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Reaching Beyond the Attainable | Cathy Zhang | TEDxYouth@WISS

when we were children young toddlers

primary school kids with aspirations

that were so very extraordinary we

dreamed of being astronauts inventors

revolutionary pioneers who explored

ideas with nothing to hold them back as

we grew up our dreams for the future

became more essentially realistic and


this has partly become because we become

more aware of the difficulties that have

yet to be overcome and choose to pursue

careers that lead more comfortable

promising lives now I do not in any way

speak ill of this decision it is

practical and many if not the vast

majority of us conform to this decision

however we should not completely quell

that spark of ambition that we had as

young children it is it is not entirely

impossible and can potentially yield

amazing results imagine being the first

to land on undiscovered alien planet

imagine being part of the researchers to

allow for human civilization and

survival on set planet imagine

developing a strategy to allow for

completely sustainable consumption of

energy with no limitations do you see

the potential and perhaps even the

responsibility that we hold in refining

the world that we live in let us step

outside the threshold certainty and take

risks to reach beyond the attainable

isn’t being Ivy isn’t being a risk-taker

one part of the ivy learner profile

anyways science is an effective medium

through which the theme of reaching

beyond the attainable can be explored

first let’s delve into physics there is

a theory that we potentially live in a

multiverse where there exists many

different parallel universes but outside

our reach

theoretically this is due to the idea

that there are potentially more

there Brian Greene a physicist from

Columbia University described this idea

stating that our universe is potentially

one of numerous slabs floating in a

higher dimensional space Plato’s

allegory of the cave reinforces this

idea imagine that there are prisoners in

a cave and they have their next change

so that they’re forced to stare at a

wall they cannot look around at each

other or add themselves there is a fire

behind these prisoners which casts a

shadow on objects that look like animals

onto these walls now more transpires

after this point let’s stop here

Socrates an Athenian philosopher stated

that from the perspective of the

prisoners the shadows are their reality

as that is all they have been able to

see from the start of their lives

they’re not aware of the 3d world around

them now consider our position of course

we’re not prisoners and we’re not forced

to stare at a wall but what if there

were more dimensions that we could not

perceive this relates the idea of

parallel universes reaching existing in

parallel in dimensions that we could not

yet detect now you may be wondering what

do these have to do with reaching beyond

attainable well it is hypothesized that

an infinite number of possibilities

exist inside these parallel universes

and it is indubitable that we have yet

to achieve much more

thus anything is possible if we

figuratively put our heart into it

before we fall down the rabbit hole of

molecular physics astrophysics and

quantum theory let’s move on to

biotechnology we used to think that many

of the accomplishments and inventions

that we created today were impossible as

a prospect we thought that they were

beyond our reach and too advanced for us

however we have achieved many of these

inventions and attained and

accomplishments as of today and it is

indubitable that we have yet to

accomplish much more reinforcing the

we can now genetically engineer products

to treat ailments for instance in the

past insulin insulin was extracted from

the pancreas of cattle to treat humans

with diabetes well today

a synthetic insulin which was previously

thought to be impossible to create has

been made possible through years of

perseverance in addition we can now take

stem cells from a healthy person to

treat those who are ill isn’t this

simply astonishing

if we keep pursuing such ideas can you

imagine the products available in the

future perhaps we could allow for an

appointment that can heal cuts in an

instant to exist perhaps we could find a

universal cure to all diseases

prosecutors put a stop to add to

bacterial resistance to antibiotics such

ideas reinforce the idea that anything

is possible and we should strive to

achieve the most that we can in addition

to biotech there has been a major

scientific breakthrough in the world of

chemistry researchers organizations and

universities are striving and scrambling

to be the first to achieve and create

metallic stable hydrogen to allow for

major technological advancements namely

in the field of electronics hydrogen is

a gaseous element under standard

conditions but finding a way to change

and maintain its solid form converts it

into its metallic form where it could

allow for superconductors supercomputers

ultra efficient modes of transportation

and much more scientists in Harvard

University have recently been able to

create this product however the the

quantity is very small and scientists

must also now find a way to maintain the

stability of the substance under

different temperatures and pressures as

it does not have such capabilities as of

now we used to think that metallic

hydrogen was not possible to create

however through years of perseverance

such products have been made possible if

we keep pursuing such ideas such

impossible tasks can be made possible in

the future integrating all these ideas

together we should strive to achieve

more than what we think as possible as

it can potentially yield revolutionary

discoveries the physics sample given

above conveys that there are an infinite

amount of possibilities

anything is virtually possible who knows

what our timeline holds this is not

strictly applied to those who are

interested in the sciences

if you want to be an entrepreneur don’t

be afraid to take calculated risks if

you’re interested in technology there

are a myriad of technological products

today that can reinforce this idea

furthermore if you want more living

proof just go console Elon Musk and his

many accomplishments the central the

central question of this TEDx talk is

what if what if we can achieve we can

reach beyond the attainable we can

achieve much more perhaps in the future

we could allow for time travel to be

possible remember all those times we

thought the future is full of flying

cars who says that is entirely

impossible the central idea is that we

should strive to achieve more than what

we think is possible is as it is not

entirely impossible and it is not

entirely impossible and potentially

yield amazing results and the scientific

illusions in this talk reinforced this

your own vision starts with you and the

possibilities are endless thank you

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