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Sales is not a dirty word! | Lisa Newman | TEDxUWA

sails is not a dirty word I want you to
remember a time when you said to
yourself I can’t do this well if you
were with me in July of 1995 you’d be
clad in rubber and stood on a pontoon in
the middle of the ocean smell that salty
sea air ladies and gentlemen welcome to
the Great Barrier Reef what you’re about
to experience today is probably the
closest thing you’re ever going to come
to flying unaided and as we descend down
into the crystal-clear blue ocean coral
fish I look over at you you’ve got a
mask on your face and your eyes are
literally bulging out of your head you
are so nervous but I’m not nervous I’ve
just got this voice in my head Lisa Lisa
what are you doing down here you know
you shouldn’t be here you know what the
doctor said come back with me a week
before and if you are with me at the
time you’d be sat in the plush offices
of the specialist we sat on those
leather chairs you know the kind when
you’re so nervous you lose back seat
Hills legs stick to them the smell of
antiseptic hangs in the air and sitting
across from us is this huge mahogany
desk and behind that huge mahogany desk
is mr. tall dark they’re very smart I
wonder how long you got to go to school
for to become a neurologist Lisa
I’m sorry love but we’ve done the tests
the the EEG in the cat scan and when you
thought you fainted the other week you
didn’t faint you actually had a seizure
all the reports show that you have
epilepsy I’ve got what I’m an epileptic
are you kidding me I’ve got one of the
only disorders you can’t have if you’re
a scuba diving instructor you ever been
told you can’t do what you love anymore
I was a human fish I lived in Far North
Queensland I dived on the Great Barrier
Reef every single day I was gonna do now
well I do what I do when I don’t know
what to do I go home right here to Perth
Western Australia and it’s a couple of
weeks on and you see me sat in my family
home it’s dinnertime
pretty sure mum’s cooking a curry
tonight and we’re sat at the dinner
table and my dad’s at the head of the
table now for those of you who know Bert
Newton my dad is basically a dead ringer
except with a pommy accent for those who
you don’t know who Bert Newton is let’s
just say he goes by the nickname of moon
face Lill Lill
he’s like full-on eyeballing me lil you
can’t dive anymore love you your mom and
I worried sick dad I know all right I
know I can’t dive but what am I gonna do
what am I gonna do now well no have you
ever thought about coming to sell cars
with your old man I’ll get off dad we’re
gonna sell cars yeah the salesperson
that’s your gig bill yes dad
what do you been doing out there on the
roof this whole time I’ve been diving
dad no what have you been doing on this
reef the whole time I’ve been diving dad
okay well let me rephrase this have you
been taking people out of their comfort
zone and getting them to try something
they’ve never tried before yeah I guess
a week later I’ve replaced my wetsuit
for a business suit and my my fins have
been replaced by a very uncomfortable
pair of high heels I’m stood in a
showroom glass to ceiling light shining
through those shiny black showroom
floors and that unmistakable smell of
brand new car okay look professional
here comes the boss later later I can
hear you from my office you’re talking
them into the sale and you’re talking
them out again you’ve got two ears and
one mouth use them in that order
I’ve got what I’ve got two here’s one
now oh I can’t do this
and the winner of salesperson of the
month is Lisa Newman it was six months
on from that dreaded first day and as I
stood there at our monthly sales meeting
with my shiny new award in my hands I
felt home it felt right but more
importantly I loved the feeling of
helping people you see sales really
isn’t a dirty word and when you think
about it sales has been around literally
since the beginning of time when that
beautiful Eve plucked that juicy apple
off the tree what did you do she sold it
to Adam come on baby take a bite and if
you look at all the top wealthiest
people in the country they’ve all got
one thing in common they all sell
something to someone sure some not as
directly as others but at some point in
their careers they’ve had to learn the
art of influencing others and what an
incredible wealth they’ve created I mean
imagine having such a cool product or
service you could literally change the
think about that bloke that told us once
he could we could have a thousand songs
in our pocket
he wasn’t a computer wizard he was a
sales wizard what about the virgin that
tempted us with tickets to the moon it
all started with sales and what about
you maybe you have a great product or a
great service or the dream of a great
product or service but when the time
comes how will you get it into the right
people’s hands who’s going to buy it
from you but moreover how will it get
the true justice it deserves
imagine having a sales tool kit you
