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Quarter Life Crisis | Jessica Murdoina | TEDxMEC

when I was in the 12th champion as such
student I found myself gravitating
towards becoming a nuclear scientist
soon enough I realized it was not a
subject that should be the charming
personality of the professor
but when John Travolta came on the scene
the swinging of the pendulum seems to
interest me even remotely because I
found myself swinging to the music of
the Bee Gees and the smash hit movies of
that year Saturday Night Fever and
please and until I graduate as a zoology
student majoring in genetics and at that
time all that wanted to us was getting a
job and that which paid on time job
satisfaction or kill your progression
was unheard of all that mattered was
money and an organization if you
prestigious increased a decent one we
were happy we had a job that paid on
time I started my career with 34 hotels
nothing to do with genetics or zoology
what it was gaveta job in a prestigious
organization fast forward to now
Millennials are looking for jobs that
make them happy and money is not all
they are also looking for a job a career
than Delta can
and maybe work or engage in an activity
that I help them contribute versus
sadly that’s how what is happening right
Porter life crisis or identity meltdown
court left traces or identity enter and
I’m sure many of you agree with that
it’s a facebook life where you feel you
haven’t achieved enough nothing is
working for you and that you’re missing
out on many things in life because
you’re so focused on your career on your
which incidentally is doing nothing for
you it’s boring it’s monotonous it’s
maintaining let’s face it the transition
from teenage to dorsals to evaluating
tastes a completely different route in
many cultures of countries across the
world and it is very different in India
here until the age of 18 11:21 majority
of the
sorry for you Balotelli’s because they
have this plan for you because they want
you to do bail they have a bail total
plan but my question is do well it what
the line was asked to be a speaker of
this forum after the opportunity to
speak with a lot of young men and women
who are going to the spotlight presses
and some who managed to get out of it
and some who make peace with it and I
was able to concur
quite a few points with them the three
most important points that stood out
were one
parents must allow the children to make
decisions about higher education because
the child knows best
secondly schools must appoint career
counselors or build Ohio faculty that
can impress and influence
from the age of 13 Hertz a roots up
approach not trickle-down I’m told in
China that was that grassroot level
career opportunities need to be created
across all the streets of education not
just a chosen few if you want your
children to be happy and successful as
it is you need to let them make
decisions and take responsibility for
therefore parents can be guys but she
won’t be decision makers and the solar
this happens at 18 or 19 not at 30 or 31
the better is the resilience the
tenacity of these youngsters as they go
through life’s experiences as they
acquire life skills they come out
stronger more grounded better equipped
to handle any kind of crisis but if they
will let it go to that level let it
become crisis at all in the first place
I understand that it will not be
possible for you to act on all these
things immediately and collectively but
taking one step at a time will make a
huge difference
today I would like to reach out to all
of you here and others who might watch
on this for today’s crisis I would like
to share my version of the theme
influenced adapt overcome and maybe help
charity begins at home parents and
extended family the world is extended
you can imagine what that means must
break away from this I was made to
suffer so should you
mentality or we didn’t have a tool in
our time we got on with it
so should you advise
times have changed they are changing
competition is fierce a utilization is
the key world children must be allowed
to explore the possibilities and
opportunities allow available to them to
discover what they’re interested in
educational institutions must set up
dedicated service to help students
discover their their talents lying what
they are passionate about today
technology affords many avenues many
and if students improvise on these
available to them they can discover what
they are talented a very passionate
slide there ha moment and they can then
use this energy this passion vistas
curry to set to fix the same integrity
for their role of the future generation
recently a very panic now
in one of the articles and I would love
the most significant aspect and a set of
our life is a combination of the certain
amount of time and certain amount of
energy time moves and the same pays for
each and every one of us it’s only
energy that we can manage and if as
youth today you can direct this energy
find the clarity finding the balance and
still it in a positive direction it can
translate into something extremely
rewarding and tremendously satisfying
the improvisation is not work by this
change is not going to happen overnight
