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Power is an Inside Job | Morgan Field | TEDxOakParkWomen

so I propose that we are using
definitions of power that are wildly
outdated and it is costing us a lot
mentally emotionally and physically and
we don’t even know it
for me the subliminal messages that I
received from the world around me
growing up was that the path to power as
you go to high school after high school
you go to college after college you find
a mountain to climb that is a job and
that is when you’ll feel powerful and
confident insecure so I did my due
diligence and I chose the corporate
mountain and when I walked into the
corporate mountain I set my sights for
the top there was a very prestigious
position that I just knew and I got
there that’s when I would feel exactly
how I wanted to feel this thing that
people were talking about this power
thing that’s when I’d feel it so for six
years of my life I sacrificed I
conquered I competed I did whatever it
took to get that position and I will
never forget how it felt when they
called me and they said Morgan we would
the absolute euphoria the Bliss I
finally understood what power meant I
and after the second day this feeling of
power that I had chased for so long
began to be fleeting and I had a very
cold sobering moment of a truth with
myself where I realized that I had
sacrificed six years of my life for two
days of momentary fulfillment I started
to get conscious on what was the cost of
this blindly following someone else’s
path to power letting someone else
define for me what power means this
picture is the best representation that
I could find of what my life looked like
when I was so powerful this is a version
of me who had more money than I knew
what to do with my condo was beautiful
my car was paid off I was sleepwalking
through my life what you’ll also notice
in this picture is I’m literally passed
out and what happened was is I would
often work 18-hour workdays to show how
committed I was and I was sacrificing my
body and I would treat myself or let off
some steam and have some relaxation via
a bottle of wine on top of that this
version of me had five autoimmune
diseases one of which was sinusitis
which is a chronic inflammation of the
sinus cavities and I constantly had to
medicate myself to get through my life
so this is a picture of me with benadryl
and wine and I wish I could tell you
that this was
an anomaly but it was not this is what
my life looked like when I was following
someone else’s path to power so I
started to think about what does power
actually mean and I began on this path
where I started to enlist other people
to help me explore and I remember there
was a woman who asked me a question that
changed it all she could see what was
that I didn’t actually feel worthy of
living an amazing majestic life and she
said Morgan do you know how lovable you
are I was confused so she rephrased
can still feel the emotions that I
experienced I was confused and I was sad
I was confused because no one had ever
stopped to ask me how did I feel on the
path I was following did I love being me
I was confused because if they had asked
are you confident or successful by what
I perceived confidence to be back then
which was my ability to achieve I would
have said yes but do you think you’re
lovable I could not get the word yes to
come out of my mouth and in that moment
I realized that I had power so wrong and
it awakened me to realize that
I needed to go within for my own answers
and so I took the leap I left the
corporate job just because it wasn’t my
jam and I started to ask myself
questions like Morgan what do you want
what do you want to experience what do
you want to learn what do you want to
explore where do you want to go and my
life became about finding the power that
is inside me as you can see from this
picture I now actually go out in the
world and climb real mountains instead
of corporate mountains I asked myself
and what else do you want Morgan this is
me learning how to fly a plane I laughed
because when I was sleepwalking through
life not many people had an opinion or
asked me many questions but they sure do
have an opinion now that I’m living why
do you want to learn to ply it fly a
plane because I want to because I want
to that is powerful desire and what else
do you want Morgan as you can tell I
like to fly this is me on my 36th
birthday hang gliding because I wanted
to feel what it was like to fly like a
bird because I just wanted to it may not
be your thing
but there’s something inside you that
you want to do that you want to learn
that you want to be that you want to do
but you have to give yourself permission
to do it you will not find the
permission from the outside world this
is a picture of me I I love this picture
it’s actually one of the most recent
pictures I gave myself permission to
honor a lifelong dream that I had of
living somewhere warm and I bought a
convertible and I now drive around Miami
with the top down just because it makes
and so it’s about giving yourself
permission to change the internal dialog
that allows you to take into
consideration how much time you spend
loving being you and here’s what we’ll
tell you this version of me this version
of me now has healed all five autoimmune
diseases because when you’re off your
path your body tells you your body
screams at you that you are off your
path and oftentimes we medicate and when
you’re on your path what you’ll realize
is that your body celebrates you and so
while this was a journey to get to where
I am now and it did not happen overnight
what I want you to know is that if I can
do it so can you
and there are two questions that you can
ask yourself all day every day
consistently that will allow you to
really step into more of your own
majestic life whatever that means to you
and the two questions are what would
allow you to love being you even more in
this moment tomorrow next week
consciously being the master creator of
your own life and what do you want and
what else do you want and what else do
you want and in today’s day and age we
are all choosing to do so many different
things I’m watching women stay at home
with children climb corporate mountains
grow epic empires it’s just
understanding that no matter what it is
that you choose to do and be that you
make sure you don’t lose yourself in the
journey that you don’t sacrifice
yourself and consciously asking yourself
where in your own
life might you be subconsciously
sleepwalking where in your own life
might you accidentally subconsciously be
handing your power away and letting
someone else define power for you what
paths might you be blindly following and
handing that power to someone else you
get to be the master creator of your own
majestic life and what I have learned is
that power is actually an inside job and
to me that is an idea worth reading
thank you
[Applause] [Music]
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