where we use medical pygmies to teach our doctors, and our nurses –
Maybe a few of you even took the CPR section.
Then in science we use experimental studies before we go and launch a large project.
So, why do we use analogies?
Well, because analogies are more than just a model.
They are able for us to test our expectations.
Because analogies bring together many smart people,
It expands our horizons
Because all these people make their contributions.
And because we go through actions, we actually do something,
Then we are able to lead to learning and discovery.
So, I would like to tell you about analog
Which I participated with NASA.
As you know, NASA plans
To go to the surface of an object somewhere in our solar system soon.
Whether we go back to the moon,
Or to the asteroid closest to the Earth,
Or even on Mars,
We have done a lot of tests and preparations before we get there.
Theories are one of the ways we do.
So, for example, if we want to go to an asteroid near the Earth,
We wanted to know how we could sample it,
So we know if there are useful resources,
And how our solar system actually formed.
There are perhaps ideas we can use translation lines,
Much like the ropes we created here on the ground to do rock climbing.
Or perhaps packs an airplane, or a vehicle.
Of course we will live closer to these bodies, to the asteroids,
And then go to visit them.
Therefore, analog I participated in 2012
NASA’s extreme mission was called the Environment Mission,
Or Nemo, because they are under water.
Of course, we were actually looking at how to sample the asteroid.
So, it is more than just a model.
We went to the actual vehicle 62 feet below the ocean surface,
Five miles off the coast of Florida.
It is called the habitat of Aquarius.
It is in the size of the bus.
Six of us were crew members,
Actual astronauts live under water together
In a highly hazardous and isolated environment.
Similar to the space station?
We had a small task to take over the team again on this coast.
In this control group, of course,
We had these flight controllers working in Houston.
We had the same people who taught us as astronauts.
We had engineers who build tools,
So they can see what was broken,
Or what we found useful or not found.
We even had a trip doctors there
To see if contact delay has affected any of the things we were doing.
Another important person that we have is a safety diver.
For obvious reason to provide safety,
But because they also helped to make this less expensive,
Because they help normal weight
Any of the equipment did not have time to make a prosperous neutral,
As well as provided an unknown point of view
Because they were around us at all times.
Therefore, we went out to test these hypotheses
About how the asteroid actually works.
Every day, we used to wear our suits and put on our helmets,
We would go out in the morning, and in the afternoon,
To walk on space.
We started on translation lines.
It was fast
This is not the most beneficial way to sample an asteroid
Because we imagined
Most asteroids will be loose debris on the surface.
The translation line does not allow you to stabilize yourself well enough
Unless you really scoop only loose material.
If you want to get something more,
It just will not work,
A group of sediment will kick and that will be dangerous for you.
So, then we tried to pack a plane.
Air Packages! How wonderful is that?
Except we found that it may not actually be wonderful.
Do you remember safety divers?
They were able to point out that in this environment of water,
The water provided clouds,
So he was holding us close to the surface from which we took samples.
But if you’re really in an asteroid,
You will have to put the pulse in your plane pack
For each sample you want to take,
Which will quickly waste your fuel,
And put you in an unstable position.
So, however wonderful they may be,
We realized that plane packages are probably only good for safety measures.
Finally, we brought in vehicles.
In this case, it was submersible.
This led to our great discovery.
The car was able to take us in position.
Now we can sample both loose material and fixed material,
Even using larger tools,
Because it was much like working out a robotic arm.
They provide a level of safety
Because we had an astronaut sitting in the car
And able to take care of us and our vision.
If we work with another crew member,
It can be seen all of us at the same time.
Because of the mass of the car,
Our input on the asteroid will not be wasted Payment:
That a block of that car would carry us into place.
Now the question becomes:
If we go to an asteroid, or other body,
No matter what, we still learn,
The number of vehicles you start meets together
To do this learning.
This leaves for another analogy.
Now, let’s bring it back to your thoughts.
Maybe you’re thinking about opening a new restaurant.
What would analog?
Well, try having four ways to feed and the parties to go back
With the team you plan to use.
It will help you flow
None of the things you need to overcome before doing so.
Or maybe you are responsible for the safety of your family,
Or the safety of your co-workers.
Well, does your plan really work?
Have you put it in place,
Or is it just written in close?
Consider running an authentic drill
To see if the 10 year old is really willing to help you
If you are helpless.
Or if co-workers know how to use AD or other equipment you have.
Finally, maybe there are some of you in this room wanting to go to Mars.
Maybe you want to consider signing up
One of the analogies in which NASA takes volunteers,
Or go to your track with the Mars Society,
Or things like the biosphere.
To test new ideas in large projects,
Especially those that are expensive,
Take a lot of effort and require a lot of time,
We can use analog
It leads to discovery and learning.
thank you.
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