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Signed, A CODA | Renata Sindicic | TEDxUTampa

hello you feel left out well that’s

exactly how 5% of the world feels and

that 5% is why I’m here today

I have tons to talk about but I’m only

gonna tell you a few of the most

important things you should know I am a


which stands for child of deaf adults

and the biggest question I get is how do

I speak so well well first of all my

parents were very involved in making

sure that I didn’t feel left out or that

they would hold me back just because

they were deaf so they brought me to

speech therapy arranged tons of

playdates and encouraged me to read tons

of books so now that you know a little

bit more about me let me elaborate on

what you’re probably thinking there has

to be a difference between me and a

normal child okay so there’s one thing I

can think of the average kid hates going

to parent-teacher conferences well I was

usually at most of them because I had to

interpret good thing I was a good noodle

we have been socialized to think that

everyone we encounter will speak as I

was growing up and I introduced my

parents I was shocked at people’s

reactions they would just apologize to

me say my life must be sad or weird and

ultimately I would just get nervous and

embarrassed because who wants to be

different in today’s society and this is

what my TED talk is all about in our

society we’ve created this narrative of

the deaf community as uneducated a bad

kind of different and that they have low

jobs being deaf is a disability but it’s

an incapability in fact there have been

many notable deaf persons throughout

history for all the girls listening


Juliette Lowe was the founder of Girl

Scouts and for all the boys who love

superheroes Lou Ferrigno played the Hulk

in the original series and personally my

parents have shown me that anyone can do

anything the desire they were the first

Brazilians to graduate from Gallaudet

University and together they run and

founded an international business my

dad was also the first to bring Brazil

the tty system which is a system that

allows the Deaf to communicate through

typing messages back and forth almost

like a typewriter

despite their accomplishments the deaf

community struggles with society’s views

and structure a few weeks ago on the

news there is a family from California a

deaf family who barely escaped the

unforgiving flames of the California


they were sleeping unbothered unaware

and separated from the rest of the world

that was vocally alarming all the

residents to evacuate immediately this

is just one example of what the deaf

community goes through and I want to

find these solutions as a business major

I’m always thinking of unique invention

that will forever change the world or

make me a millionaire

on that note technology has been a

breakthrough it has expanded the human

knowledge mind and capacity according to

Forbes magazine the top incredible

technologies have changed the world

where self-driving vehicles voice

interface technology such as new Google

home Alexa blockchain which is the

technology underlying Bitcoin 3d

printers and micro service architectures

as you can see anyone can attest the

fact that our hearing world is booming

with technology yet the same cannot be

said for the deaf world we have been

inventing and developing technologies

for multitude of reasons that all seem

to make our lives better but some

problems especially for the Deaf go

beyond recognition now how do you

contact your doctor your plumber or your

child’s teacher you just call them right

you pick up the phone dial the number

and you call them now how do you watch

Netflix watch YouTube or check your

email the answer is one word that anyone

in the world would know Wi-Fi now what

if your Wi-Fi decided to shut down in

the middle of your Netflix series what

do you do simple you call them pick up

the phone dial the number and you speak

to them however a deaf person is very

limited to their options in fact the one

and only sister

they have to call on is the video relay

service which allows a deaf to call in

to an interpreting service who then

speaks the phone user essentially it’s

the middleman between the person on the

phone and the deaf person this video

relay service only uses Wi-Fi the

problem doesn’t just lie and the lack

the technology is great but it requires

a human component interpreters something

that is often brushed off when a deaf

person requires an interpreter whenever

my parents would arrange a doctor’s

appointment I would usually have to tag

along to tag along to interpret even

though they scheduled their appointment

almost three months in advance so that

interpreter would be present the

unfortunate reality is that there’s not

enough assistance readily available or

enough individuals who care enough to

take the priority to understanding that

interpreting for the Deaf is very

important doctors are supposed to be

there for us they’re supposed to help us

but for some reason the Deaf is always

left out their appointments ended up

consisting of notes back and forth to

each other which often doesn’t get the

message across and leaves a lot unsaid

the problem doesn’t lie with just the

lack of interpretation but also the lack

of relaying the information accurately

recently during a police conference they

found out the interpreter present was a

fraud the access to information is a

basic human right and when there isn’t

enough people to relay that information

accurately the Deaf falls behind this

fake interpreter shows that we don’t

hold the same standard for the Deaf

today we talked about my life growing up

in society’s perceptions of it being

difficult the technologies for the Deaf

and how interpreting is very important I

hope that you all adopt that not

everything the same is the same for a

deaf person but it’s not any less of a

life nobody should feel left out not the

not a cent a sec thank you [Applause]

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