and on that but it is a first step in
the right direction a steady trickle is
better than a drip
and come back to this conversation with
the youngsters one thing that all of you
told me was that you have no say in
choosing the subject until the
graduation level you were actually
forced to opt for those subjects you
will promise that there was a great road
sadly it did transpire like that
naturally some of you were disillusioned
some of you just turn it on and some of
you adapted yourself into liking it and
eventually enjoying it but have the case
of if you can’t beat the game joined
again social media constant connectivity
on-demand communication and
entertainment with some of the
technological innovations that you as
Millennials got adapted to HIV and
therefore it is understandable that
halfway through your career your whole
your restless because it’s not doing
anything for you and half willand
because you didn’t want to be there in
the first place interestingly all these
youngsters have
told me that elusive their mind that
they would like to change something
about it so my suggestion is use these
same technological innovations to
upscale yourself to upgrade yourself the
American futurist and the table during
his book if you get time he said learn
and relearn three very powerful and
pertinent words for your generation
learn unlearn freedom so if you decide
to take a break so this job URM it’s not
doing anything for you your upskilling
will provide you with additional
qualifications of certifications you
have your work experience to back up it
aside to take a sabbatical for whatever
the reason may be you know you want to
take list you just want to give up this
time different job and become an
entrepreneur good for you you would
gather your thoughts maybe think about
relocating to another town or city or
you want to work on your professional or
make sure the sabbatical is the
different to find a time frame because
if you get too comfortable in the
sabbatical you might end up receive the
bus if you change yourself you can
remember what Charles Darwin said it is
not the strongest that will survive nor
the most intelligent it is the one that
is most adaptable to change or failure
happens because we feel to that success
will be yours if you adapt successfully
you try this I don’t see meta-crisis
can really say huh easier said than done
then having been in an always-on
technological environment you can make
this work both ways meaning you can
allow this crisis to leave and
everlasting and lifelong impression on
you or or you can let its effect be
muted and fade away eventually then when
would it be like for me to say that as
Millennials you work in environments
where there are a good number of Gen X
hard work leads to kill you through
question and rewards therefore it is
completely them two very strong
qualities patience endurance Millennials
want to see the same result but they
want to see right here right now because
you grew up in an environment
the results are instantaneous millenials
are often portrayed to display an
attitude of entitlement an unrealistic
sense of ambition but that is not
entirely true because of your upbringing
because the lifestyle they were exposed
to they are unable to take decisions on
career progression and rewards
thereafter without the guidance of
senior mentors they left the initiative
and through active qualities that are so
essential to change their ambitions or
to overcome any setbacks or stumbling
remember that Sookie Toulouse yes it is
okay to nose because when you face
trials and tribulations when you’re
learning to deal with your fears the
problems with adversities and at the end
of it when you emerge triumphant when
you emerge
ivenna you certainly feeling that the
effort was worth it that life is worth
would say that all is not lost
I strongly strongly believe that all is
not lost every one of you in this room
you have it in you to be who you want to
be there you want to be what you want be
believe in yourself and if we you
haven’t in you to be who you want to be
what you want to be very want to be I
believe that myself in my career
spanning 24 years I worked in various
domain dust trees and how did I manage
that I improvised I adapted and changed
I took risks and faced challenges head
on and I overcame many many
cities in my life and the most important
thing I asked killed all along and I’ll
continue to ask you even today and Here
I am standing in front of you doing what
I’m always passionate about our boss and
I always will be and if I can do it so
can you
you have so much more energy 100 200 500
times energy more energy than me stop
the fire within your heart with this
passion with this energy discover define
what success means to you what happiness
means to you what winning means to you
and when you use this passion and energy
within you to stop that fire you can let
the sparks fly to discover your very
moment you success you happiness the
beauty in what otherwise seems like a
chaotic and uncertain future
I guarantee you will emerge a winner
then you improvise adapt and overcome by missed wishes to you thanks very much
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