could literally reach into and get
access to like knowing who you should be
selling to for example because our
products and services we love them so
much we’re so passionate about them we
often think that everyone is going to
want to buy them right wrong
unfortunately there’s the 80/20 rule but
what do I mean by the 80/20 rule it’s
basically this 80% of your business
comes from 20% of your clients and it’s
this 20% that you want to be targeting
you know so many times in business I see
people trying to be everything to
when wouldn’t it make more sense to
start being something to someone
yes selecting the right clients is just
one element of that sales toolkit that I
spoke about and it’s helped me in ways
you wouldn’t even imagine in 1999 I
decided to head east and if you’re with
me on this warm summer’s day you’d be
stood on the pavement in st. Kilda Road
Melbourne and as we stand there our eyes
lift up and look at this enormous black
building in front of us emblazoned
across this building is this huge guy
with an electric guitar Wow a radio
station I wonder if they need
salespeople my jittering hand literally
reaches out and presses the UP button on
the coolest-looking rockstar glass
elevator and as I
up the voice starts you can’t do this
you’re not good enough for this
Lisa Newman we think you’d make a
fabulous radio sales executive here’s
the yellow pages
there’s your desk now go find us some
clients I kind of slunk down into my
little sales cubical looking at a
computer I knew nothing about with my
yellow pages and all these really chic
looking Melbourne people all around me
no clients no clue I literally it felt
like someone had just pushed me off the
edge of the continental shelf covered in
weights and no air in my tank that was
19 years ago and I’ve had an incredible
career in the radio industry since then
so much fun and all along the way has
been my beautiful little sales toolkit
but it wasn’t until 2013 that something
really turned you ever been given a crap
present yeah well it’s my 40th birthday
and my best friend she looks like a
Barbie doll but she’s got the IQ of a
brain surgeon she decides to give me
this voucher thanks Cara what is this
you know when you get those presents
you’re like what were they thinking so
it’s a multi speaker event come on Lise
come along you’ll love it you’ll love it
oh whatever
so off we go to the Perth Convention
Center and we’re sat there amongst 5,000
other people and one after one these
salespeople keep coming up on stage
trying to sell a stuff everything from
Bitcoin to online internet guru to
foreign exchange wizards thanks Cara
then all of a sudden this little English
bloke walks up on stage here we go
what’s this gonna with what this guy
gonna try and sell us raise your hand if
you’re good at something yeah I guess in
fact raise your hand if you think you
might even be an expert in that
something or 19 years of sales I guess
yeah I guess I’m an expert well you’re
being selfish I’m being what you’re
being selfish because you’re not sharing
what you know he then goes on to tell us
this little story about a girl at
Christmastime a young girl wakes up on
Christmas morning do you remember being
you know 6 and 7 years old and so
excited about Christmas morning she
cannot help herself she runs downstairs
and checks out the Christmas tree and
underneath the tree this huge pile of
beautiful gifts now this little girls
pretty click it pretty clever clever
because she’s worked out how to pick the
sticky tape off the present without
tearing the paper so she starts on
present one and she looks inside and
she’s like what they got me this gift
last year opens up the second gift same
gift as last year third gift same fourth
same fifth same she cannot take it any
longer she runs back upstairs she pushes
open her mom and dad’s bedroom door and
she’s like guys what happened it’s like
you’ve wrapped up all of last year’s
gifts and given them to me all over
again why would you do that
the little girl looks at her mum and the
mum bends down and she says darling
use your gifts this year and I’ll give
you more next year but here’s the thing
share your gifts this year and I’ll give
you double next year because life won’t
give you any more until you do something
with what you’ve already got boom there
it was sat there in front of 5,000 other
people that little voice struck up again
maybe you should sell your share your
love of sales a turning point if ever
there was one
you know I’ve realized that sales is the
oxygen to every single business and if
we can sell our business will thrive and
what about you you know maybe at the
moment maybe you’re working in a
position that doesn’t exactly require
selling as such or maybe you’re studying
but whatever it is you’re doing or
whatever it is you’re going to be doing
imagine if over and above all of that
you could master the art of influencing
others or as I like to call it sales
sales is not a dirty word thank you
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